R 1189
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BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as
fo llows :
WHEREAS Article 18A of Chapter 4 Title 9 of the Arr~yo Grande Muni-
cipal Code provides that requirements shall be set forth by Resolution in
a policy statement adopted by both the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission
and the Arroyo Grande City Council setting forth the Open Space Implementa-
tion Program and Rules of Procedure relating to it, and
WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission has approved the Open
Space bnp1ementation Program and Rules of Procedures attached hereto as
Exhibit "A",
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RlISOLVED, that the City Council of the City of
Arroyo Grande doe, hereby adopt the Open Space Implementation Program and
Rule. of Procedure attached hereto 88 Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein
by reference.
On motion of Councilman Mill1., seconded by Councilman Spier1ina and
on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Spier ling, de Leon, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor
NOES: None.
ABSENT : None.
the foregoing Resolution wes paesed and adopted thil 25th day of November,
II Donl1d T.lley
II In.. A, del Cempo
I, Inee A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grm4e, Coun~y of
San Luis ObilpO, Stete of C.~ifornia, do hereby certify that the foreaoins
Re.olution No. 1189 is a true, full and correct copy of laid "'Qlution pal.ed
and .dopt.d by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a ragular
adjourned meeting of said Council held on the 25th day of Novembar, 1975,
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed thh
26th day of November, 1975,
(SIAL) .1 Ina. A. .al Campo
City Clark of tha City of Arroyo Orande
. . ,- E--t.h; /J; r ':4 " ..~
The purpose of this program is to establish both policy for the preserva~ion
and conservation of open space lands in San Luis Obispo County and the pro-
cedures to implement such a policy, They are intended ,to provide an outline
to be used by the City of Arroyo Grande and interested parties, together with
the applicable sections from the Government Code and Revenue and Taxation
Code of the State of California relating to the preservation and conservation
of open space lands.
1. "Open Space Land" - Any parcel or area of land which is essentially
unimproved or devoted to an open space uSe, as herein defined:
a. Agricultural Land - Land used or having potential for the production
of food and/or fiber for commercial distribution,
b, Recreation Land - Any area of land or water which is actively being
used or which has potential for recreational use by the public or
segment of the public.
c. Scenic and Sensitive Lands - Lands possessing outstanding scenic
qualities worthy of preservation and land subject to undesirable
physical changes if one or more elements of the environment is
destroyed or altered.
d. Natural Hazard Land - Land which is subject to periodic natural
catastrophiess1,1.Ch as flo04s, tidal inundation, fires, landslides,
earthquakes and other types of earth movements, and 8S such should
have restricted uses,
2. "Enforceable Restriction" - Land subject to restrictions as provi4ed by:
a, A Contract,
b. An Open Space Easement,
3. "Contract" - A contract executed by the City of Arroyo Grande and the fee
owners of the surface and trust 4ee4 beneficiaries an4 mortgagees of
recor4 of land place4 under contract.
4. "Open Space Easement" - An instrument whereby the owner of real property
relinquishes to the City of Arroyo Grande, in perpetuity, or for a mini-
mum period of twenty (20) years, such right of interest which, through
the limitations it provides, will effectively preserve the character of
the land or provide for public use.
5. "Open Space Preserve" - Open Space land, as defined herein, in which the
use of such land is controlled by an Open Space Easement.
6. "Agt'icultural Preserve" - Agricultural land as defined herein, in which
the use of such land is controlled by an Agricultural Contract,
7. "Council" - The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grands,
8, "City" - The City of Arroyo Grande,
9. "Planning Commission" - The Planning Commi8lion of the City of Arroyo
10. "Planning Department" - The Planning Department of the City of Arroyo
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. 11. "Review Committee" - The Review Committee on Open Space Preservation
shall consist of five (5) members as follows: two (2) Planning Com-
mission members, one (1) Council member, the Planning Director and
one (1) farmer within the City appointed by the Mayor,
12, "County" - The County of San Luis Obispo,
13, "Assessor" - The Assessor of the County of San Luis Obispo,
14, "Clerk" - The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande,
15, "Recorder" - The Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo,
16, "General Plan" . The Comprehensive General Plan of the City of Arroyo
TWo types of enforceable restrictions are available to conserve and protect
open space, Both are particularly useful when full ownership is not neces.
sary or too costly to achieve open space goals, One involves a contractual
agreement for agricultural land use (Agricultural Contracts). The other
method, Open Space Easements, involves the dedication of certain development
rights or right of use to the public or segment of the public, The contracts
provide protection for a minimum of ten (10) or twenty (20) years while ease-
ments, depending upon the degree of protection desired, as either perpetual
or for a minimum period of twenty (20) years. The application of either type
constitutes an enforceable restriction within the meaning of the California
State Constitution, Article XXVIII, Open Space Conservation.
