R 1212 ~, , ' ,. ) . , 't , RESOLUTION NO. 1212 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERENCING THE PREVAiliNG WAGE SCALE AND DIRECTING THE CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION 8IDS. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 74-1 (RUTH ANN WAY) WHEREAS, proceedings have been heretofore Instituted under the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California for the construction of certain public works of Improvement In a special assessment district entitled "ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 74-1 (RUTH ANN WAY)"; WHEREAS, It is the intention of this legislative body to also call for sealed proposals or bids for the doing of said work and improvements In said assessment district; and WHEREAS, It Is also the intention to determine the rate of wages for the various classifications of workmen required In the performance of said work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HERE8Y RESOLVED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTI ON 1. The above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. Said assessment district Is hereby known and designated as ASSESSMENT IHSTRICT NO. 74-1 (RUTH ANN WAY). SECTION 3. Is Is hereby determined and ascertained that the general pnavelllng rate of per diem wages In the locality in which said work described Is to teperformed In the matter of the construction of certain public improvement wor1t together with appurtenances in the assessment district under the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft or type of workman or mechanic, Is In accordance with the schedule attached as an exhibit to the Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, and said schedule so attached is hereby referenced, incorporated and made a part of these proceedings. SECTION 4. Attached hereto Is the form of Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals or Bids for the construction of the works of improvement in said district and the terms and conditions in said proposals are hereby adopted and approved. SECTION 5. The proposals or bids shall be opened and examined at a public meeting so called; and said results of the bidding shall be reported to the legis- lative body at the next regular meeting after the opening of the bids. On motion of Councilman Splerllng, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, Jr. and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Splerllng, Gallagher,Jr., Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None A8SENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this d day of March, 1976. ~,,~, ATTEST:. -i8...4--A . del (?~ MAYO C I TV CLERK I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ResQlutlon No. 1212 Is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 23rd day of March, 1976. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th day of March, 1976. (SEAL) ri,~f~'~~~ C I ty er 0 the ty CD rrc;:,o Grande ~.. ') . ' " J . NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 74-1 (RUTH ANN WAY) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Clerk, on behalf of and as authorized by the City of ARROYO GRANDE, State of California, will ~ecelve sealed bids up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 20th day of APRIL, 1976. Said bids will be opened at said time and the results will thereafter be referred to the City Council for consideration at their next regular meeting. Mailed bids should be addressed as follows: CIty Clerk CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P. O. Box 550 (214 East Branch Street) Arroyo Grande, California 93420 PROCEEDINGS The works and Improvements hereinafter mentioned are authorized pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act af 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and said project will be fl nanced pursuant ta bonds be I ng issued accord Ing ta the terms and provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915:' being Dlvlslan 10 of the said Code. WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT The construction af certain street Impravements, Including