Minutes 1998-10-27 \ . 9.c. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, CALL TO ORDER The Honorable City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p,m, 2. FLAG SALUTE AGPD Explorer Post No. 542 Joanna Hensley 3. INVOCATION Reverend Jan Armstrong, Five Cities Presbyterian Church 4. ROLL CAll Council: X Dougall X lady X Fuller X Runels X Tolley STAFF PRESENT X- City Manager X City Attorney X City Clerk X Chief of Police X Director of Building and Fire _ Director of Community Development X Director of Public Works X Director of Parks and Recreation X Director of Financial Services 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Joanna Hensley and Clay Barks told about the activities of their AGPD Explorer Post. 6, AGENDA REVIEW letter from Olaf Shipsta~ concerning Agenda Item 9.e. 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY Council Member lady moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived, --------- ~--_.---, -" CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 1998 7.A, PUBLIC HEARING None 8, PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD The following members of the public spoke to the City Council: Tony Ferrara of 759 Via Bandolero - Requested to speak on Item 9.e. Lori Rai of Arroyo Grande - Requested that a percentage of the monies collected if the Transient Occupancy Tax increase on the November 3rd Election Ballot is passed should be spent on tourism. Mike Titus of 404 Lierly - Requested to speak on Item 9,e, John A, >>,ysong of Grover Beach - Said the South County cities, Nipomo, and Oceano should get together and support the building of a new High School on the Nipomo Mesa, 9, CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Runels moved and Council Member Tolley seconded the motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items 9.a, through 9.d, 9J" and 9,g" with the recommended courses of action, - Voice Vote X Roll Call Vote Aye Dougall Aye Lady Aye Fuller Aye Runels ~ Tolley There being 5 A YES, and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 9,a. Cash Disbursement Ratification, 9.b, Award of Contract with DMG-Maximus for Mandated Cost Recovery, Resolution No, 3334, 9,c, Minutes of October 13, 1998 City Council Meeting, 9,d, Authorization to Solicit Bids for Emergency Alert Pagers, 9.f, Don Roberts Field - Soto Sports Complex, Project No, 80-98-2, Progress Payment No.1, 9,g, Surplusing Excess Parks Division Equipment. Resolution No, 3335, Mayor Dougall opened the discussion of Consent Agenda Item 9,e, to the public, 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 27,1998 9,e, Award of Bid - Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange and EI Campo Road/Route 101 Interchange Project Study Reports (PSRs), Mayor Pro Tern Lady asked staff how the bidders were rated, Public Works Director Don Spagnolo explained that copies of the proposals were distributed to Arroyo Grande Public Works and Community Development Departments; Caltrans District 5; SLOCOG, and San Luis Obispo County Engineering staff, He said Dokken Engineering received the most Number 1 rankings. Mr. Ferrara said he is concerned that the County will not contribute its share; that all three alternatives for the EI Campo Interchange project will not be studied; that there will not be new traffic counts taken, and that citizen input from the General Plan Update Survey concerning EI Campo will not be counted, Mr. Titus ~aid Measure J98 concerning the Utility Users' Tax on the November 3rd Election Ballot may be in jeopardy if money is allocated to a project that is partly outside the City. Otis Page of 606 Myrtle said he endorses the Halcyon/Brisco project but not the EI Campo project because the General Plan Update has not been approved and there have been no public hearings on the Arroyo Linda Specific Plan, He said the County would not contribute its share, When asked who told him of the County's intention, he said "Richard Marshall, an engineer." Mr, Shipstad of 650 Falcon Crest Drive said the County would study the project in January, 1999, and he hoped all the conditions listed from January to March, 1998, will be taken into consideration, Jim Dickens of 769 Branch Mill Road said the EI Campo project was premature and precedent-setting. He said the City was spending money on a project not in the City limits. There were Council questions of staff, Council Member Fuller said there is no set mandate to study just one option; the study could proceed without the County money; and the General Plan Update specifically said Arroyo Linda would not be part of the update. He said there would be public input. Mayor Pro Tern Lady asked if a portion of the Utility Users' Tax would be used for the study, and staff said $50,000 of the tax money would go into the project study. Mayor Pro Tern Lady said he understood the Utility Users' Tax monies were for other uses. Council Member Tolley, Runels, and Mayor Dougall joined Council Member Fuller in approving funding for the studies. