R 1178 I "- ..~ ......, ) -- .~,. 1178 RESOU 'ION NO. A RESOLUTiON OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORiZING APPLICATiON BY SAID CITY TO THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMiSSION OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FOR A REORGAN~ZATiON. WHEREAS, it has been requested that certain territory, described In Exhibit "A" attached hereto, be detached from the City of Plsmo Beach and annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, it has been requested that certain uninhabited territory described In Exhibit "B" attached hereto be annexed into the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, after due consideration by said City Council, It appears that the above request is In the public interest to the requesting party and to said Cities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo ,Grande, State of California, as follows: 1. This proposal for change of organization as requested above is made pursuant to Division I of Title 6 of the Government Code of the State of California, commencing with Section 56000 (also known as the District Reorganiza- tion Act of 1965). 2, The names of all cities and districts for which any change of organiza- tion is proposed are: City of Arroyo Grande, City of Pismo Beach, County of San Luis Obispo and the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. 3. This proposal involves uninhabited territory which Is located In the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and its exterior boundaries are more sped fica Ily descri bed on the attached documents marked Exhl bl t "A" and Exhibit "B", which are incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. 4. The reason for the proposed reorganization, described in Exhibit "A" attached here to, is to correct an erroneous annexation description. 5. The reasons for the annexation proposal, described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto, are that: a. The City will be able to offer to the territory proposed to be annexed all the services of a municipal corporatlQn, such as fire protection, water service, police protection, localized zoning controls, and others. It Is felt that these services will be more efficiently and economically operated by one entity. b. The result should be that 'service to the territory proposed to be annexed will be upgraded that the overal1 tax burden might be reduced, and other rates such as fire Insurance rates might be reduced. Also, government will be more local and'unlfled, since Jurisdiction would be then in one body, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. 6, .tt, Is hereby requested that proceedings be undertaken by the Local Agency Formation Commission of San Luis Obispo County for the change of organiza- tion and proposed annexation, as requested above. 7. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby directed to file a ce~tified copy of this Resolution with the Executive Officers of the San luls Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Splerllng and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: (;o\.l(:cJlmen Spier!ing, de leon, Schlegel, Mll1is and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of September, 1975. , ATTEST~.A_ 2.d;t.. ~~ MAYOR C!TY ClER - ---....