Open space zoning falls into two classes: (1) Open space zoning, which is
utilized to protect a natural resource (shoreline, scenic areas, estuaries,
etc.) or to protect the public safety (floodplain, geologic hazard, etc,)
and; (2) Development zoning, which is utilized to control density and type
of use. Both can provide some degree of protection but they cannot preserve
open space, They can, however, be most effective when applied in conjunc.
tion with contract or easement programs.
Currently, the City has adequate zoning regulations controlling development
and agriculture, New regulations, however, are necessary to administer the
other types of open space lands, Specifically proposed and meeting the new
state requirements is an open space ordinance with specific sections to deal
with different open space types (flood hazards, geologic hazard, scenic and
Upon declaration of the City Council establishing favorable consideration
for the administration and the processing of open space land, the following
policies shall be implemented:
I. It shall be the policy of the City, in general, to favor the preservation
of oepn space land predicated on whether the land considered is within
at least one of the following classifications as indicated on the City
General Plan,
a, Agricultural Land
b, Recreation Land
c, Scenic and Sensitive Land
d. Natural Hazard Land
2, It shall be further the policy of the City to favor the preservation of
defined open spaces within 'subdivisions, which use is restricted, in
common to either the public or to the people within the subdivision, In
the cale of exilting lufficient open Ipace areal, in lieu fe'l lhall lub-
stitate for such dedication,
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. 3. Urban service taxing districts such as Sanitation, Lighting and other
districts, which are intended for application within these areas should
be discouraged on those properties where Preserves are established or
intended to be established pursuant to the General Plan.
4. Kfforts to engender interest and support of open space preservation pro-
posals for affected property owners will be of prime concern.
5. The size, shape and extent of any open space area will be determined by
its physical or geographic limits, However, it shall be the policy of
the City to describe these open spaces simply, utilizing existing parcel
boundaries whenever possible,
6. Methods of preservation depending on the degree of preservation desired,
may include either fee acquisition or acquisition of lesser interest such
as development rights, easements, covenants, leases or other contractual
7, Methods of acquisition may include purchase, gift, grant, bequest, device,
exchange, condemnation, or otherwise,
8, It shall be the policy of the City to seek fee simple acquisition only for
very special areas or areas in which no other method can achieve the level
of preservation.
9, Acquisition of fee simple ownership of open space land may on occasion
be consummated by the exchange of City surplus properties.
10. Funds derived from the sale of City surplus real property should be di-
rected to the purchase of the fee or lesser interests of open space land
or the improvement of such land previously acquired,
11, It shall be the policy of the City to accept the fee or lesser interests
in real property by gift, bequest, devise or grant, if~.I!~d property is
within the adopted or anticipated boundaries of an Open Space Preserve. .
Such policy shall not prevent the City from accepting the fee or lesser
interest in real property which does not qualify for open space preserva-
tion if said property is intended to be held for exchange or sale for the ;
fee or lesser interest in real property which is preferred for open space
12, No instrument or document purporting to transfer the fee or lesser in-
terest in real property within a designated Open Space Preserve will be
accepted or become effective unless the Council, by resolution, finds
that the preservation of land as open space is: (1) consistent with the
objectives of the City General Plan and; (2) in the best interests of
the people of the City of Arroyo Grande,
The establishment of Open Space Preserves utilizing Easement for either a
minimum period of ten (10) or twenty (20) years or in perpetuity will be
predicated upon whether the land considered meets the minimum criteria as
herein defined:
1. GENERAL PLAN - Land to qualify for an Open Space Preserve shall be
indicated on the latest adopted City General Plan as one of the
following classifications: (1) Agricultural Land; (2) Recreation
Land; (3) Scenic and Sensitive Land; and (4) Hazard Land, Those ''Ii,:
property owners having land not located in any of the aforementioned
classifications but meeting the other criteria as herein included
may apply by having their application reviewed by the Review COm- o
mittee on Open Space Preservation. The Committee shall make a deter-
mination of the suitable method of preservation, if any, and recommend
appropriate action to the Planning Commission and City Council.
