R 1204 , -----. ,,-eil' -' t< RESOLUTION NO. 1204 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAHOE, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ON THE 2ND DAY OF MARCH, t~76, DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW. WHEREAS, a regular general municipal electiol!l wu held aD4 c;onduct.ed in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, 1976, as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regularly give" In time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established; that election officers were appointed and that In a\1 respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California for the hol;41119 of ele~tl<ll1s In cities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 1203 adop~ed the 24th day of February, 1976, the City Clerk of the City of ArroYQ Grande~vassed the returns of said election and has certified the results to this City Council, said results are received, attached and made a part hereof as IIElJhlblt A." NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO,.GIWfOE, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS; SECT ION 1. That there were four(/t) voting precincts established for the purpose of hol ding s..1 del ect I on cons 1st I ng of consoli dat I onsof the regIJ I ar election precincts In the CIty of Arroyo Grande as established for the holding of state and county elections. SECT! ON 2. That said regular general municipal election wu. held for the purpGseof electing the fol1owinq officers Cilf said Clty...as requlFeG bY the taws relating to cities In the State of California, to wit: Three (3) Members of the City Council of said City for the full term of four (4) years; A City Clerk of said City for the full term of four years; A City Treasurer of said City for the full term of four years. SECTION 3. That the whole number of votes cast in said City (except absent voter ballots) was One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Four (1,65/t). That the whole number of absent voter ballots cast In said City was Twenty-Six (26), making a total of One TholJsand Six Hundred and Eighty (1,680) votes cast in said City. , SECTION 4. That the names of persons voted for at said election for Member of the City Council of said City are as follows: Chester N. Clark Pearl I. Cole Robert L. Lackey !labe de Leon Carol K. Allen Mark M. Millis John Sandoval Matthew p, Gallagher, Jr. That the names Qf th~ persons voted for at saId ,Iectlon for City Clerk of said City are as fQllows: Ines A. del Campo That the names of the persons voted for at said election for City Treasurer of said City are as follows: Orville M. Schultz (3/76) "'. > ...... .... That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes " given in the City to each of such persons above named for the respective officers for wh i chsaid~.ersons were cand i dates were as 1 i sted i n E~~~qr.~!IIA" at.tached. . :'1' ' \,{:';1 ':',,:X~1,lt~~1' SECTION 5. The City Council does declare and determine that: MARK M. MILLIS was elected as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; GABE .de LEON was elected as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years: MATTHEW P. GALLAGHER, JR. was elected as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; INES A. del CAMPO was elected City Clerk of said City for the full term of four years: ORVILLE M. SCHULTZ was elected City Treasurer ofsatd City for the full term of four years; SECTION 6, The City Clerk shall enter on the records of the CIty Ceuncil of saId City, a statement of the result of said election, showing: 'j'", (1) The whole number of votes cast in the City: (2) The. names of the persons voted for; (3) For what offl ce each person was voted for; . (4) The number of votes given at each precinct to each person; and (5) The number of votes given in the City to each person. SECTION 7. That the City Clerk shall immediately make and, upon cClmpllance by the persons elected with the provisions of Section 'U550.and Section 11559 of the Elections Code of the State of California, shall deliver ,to each of such persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by her and duly authenticated; that she shall also administer to. each person elected, the Oath of Office prescribed In the State Constitution of the State of California and shall have.the", subscribe thereto and file the same in her office. Whereupon, each and all of saldpllrsons so elected shall be inducted Into the respective office to which they have been elected. SECTION a. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same In the book of original Resolutions of said City: and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption theraef In the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Caunc:l1man Splerllng and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Splerllng, de Leon, Schlegel, Mill is and Mayor Tal1ey NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of March, 1976. I ATTEST:.-dl' LV ~. d.L-P (J~ . . I City Clerk 0 the City of A 0'1'0 Grande - 2 - .------- EXHIBIT "A" \ ,- ~./ " .J ~ . CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS I, Ines A. del Campo, C1ty Clerk of the C1ty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Lu1s Ob1spo, State of california, duly author1zed by Resolut1on No. 1203, adopted by the CJ.ty Counc11 of sa1d C1ty on the 24th day of February, 1976, do hereby cert1fy that I have canvassed the returns of the regular general mnic1pal elect10n held 1n add C1ty on the 2nd day of Haroh, 1976, and f1nd that the nuJllber of votes g1ven at each prec1nct and the nlllllber of votes g1ven 1n the C1ty to ,.r~ voted for, the respecUtIII off1ees for ",bjeh sa1d perSalS were cand1dates, wre as foll-.: /:IIHD, I14rah 5, 1976 ~ .r;i.dd;.:)c,~. C1ty Clerk of the C1tll. of rovo Grende For KEMBER of the PRECINCT TOTAL VOTES CITY COUNCIL NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 NO." TOTAL ABSENTEE . CAST ~et:er iii. Clark 58 43 59 84 244 3 247 ...1 I. 001. 135 126 131 140 532 0 532 Robert L. Lackey 79 7S 75 71 300 2 302 Galle cIe Leon 271 206 227 212 916 17 933 Carol X. Allen 173 106 129 112 520 6 526 Nark M. Millis 354 267 270 237 1128 16 1144 John Sancsoval 83 90 87 75 335 6 341 ltiktthew P. Gallagher ,Jr. 240 185 176 109 710 16 726 For CITY CLERK IMS A. del Cupo 336 291 306 278 1211 19 1230 For CITY TRfASURER Orville M. Schultz 348 292 329 296 1265 19 1284 TOTAL VOTES CAST 2077 1681 1789 1614 7161 104 7265 AT PRECINCT TOTAL BALLOTS VOTED 499 390 405 360 1654 26 1680 AT PRECINCT I, Inu A. del Campo, c.ity cteJtR 06 the c.ity 06 AMolJo Gt.aIIde, Coun.tg 06 San Lu.i4 DhUpo, staU 06 ea.u601ULi4, do heJteblJ Wt.ti.6y that the 60JteBo.Uas Ruolu.tiort No. J204.i.4 lot tIw.e., 6uU /UId aoMUt aopy 06 4a.i.d Ruolu,UOrt pauu /UId adopted by the CUy Counc.U 06 the CUy 06 AJrJtoyo GIuuuIe a.t 4 .u.guWL me.e.tUtg 06 4/1oLd ColUU!.lt held Ort tU 9th d4H 06 M4.teh, J916. (JIITNESS IIIJ hand /UId :tJu. Seal 06 :tJu. CUy 06 AJrJtoIjO GIuuuIe. 46M.xe.d th.L6 . ,,,. d4H 06 Ma.\ah, J916. cay~o~'~~~ (Sf ALl - 3 - . '. :. .