grading, paving, curbs and gutters, drainage Improvements, sidewalks, street lights, gas dlstrl- butlcm Hnes, water lines, sanitary sewer Improvements, together with underground communication and electrical facilities In RUTH ANN WAY AND OTHER STREETS, In a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 74-1 (RUTH ANN WAY) PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS All af the above work Is to be done under contract In accordance with those certain plans, specifications and drawings contained in a "report" contemplated by Resolution of Intentlan No. 1210, cansldered and approved on the 23rd day of March, 1976, and other contract documents duly adopted and approved, to which "Repart" and documents, reference Is hereby made far a description of said work and Improvement. PROPOSALS PrapDsals must be submitted on the blank forms prepa~ed and furnished for the purpose and which may be obtained at the. office of the City Clerk and City Engineer. At said office, bIdders may obtain caples of the plans, profiles, and specifications for the contemplated Impfovement. BONDS The cantractor will be required to furnish with the contract a faithful performance bond In the amount af One Hundred Percent (100%) af the aggregate amount of the bid, and a labarand material bond In the amount of Fifty Percent (50%). The contractor will also furnish certificates of Insurance evidencing all Insurance coverage as required by the specifications has been so secured. PREVAILING WAGES NOTICE I~ FURTHER GIVEN that there has been heretofore established a prlvillln, ritl and seall of wig.. in accordancl with law to b. pild In thl constructIon of the above entitled Improvements. The slid rate and lcale wal Idoptld by Resolution No. 1212 on the 23rd dlY of March, 1976, Ind lion fIll In the office of the CIty Clerk. The said rates and scales are herein referred to and ldopted In this notIce as though fully and campletely set forth hereIn, and that slid scale IS adopted by said Resolution Is made a part of this Notice by reference. J .IV -----..--- . ) I . J , . , PAYMENT Payments will be made In cash to the contractor in accordance with the provisions of the specifications and on itemized estimates duly certified and approved by the Superintendent of Streets submitted In accordance therewith, based on labor and materials Incorporated into said work during the preceding month by the contractor. The first progress payment will not be made until after delivery of bonds and receipt of monies thereof. BID SECURITY All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Arroyo Grande amounting to ten percent (10%) of the bid, or by a bond in said amount and payable to said City, signed by the bidder and a corporate surety, or by the bidder and two sureties who shall Justify before any officer competent to administer oaths, In double said amount over and above all statutory exemption. Said check shall be forfeited or said bond shall become payable In case the bidder depositing the same does not, within fifteen (15) days after written notice, sigR the contract. AWARD AND EXECUTION Any award of contract will be made subject to the receipt of moneys and proceeds from Issuance and sale of bonds. The contractor shall execute the contract within ten (10) days after he has been notified In writing to proceed, and shall commence construction within ten (10) days after contract execution and shall complete all the work and Improvements within eighty (80) working days after execution. The City Council hereby reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any Irregularity, and to award the contract to other than the lowest bidder. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the bid opening. DATED: March 23, 1976. cfty 1~ ot1h~ ~ft:~rande State of California -.. -~ - 2 - ~;..\..., ~. .