2, ENFORCEABLE RESTRICTIONS - Open Space Preserves shall be designated
areas in which Easements shall provide the necessary restrictions for
protection, For Preserves utilizin8 ten year Ea.emeftt., property
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. owners will maintain the option to enter into agreement with the City,
The assessment of land according to its restricted use, as currently used
in Agricultural Preserves, shall provide the necessary incentive to enter
into agreement.
Preserv~s utilizing Easements which offer perpetual dedication shall be
established only in very special areas where the public interest is best
served by such method. These dedications can provide for either affir-
mative rights, giving the public the right to use land for certain pur-
poses such as fishing, hunting, riding and hiking; or they may be nega-
tive, giving no right of public use but rather restricting the uses
allowed the owner. The restrictions imposed shall be in accord with
the objectives of that particular Preserve. Any real loss in value to
the restricted property shall be determined by an independent appraiser
agreeable to all concerned parties, and the resulting loss shall be
compensated by the City. Compensation can be effected by cash, install-
ment or other arrangement suitable to the owner and the negotiating
representative for the City.
In general, lands qualifying for either the easement of perpetual dedica-
tion or for the twenty (20) year period shall be in accord with the following
specific characteristics serving the public interest:
TWenty Year Easement
a, The land is relatively unimpToved and has scenic value to the public
as viewed from scenic highw~ys,
b. The land should remain in its natural state as a means of preventing
damage to the land or to development which might be located in areas
subject to natural cata~trophes such as floods, fires) landslides,
slumps, earthquakes, and tidal inundation.
c, The land is valuable because of its regenerative nature and should
remain in open space as a means of insuring water and air quality,
d, The land is of significant value because of geologic uniqueness, or
because rare native plants and wildlife species inhabit the area.
Perpetual Easements
a, It is likely that at some time the public may acquire the land for
a park or other public use,
b, The land exhibits outstanding natural characteristics or unique
scenic features as provided by shorelines, beaches, estuaries,
marshes, sand dunes or unusual geologic formations,
c. The land lies within an area which, if left in open space, wiJJ
add to the amenities of adjoining or surrounding urban developments
(greenbelts, greenways, buffers, parks, gardens, and other types of
3, ZONING - The adoption of an appropriate zoning district is a prerequisite
~o the execution of any Easement, All applications to create an Open
Space ~reserve will be considered a request to adopt the appropriate
open space zone, Both the processing of a zoning request and an Open
Space Preserve may be concurrent and become effective on the same day,
In no event, however, will Open Space Preserves be created more than
thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of zoning,
4, LAND USE - The permitted uses of land within an Open Space Preserve shall
be in compliance with the appropriate open space zoning classification,
Limitations on location, distribution and intensity of use shall be con-
trolled by the Easement attached to the land,
5. PRIORITIES - Those areas indicated on the General Planas Hazard Land,
.,d' Scenic and Sensitive Land, and those applications to create open spaces
in and near urban areas shall have the hi,ghest priority in the processing
of Open Space Preserves, All other applications will be proc.lled in the
order of submittal,
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The estahlishment of Agricultural Preserves will be predicated upon whether
the property or properties qualify under the minimum criteria as herein
1. GENERAL PLAN - The establishment of Agricultural Preserves shall be in
accord with those areas shown as prime Agricultural Land on the latest
adopted City General Plan. Those property owners wishing Agricultural
Preserves, but not within designated Agricultural Land, may also apply,
having their applications reviewed by the Review Committee on Open Space
Preservation. The Committee shall make a determination of the suitable
method of preservation, (Agricultural Preserve or Open Space Preserve),
if any, and recommend to the Planning Commission such method, appropriate
action, and suitable zoning district,
2, ZONING - Land to qualify for an Agricultural Preserve must be zoned for
agriculture and should be zoned Agricultural or "A" District, The ap-
propriate zoning classification is a prerequisite to the execution of
any contract requested by the property owner, Agricultural Preserve
requests will be considered a request to adopt the appropriate agri-
cultural zoning, which shall be processed as a separate application,
Both the processing of a zoning request and an Agricultural Preserve
may be concurrent and become effective on the same day, In no event,
however, will Agricultural Preserves be created more than thirty (30)
days in advance of the effective date of the zoning classification,
3, PRESERVE SIZE - Land for an Agricultural Preserve shall qualify if its
size and situation is'one of the following:
a, Land which is classified as Prime, as defined by the ,Land Conserva-
tion Act of 1965, shall have a minimum Preserve size of ten (10)
acres, It can be made up of more than one ownership, if all are
Since forty (40) acre Preserves are an exception to state law
criteria, it will be necessary to justify the creation of such
preserves by the unique characteristics of such prime land and
that the establishment of such preserves is consistent with the
General Plan,
b. If termination, cancellation or expiration of a contract covering
land in a preserve consisting of multiple ownership results in the
land remaining under contract within the Preserve not being able
to meet the above criteria, the City will take steps necessary to
disestablish the Preserve. This will ultimately result in notice
of non-tenewal being served on all other property owners wi,thin
the Preserve.
4. COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE - Land to qualify for an Agricultural Preserve
Contract, shall have returned from the production' of plant products
an annual gross income of not less than $5000 for three (3) of the
previous five (5) years, or the land is planted with fruit or nut-
bearing trees, vines, bushes or crops which have a non-bearing period
I of less than five years and which will normally return during the
j commercial bearing period on an annual basis from the production of
, unprocessed agricultural products not less than $5000 minimum gross
I agricultural annual income.
, LAND USE* / Minimum Acreage To Recommended Minimum Zoning
i LAND CAPABILITY Oualifv for a Contract** Lot Size in A~res
i , Row Crops, Specialty Crops 5 10
I ' Orchards, Vineyards 10 10
I ' Field Crops 20 20
I * Fr~ctional portions of two or more types of land use can be combined to meet
minimum qualifying acreage.
** Agricultural specialties are not specifically subject to any qualifying min-
im'Im acreage or zoning lot size. They are, however, subject to approval by
the Revi~' Committee on Open Space Preservation. Forpurposea of this Program,
. - ')
qualified agricultural specialties shall include, but are not limited
to, nurseries and green house production, poultry and egg farms, turkeys,
hog fa~s, dairies and animal breeding establishments.
Property owners not meeting this criteria but fulfilling the other
criteria may also apply, having their applications reviewed by the
Review Committee, Such property owners should be prepared to sub-
stantiate the extent of their economic involvement in commercial
agriculture and justify their inclusion into an Agricultural Preserve,
5, LAND USE - The permitted uses of land within an Agricultural Preserve
shall be in compliance with the Agricultural District zone of the City
Zoning Ordinance.
Agricultural Preserve Program is to provide incentives to Agricultural
landowners to request Preserve status to protect lands under development
Based upon property owner applications submitted to the Planning Department
1. The Department shall review all applications as to nature and form,
transmitting all those applications from areas not within designated
open space lands or presenting some unusual circumstance to the Review
Committee on Open Space Preservation.
2, Depending upon whichever body processes the application, either the
Department or the Review Committee shall render a report to the Planning
Commission and City Council stating whether or not such proposal is in
conformance with the General Plan and recommending the area to be pze-
served, appropriate method(s) of preservation, and applicable zoning,
3. The Planning Commission shall review the report and hold a public hearing
within 30 days of receipt. Said hearing may be continued at the dis-
cretion of the Commission,
4, At the conclusion of hearings and acceptance of testimony from all in-
terested parties, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation
to the City Council, The recommendation shall indicate whether or not
the establishment of a Preserve is in the best interest of the City,
delineate the area deemed suitable for preserva,tion, and designate the
appropriate zoning and term of contract,
5. The Council shall, upon receipt, establish dates of hearing. At the
conclusion of said hearings, the Council shall act upon the recommenda-
tion of the Planning Commission.
Preserves may be established:
Based upon the recommendations contained in the General Plan of the City,
The General Plan shall have designated open space land uses for those areas
advocated for Preserves,
1. Preserves sr~ll first be recommended in a staff report formulated by
the Department in accordance with the General Plan,
2. The staff report shall relate the recommendations of the General Plan
and provide detailed recommendations as to method of preservation and
specific area to be preserved, recommended zoning, and term of contract
(10 or, 20 years),
3, Upon receipt of such report, the Planning Commission shall establish
a date of hearing.