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 1998 It was moved by Council Member Fuller, and seconded by Council Member Runels to approve the staff recommendations: 1. Select Dokken Engineering for the EI Campo Road/Route 101 and the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchanges (PSRs); 2, Authorize an appropriation of $127,845 from the Traffic Circulation Fund (Fund 223), and 3. Direct staff to forward consultant services agreement to the consultant for execution, Mayor Pro Tern Lady said SLOCOG had not yet interpreted the EI Campo project as a regional or local issue and cautioned the Council to move forward carefully. - Voice Vote X Roll Call Vote Aye Dougall No Lady Aye Fuller ~ Runels Aye Tolley There being 4 A YES, and 1 NOE, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None 11.A. NEW BUSINESS: 1998 SAN LUIS COUNTY PLAYS IT SAFE (SLOCOPS) GRANT Staff comments and recommendation: Staff recommended the Council adopt a resolution in support of the 1998 SLOCOPS grant, which would reimburse City costs associated with its holiday "driving under the influence" (DUI) education/enforcement program, Council Member Tolley moved and Council Member Fuller seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No, 3336 Authorizing the Police Department to Participate in a Multi-Agency DUI Enforcement/Education Grant. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 1998 - Voice Vote X Roll Call Vote Aye Dougall ~ Lady Aye Fuller Aye Runels Aye Tolley There being 5 A YES, and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 12, CITY COUNCIL REPORTS This item gave the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special pr9jects on which they participated. (a) MAYOR A, K. "PETE" DOUGALL (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District - Water reclamation was discussed by the Board, (2) Local Agency Formation Commission - Members voted to affirm the mandated collection of garbage in Oceano, Mayor Dougall praised citizens who planned the Oceano "Clean-Up Day." (b) MAYOR PRO TEM MIKE LADY (1) South County Area Transit - No report, (2) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments - Jay Walter, new Caltrans District 5 Director, was introduced; Arroyo Grande's share of an sB 1477 fund may be $703,000; a Highway 166 call boxes grant may be implemented; the Arroyo Grande Trolley will be merchandised and marketed to make it successful. (3) San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority - No report. (c) COUNCIL MEMBER MIKE FULLER (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board - No report. (2) Air Pollution Control Board - No report, (3) Economic Vitality Corporation - Members are looking for a replacement for the CEO position; members discussed San Luis Obispo County becoming a destination golf place, (d) COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELs (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee - Lopez Dam will be made seismically safe by the construction of stone columns in front of the dam; when the project is financed, the rural residents in Zone 3 should pay a share of the retrofit; the quality of reclaimed water was discussed; the Technology Committee will meet on November 11th and report to the full Advisory Committee on November 17th. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 1998 (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee - Allocation of water was discussed, (3) League of California Cities Annual Meeting - There will be a revised Peripheral Canal project to take water to Los Angeles to improve the quality of water blended with reclaimed water; Long Beach is composting its street sweepings; Cities can get AS 929 credit for grass it grows in public areas each year. (e) COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY (1) Long-Range Planning Committee/Core Outreach Team - No report, (2) South County Youth Coalition - No report, (3) League of California Cities Annual Meeting - All resolutions adopted at the conference will be distributed to Council Members; Chief of Police TerBorch was well-received in his presentation at the Community Policing Workshop, 13, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Fuller said the composting of street sweepings would not help Arroyo Grande, Council Member Runels said perhaps the City could get credit for its grass plantings, 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: City Manager Hunt said the latest estimate on what Arroyo Grande might receive from a Caltrans funding bill is $1,1 million, 15. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Fuller moved, Council Member Tolley seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting, Time: 8:45 p.m. ~ {(~ NANCY~, CITY CLERK 6