R 1141 -' ,- . 1141 RESOLUTION NO. r .......,,( _, . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ,OF THE CIrY n" ARROYO . ' GaANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE; Oi CALIFORNIA, ( APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF JOIN] j:i.,'WERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITIES AND COUNTY REGARDING 911 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City of Arroyo Grande (hereinafter called "City") a proposed Joint Powers Agreement Between Cities and County Regarding 911 Communications System; and WHEREAS, Government Code Sections 53100 through 53120 require every city in California to establish and have in operation ,a 911 Communications System by December 31, 1982; and WHEREAS, said sections require that on or before January 31, 1975, all cities must submit tentative plans for such a System to the public utilities or utility providing telephone service therein (with a copy filed with the State Communications Division); and WHEREAS, said sections require all cities to enter into annual Joint Powers Agreements concerning the same and to file copies thereof with the Attorney General and the Communications Division; and WHEREAS, the purpose of such a System is to shorten the time required for a citizen to request and receive emergency aid (including but not limited to police, fire and ambulance aid); and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that such a Joint Powers Agreement be executed by this City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, located in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as follows: 1. That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. 2, That said City hereby approves that Joint Powers Agreement Between Cities and County Regarding 911 Communications System in the form of the document attached hereto marked "Exhibit A" which is incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth; and the Mayor of said City be and .. hereby is authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of said City, On motion of Councilman Spier ling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spier ling, de Leon, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor Talley .NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of January, 1975, ~ MAYOR ATTEST~ ';l'ob'p(-'",~ CITY CLERK ___ - _.._m__. ----.------- , , -. ,.....- - . . , - ''" , I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of A","oyo Grande, County of San !'uis' Obispo, State of California, do hereby e,',c'::Hy that the foregoing Resolution No, .lW is a true, full and correct copy ~, ,,d,d Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 14th day of January, 1975. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 15th day of January, 1975, k .5(.dFJ ~ City Clerk of the City of :Arroyo Grande (SEAL) - - JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITIES AND COUNTY REGARDING 911 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM This Joint Powers Agreement (hereinafter called Ag~eeuent) entered into by and between the City of Arroyo Grande, the Ci 1y of Paso Robles, the City of Grover City, the City of Morro Bay, the City of Pismo Beach, and the City of San Luis Obispo (all of ~Ihl eh are collectively hereinafter called "Cities"), and the County of San Luis Obispo (which is hereafter called "County") ; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS Government Code Sections 53100 through 53120 Inclusive require every city and county in the State of California to estab- lish and have in operation a 911 Communication System (hereinafter called "System") by December 31, 1982, and WHEREAS said sections require that on or before January 31. 1.975, all such cities and counties must submit tentative plans for such a system to the public utility or utilities providing telephone service therein, with a copy of such plans to be filed by said date with the Communications Division of the State Departl::ent of General Services (hereinafter called "Communications Division"), and WHEREAS said sections require all citi es and counties to enter into annual joint power agreements to carry out the provisions of said sections, and to file copies of said agreements with t:1e State Attorney General and with the Communications Division, and WHEREAS the purpose of such a system (as stated In Government Code SectiDn 53100) i s to shorten the time requi red for a citizen EXHIBIT "A" Tr; RESOLUTION NO. 1141 --_.,-- to request and ~eceive emergency aid (including but net liriltcd to po 1 i ce , fire and ambulance aid), and WHERE/IS the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Paso Robles, Grovc,' City, . r.1orro Bay, Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo (a 11 of Ilhi ch a 1'(' looated within the County of San Luis Obispo) desire to enter into a joint pOlle rs agreement I'Ii th the County of ':,):, Luis Obispo to estab1i,.h, ins ta 11 , operate, moint~int re p air, replace and en1arge such a Syste~ within Cities a~d within County, and ~ vIHEREA:, , it is in the public interest that such a joint powers agreement be executed by Cities and County. . NOH, THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants, . conditions, promises and agreements herein set forth, Cities . and County hereby mutually covenant and agree as fo 1101'15 : 1. The recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. 