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4. At the conclusion of hearings and ac~eptance of testimony from all
interested parties, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation
to the City Council. The recommendation shall indicate whether or not
the establishment of a Preserve is in the best interest of the City
and delineate the area deemed suitable for preservation.
5, The City Council shall upon receipt establish dates of hearing. At the
conclusion of said hearing, the Council shall act upon the recommendation
of the Planning Commission.
Upon completion of the hearings and the adoption of an Open Space Preserve
~~ilizingOpen Space Easements), or Agricultural Preserve, those property
owners desiring to negotiate a Contract shall pay a fee to defray costs to
the City in"an amount as established by the City Council by Resolution.
In addftion, fees for change of zoning shall also be filed with theappli-
cation as established by Resolution of the City Council,
No fees are required for Open Space Preserves utilizing perpetual easements
as the implementing tool.
,Application forms for consideration to establish Agricultural and Open Space
Preserves will be provided by the Planning Department and will request at
least the following information:
1, The identity of the owner(s) of the subject property.
2. The identity of all trust deed beneficiaries and mortgagees,
3. The legal description and Assessor's Parcel Number(s) of the property.
4, The total area of contiguously owned land and the area proposed to be
involved in the preserve.
5. Land uses and the approximate acreage breakdown of each type.
1, At any time after the creation of an Agricultural or Open Space Preserve.
the owners of the land within the Preaerve may enter into the,applicable
Enforceable Restriction with the City. Standard Form Contract or Ease-
ment instruments shall be provided by the City Clerk,
2. The applicant shall file with the Department the following:
a. TWo (2) completed and signed application forms.
b. Four (4) Standard Form Contracts or Easement instruments, executed
and notarized by a notary public.
c. Four (4) copies of a legal description of the property within the
d. One (1) Preliminary Title Report,
e, One (1) map of the subject property.
f, The necessary fee, if any.
3. Upon receipt of all required information, the Department shall transmit
the same to the City Clerk for action.
4, Upon acceptance, the Clerk .hall record the .ame in the office of the
Recorder, file copies with the Assessor and the Planning Department and
return an endorsed copy to the owner(s).
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Minimum Period
AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE CONTRACT - All contracts shall be for an initial
term of no less than ten (10) years.
OPEN SPACE EASEMENT - An instrument of perpetual dedication or for an
initial term of not less than twenty (20) years.
Enforcement Procedures
The City shall seek an injunction against any threatened activity, construc-
tion, or development which might violate an accepted enforceable restriction,
Further, if any activity, construction, or development is conducted in viola-
tion of an accepted enforceable restriction, the City shall seek a mandatory
injunction to require the removal of any structure or to correct any damage
to the property,
Cancellation of Contracts
Cancellation of an Agricultural Contract can only occur with the mutual consent
of both parties after public hearing, Cancellation shall have no immediate
effect upon zoning or on the designation of the land.
Abandonment of Easements
The City at any time may, by resolution, abandon an Open Space Easement, if
I it finds that no public purpose will be served any longer by keeping the land
in open space, The procedures of abandonment are outlined in Section 51061
et seq" Chapter 6,5, Government Code of the State of California. Abandon-
ment shall have no immediate effect upon zoning or on the designation of the
Penalty Fees
Property owners who request and are granted cancellation or abandonment of an
enforceable restriction shall pay a penalty fee for failure to fulfill the
total obligation. The fee will be in the amount equal to 50 percent of the
new assessed valuation, with no enforceable restriction attached to the land.
The Council, in cases of harship, may waive all or any portion of such payment.
Enforceable restrictions may become null and void under the following circum-
1, Condemnation: When action is commenced to condemn property under an
enforceable restriction, the enforceable restriction becomes null and
void as to the portion of the property condemned as if no enforceable ,
restriction covering the portion of the property condemned has been
2, Non-Uses: If a petitioner has not utilized the Agricultural Preserve
Combining Zone within a period of twelve (12) months, the Planning
Commission shall commence proceedings to return the property to its
original zoning.
Nullification of an enforceable restriction frees the property owner from the
terms, conditions and restrictions and no payments are due or owing to the