-- '-- ! ~\... I '\ I I '~ I, ~nes A. del Campo, Ci~y Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obvspo, State of California, do hereby certify .that the foregoing Resolution No. 1178 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular adjourned meeting of said Council held on the 10th day of September, 1975. ~ITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 11th day of September, 1975. ~PA;,:A- dzR(.7/-,~ City Clerk of the City G rroyo Grande EXHIBIT "Au THAT PORTION OF LOT 12 OF Tt-E St..eDIVISIOIIS OF 11-E RANCH:JS EL PISK) AND SAN MlGUELlTO ACCORDING TO Tt-E MAP MADE BY R, R. HARRIS AS FILED ON APRIL 30, 1886 IN BOOK A PAGE 151 OF MAPS IN 11-E IFFlCE OF THE: CCJUIITY RECORDER OF 11-E ~O\J\jTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, PARTLY IN Tt-E CITY OF PISK) BEACH, IN TI-E COI..NrY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORN!A, DESCRIBED AS FCLLOWS. BEGINNING AT Tt-E ~ll-EAST CORtER OF TI-E ANl'EXATION TO ll-E CITY OF PISMJ BEACH KNOWN AS OAK PARK HE:IGHTS ~XATION AS SAID ANl'.EXATION IS DESCRIBED IN VOLl.Mt 1235 PAGES 431 Tl-RU 443, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, SAID CORtER ALSO BEING 011 ll-E WESTERLY LINE OF C!X.NTY ROAD fo<<), 140 (50 FEET WIDE) I AS Dl;SCRIBED IN SAID VOLlJoE, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING A CORNER IN Tt-E WESTERLY CITY LIMITS OF Tt-E CITY OF ARROYO GRANOE AS DESCRIBED IN ~INANCE i'D, 180, THE: ANl'EXATION OF "OAK PARK No, 1" TO 11-E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDe AS ADCPTED JIA.Y 23, 19631 Tt-ENCE SOUTI-ERLY AND SOllTHWESTERLY ALONG Tt-E VARIOUS C~SES IN',$AID WESTERLY LIi'E OF CCJUIITY ROAD NO, 140 AND ALONG 11-E CCMQII CITY LIMITS OF ll-E CITIES OF PISMO BEACH AND ARROYO GRAIIDE TO ll-E INTERSECTION OF SAID WESTtRLY Lli'E WITH THE: CENTERLIi'E OF THAT CERTAIN RIGHT OF WAY, 50 FEET WIDE, C~ TO ll-E CO\J\jTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO IN A DEED RECORDED OcT, 25, 1921 IN li/C)(j<. 148 PAGE 344 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF SAID CO\J\jTY, TI-ENCE LEAVING SAID wesTERLY LINE OF CCJUIITY ROAD ND, 140 AND SAID COIMJN CITY LIMITS, NORTt-ERLY .~LttlG ll-E VARIOUS COLRSES 011 SAID CENTERLINE TO ITS INTERSECTION Wl'H ll-E NORll-ERLY Lli'E OF SAID OAK PARK HE:IGHTS A~XATION, TI-ENCE EASTER!.. Y ALONG SAID NtRll-ERLY LIi'E AND CITY OF PISK) BEACH CITY LIMITS TO T1-E POINT OF I;IEGINNING, (CQ/ItTAINING 9.8 ACRES KIRE OR LESS) EXHIBIT ".B" THAT PCRTICfII OF LOT 12 OF T1-E SUBDIVISIONS OF Tt-E RANCI-OS EL PISK) AND SAN MIGLELITO ACCORDING TO Tt-E MAP MADE BY R,' R, HARRIS AS FILED ON APRIL 30, 1886 IN BOOK A PAGE 151 OF MAPS IN ll-E OFFICE OF ll-E COlNTY RECORDER OF 11-E COl.NrY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, IN THE: COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FCLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THAT CERTAIN ANGLE POINT IN THE: i'DRTH::RL Y BOI.NDARY OF THE: FRONTAGE ROAD 011 Tt-E NORTt-ERLY SIDE OF CALIFORNIA STATE HIGH WAY, A FREEWAY ;v-SLO-Z-E), OESCRIBED IN SAID OAK PARK NO, 1 ANl'EXATION TO THE: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS BEING ON THE: NORTt-ERLY PRDLOIIGATION OF Tt-E RADIAL LIi'E TO CENTERLIi'E STATION 41 + 00 OF SAID HIGHWAY, 135,00 FEET FRCJiI SAID CENTERLINE, SAID ANGI..E POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE: CITY LIMITS OF ARROYO GRANOE, Tt-ENCE CONTINUING NORTHERLY ALONG SAID NORTl-ERLY PRCLONGATION Ai'D SAIl!) CITY LI~1TS 390 FEET, Tt-ENCE ALONG SAID CITY LIMITS AND ALONG T1-E NORTt-ER/.. Y LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARqa.. DESCRIBED AS AN EXCEPTION TO SAID OAK PARK fo<<), 1 A/ltEXATION, N 610 II' !1~" W TO T1-E EASTERLY LINE OF SAID OAK PARK HE:IGHTS Af#EXATION, THE:NCE LEAVING SAID CITY LIMITS OF ARROYO GRANDE, SOUTt-ERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LIi'E TO SAID NCl!THE:RLY BOLNDARY OF SAID FRONTAGE ROAD AS SAID flCAll-ERLY BOLNDARY IS DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO THE: STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECOROED ON SEPT, 21, 1954 IN BOOK 116 PAGES 48 Alii> 49 OFFICIAL RECClRaS OF SAlt> COUNTY, TI-ENCE EASTERLY AIID SO~Y ALoNG TI-E VARIOUS C~SES IN SAID NCfiTHE:RLY BOl.N>ARY TO THE: "OINT OF BEGINNING, (CONTAINING 4,1 ACRES MORE OR LESS~ ---_.._--- ----- ---.. -- -..--