~ . ' '"\ . , J .../ ; . . EXHIBIT "A" PREVAILING WAGE SCALE SCHEDULE Classification General Prevailing Hourly Wage Rate. Stra I ght TIme Overt lme Saturday . Sunday He lI_y OPERATING ENGINEER Asphalt or ccncrete spreading operator (tamping or flnl shlng) 11.95 16.48 1&.48 21.Dl 21.81 Asphalt paving machine operator (8arber-Greene or similar type) 11.95 16.48 1&.48 21.01 21.01 Backhoe operator (up to and including 3/~ yard) 11.85 16.33 16.33 20.81 20.81 Concrete pump operator (truck mounted) 11.95 16.48 1&.48 21.01 21.01 Crane operator(up to and Including 25 ton capacity) 1 I .95 16.48 1&.48 21.01 21.&1 Engineer oller 11.02 15.085 15.085 19.15 1'.15 Grade checker 11.95 1&.48 16.48 21.01 21.01 Heavy duty repairman 11.95 16.48 16.48 21.01 21.01 Hydra-Hammer operator, Aero Stemper 11.65 16.03 16.03 20.41 20.41 Mechanical berm, curb or ,utter machine operator asphalt or concrete) 11. 85 1&.33 16.33 20.81 20.81 Motor patrol-blade \ operator(slngle engIne) 12.06 1&.&45 16.645 21. 23 21.23 Power concrete saw operator 11.53 15.85 15.85 20.17 20.17 Rol1er operator (asphalt or finish) 11.85 16.33 1&.33 20.81 20.81 Ro11er operator(compactlng) 11.65 1&.03 1&.03 20.41 20.~1 Rubber tired earthmoving equipment operator(slngle engine up to and Including 25 ya rds truck) 11.85 16.33 16.33 20.81 20.81 Rubber tired scraper operator (self-loading, paddle wheel type-John Deerel040 and similar unit) 11.95 16.48 16.48 21.01 21.01 Screed operator (asphalt or concrete) 11.65 16.03 16.03 20.41 20.41 Shovel, backhoe, dragllne or clamshell CJperator(over 3/4 yard i up to 5 cu.yrds. manu. 11.95 16.48. 16.48 21.01 21.01 facuter's recommended capacity) Tractor operator-bulldozer; tamper, scraper(slngle engine _ up to 100 HP flywhee.1 i similar types, up toi Including D-5 i similar types) 11.85 16.33 16.33 20.81 20.81 Tractor operator(any type larger than D-5-100 flywheel HP & over, .-- or similar) (bulldozer, tamper, scraper & push tractor, single eng.) . 11. 95 16.48 16.48 21.01 21.01 Trenching machine oller 11.28 15.475 15.475 19.67 19.67 Trenching machine operator (up to 6 feet) 11.65 16.03 16.03 20.41 20.4.1 Trenching machIne operator (over 6 fOGt depth capacIty, Manufacturer's rat Ing) 11.95 16.48 16.48 21.01 21.01 Tl'uc:k c:r..,. .1.1.1' 11.28 15.475 15.475 19,67 19.67 - 3 - ~ '\ .. ... . . J . . Class IflcatlQn PREVA) LING WAGE SCALE S~~EDULE - CCllttt.. Straight Time Overtime Saturdn Sunday HfllNl LABORER Asphalt ra er,luteman and Ironer 9.71 13.175 13.175 16.64 '6." Asphalt shoveler 9.50 12.86 12.86 16.22 16.11 Concrete saw man, cutting, sCGrlng old and ,new cone. 9.71 13.175 13.175 16.64 "." J'I..-" 9.40 12.71 12.71 16.02 1'.. , Guinea chaser 9.58 12.98 12.98 16.31 1'.11 LliltGlrer,generalor const. 9.40 12.71 12.71 16.e2 1'.. o,.ratlDr of pneumat 1 c ,gas , electrIc tools,vlbratlng IPIchl-nes ~ s I m liar mechan I ca 1 tools not separately classi- fIed herein 9.71 13.175 13.175 16.64 16." Plpelayer performing all servIces In the layIng ~ Instanatlon of pipe from the point of receiving pipe In the dltc:h until completion of Cilperatlon 9.91 13.475 . 13.475 17.04 17." Tamper operatar, Barko, Wacker ~ slmlla.r type 9.71 13.175 13.175 16.64 16." TEAKSTEIl Driver of vehIcle or. combina- tion of vehicles of 2 axles 9.95 13.575 13.575 17.2& 17.a. Driver of vehicle or combIna- tion of vehicles of 3 ales 10.10 13.~ 13.80 17.50 17.51 Driver II1f vehicle or combIna- tion of vehicles of 4 or more axles 10.35 14.175 14.175 18.00 18.. DrIver of all off-highway equipment within Teamster Jurisdiction 10.90 15.00 15.00 19.10 19.'. Driver of ctll\1P truck(less than 12 yds. ,water level) 10.03 13.695 13.695 17.36 17.36 Driver of dump truck (12 yds; but less than 16 yds. water level) 10.11 13.815 13.815 17.52 17.52 Water truck drlver(2 Ixles) 10.13 13.845 13.845 17.56 17.56 INter truck drlvad3 or more axles} 10.25 14.025 14.025 17.80 17." :_ IRONWORKER ReInforcIng Ironworker 13.095 22.875 22.875 22.875 22.875 Fence erector 12.205 21. 095 21.095 21. 095 21.'. CEMENT MASON Clment mason Journeyman 19.95 14.395 18.20 18.20 18.2. CARPENTER Carpenter 11.50 20.03 20.93 20.03 20.03 FE~CE. CGHSTRUCTOR LebGrer 9.30 12.61 12.61 15.92 15.92 Post hole digger (an methods except manual) 9.61 13.075 13.075 16.54 16.5it PAINTER Brush palnter,sandblaster 9.08 13.235 13.235 17.39 17.39 Sandblaster, Iron and stee-I pelnter 9.33 13.61 13.61 17.89 17..9 Spray painter 9.58 13 .985 13.985 18.39 18.)t - 4 - '~ I V ~,