2 . This Agreement is entered into pursuant to GovcrnriUit I Code Section 53118, and pursuant to Government Code Sections i , I 6500 through 6515 inclusive. I 3 . This Agreement shall only be effective after it has i . been executed by all the parties hereto. 4 . Tliis Agreement shall termi nate on December 31, 1975, 5 . Citicsand County each have tile [JOI'lel' to establish, install, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge 911 Communications S Y', t ems. 6 . County is hereby authorized by the parties hereto to adr:linistct' th'i<: f,grecl,;ent; and County is hereby authorized to be the "gent representing Cities and County in any and ,,11 matters - '2 - -,.--.,'.- t I concerning the System (and the establishment, 1nstallation, c:peration, maintenance, repair, replacement and enlargement thereof) with the State of California and/or the Federal Governme:;' Clnd 1tS agencies; and further the Board of Supervisors of Count/ is hereby further authorized to execute on behalf of Llt1es and County any and all documents necessary and proper in the judgment of such Board to establish, install, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge such System. 7. County shall on behalf of Cities and County, establish, install. operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge at the sole cost and expense of County, a Central Public Safety Answering Point (hereinafter called "P.S.A.P.") . and also a 911 Conununicatiolls System ( a t the sole cost and expense of County except as herein- after set forth in Paragraph No. S) , as the responsibility of County's conununication department, fully manned and operated 1n accordance with the requirements of Government Code Sections 53100 through 53120 inclusive. 8. Cities and County shall pay ~he respective telephone trunking costs of the System on a proportional basis, such cost to be assessed to Cities and County on a formula to be mutJally agreed upon by the contracting Cities and the County of San Luis Obisp0, provided that if and when Federal funding is available for said telephone trunking costs, such costs to Cities and to County shal~ -3- be reduced and/or eliminated, or reimbursements made. pursuant to the above formula. g. Cities hereby authorize and direct the police chiefs and the fire chiefs of each of Cities to determine and decide for each of Cities respectively, the method of PSAP call transfer, whether it shall be by dedicated telephone line and/or initial radio dispatch by County to each fire department and police department of Cities. 10. Cities hereby authorize County to enter into joint powers agreements 'with other agencies or entities (including but not limited to the California Division of Forestry) for such other agencies or entities to enter into the System, provided that in such event Cities shall have absolutely no responsibility to pay ~ny of the co~ts ?ri<ine from the entry into Systew 0~ ~~~h other agencies or entities. 11- All personnel required to establish, install , operate, repair, replace, enlarge and maintain the System shall be County employees, and such personnel shall not be and shall not be con- strued to be employee~ of Cities or of any of Cities. 12. County shall defend,indemnify and save harmless, . Cities and their officers, agents and employees from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, demands, liability, da~ages, causes of action and judgments, arising In any way out of the estab- lishment, Installation, operation, malnten~nce, repair, rerl acerlent, or enlargement of the System by County, or out of any act or omission to act by County or by the agents, ~ervants, or independent con- tracto\"s directly responsible to County pursuant to this l\grecn1ent; cxcept that the above shall not apply to the sole negligcnce or . - 4 - -- ~.-._--~ -. wi 1 ful misconduct of Cities or of Cities' agents, servants or iode pendent contractors directly resnonsible to Cities or' to any of Cities. 13. The System shall be and shall at all t i 1i1e s be con- strued to be the property of and belong to County. 14. County shall administer all funds pursuant to this Agreement; and County shall account for all such funds, and sha 11 report of al1 receipts and disbursements, to Cities. ~ 15. Pursuant to Government Code Section 6509, all pOrle rs executed pursuant'to this Agreement are subject to the restric- . tions upon the manner of exercising such powers which are i1:1posed by law upon County. 16. Upon any termination of this Agreement, all surplus monies on hand, and the System and any and all parts thpr('nf. ~ h" 1 1 be the property of County. 1 7. Copies of this Agreement shall be filed by County with the Attorney General and with the Com1:1unications Division, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Cities and County have executed'this Agreement on the days and years hereinafter set forth. . CITY OF ARROYO GRA"DE BY'~~ IctQtJ Hayor of Said City Dated: i~'01 ai, _ ' 197.;> , CITY OF EL PASO OC ROBLLS By: . Nayor of Said CTty--'---- , Dated: . 1 '17 ,- ---- t:.._ ~..._----~. m;~fr( '"..'".1".',"" Jwcharting WOIhhcct (, ~ .'~, ~'>. 1 ". Ji.V'I~'. 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