R 1139 RESOLUTION NO. 1139 A QSOLUTION ,OF THE CITY COUliKJILOF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAIIDE ESTABLISHING PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON BRANCH STREET, WHEREAS, it appears necessary and desirable to establish certain parking restrictions on portions of Branch Street as described below; , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: 1. That "NO PARKING" zones be established on the northerly side of Branch Street, as follows: (a) to extend from the easterly property line of Wesley Street:a distance ea.terly of 150 feet. (b) to extend from the centerline of Nevada Street we.terlya di.tanee of approximately 48 feet, (c) a di.tanol of 178 feet we.terly of thl elntlrlinl of ShortStrlltand Ixtlnd~nl wI.tlrly a di.taneo of 55 flit, (d) i d~.tanol of 20 f.lt w'lterly of thl elntlrl~ne of Short Strllt Ind to Ixtlnd,l dt.tlnol of 43 feet wI.tlrly. (I) I dt.tanel of 50 feut w~.tlr1y of thl elntlrltnl of Nerth MI.on Strllt Ind to Ixtlnd II.tlrly to the curb rlturn onto North MI.on,ltrllt. (f) I d~.tlnol of 53 fl.t .a.tlrly of the olntlrltnl of North Mllon Itrllt (I) Ind to Ixtlnd wlltlrly to thl curb rlturn onto North Mllon ,Itrllt. I dtltlnol of 500 fl.t '.Itlrly of thl olntlrltnl of North Malon Strllt .nd to Ixtlnd 1.ltlrly I dtlt.nol of 125 flat. (h) a dtltanel of 110 f.lt Illtlrly of thl olntlrl~nl of North Malon Strllt Ind to Ixtlnd la.tlrly a dtltlnol ,of :20 flit. (t) to bl 100.tld 127 flit I..tlr~y of t~1 clntlrl~nl of Orown Strllt :and to Ixtlnd wIUerly a dietanol of .74 bit to thl ourb return. .thlnel alofti thl':outjJ r'tu~n"tlnto Crown" Str'''!'JhlC:c,lalllerly::a1Qnl"thl' 'IN,Chld,.,:, lide of' Cl'own.Stl'eet a diet.neeo 5 eet. ,". . ~~.':\;" ":', ~,', ,:.: ~T, _, ,", ..'1,: I) j;.i....~~.':: ::.~. ;:.. :.;UlH..kJ '.'-,0 Q"; ;~....~. :..~~...; he:. <,~ ,:,:'~,I.IJ :..w,; i..::__.. . :'.y '. ." 2i ::::.:':r~t::!!30 ,MINUTE LffiTBD PARKIR;" zones be .established on the .northerly side 0 Branc Street, as fo OW8: (a) to be located approximately 50 feet westerly of the, centerline of Bridge Street and to extend westerlya'distance of '20 feet. (b) to extend from the centerline of Bridge Street easterly a distance of 20 feet. (c) , a dista~ce of 156 feet easterly of t~e centerline of Nevada Street and to extend ,easterly a distance of 4P feet. 3. That a "FREIGHT LOADING" zone be el\tabliahad on the northerly side of Branch Street, as follows: ' (a) to be located 125 feet westerly of t~e centerline of Bridge Street and to extend westerly a distance of 40 feet. 4, That "NO PARKING" zones be established on the southerly side of Branch Street, as follows: (a) to be located 215 feet easterly of the centerline of South Mason Street and to extend easterly a distance of 20 feet, (b) a distance of 60 feet westerly of the centerline of South Mason Street and to extend easterly to the curb retUrn onto South Mason Street. (c) a distance of 58 feet easterly of the canterline of short Street and to extend westerly to the curb return onto Short Street, (d) a distance of 65 feet westerly of the centerline of Short Street and to extend easterly to the curb return ont9 8hort'8treet. ' (e) a distance of 60 feet easterly of tn, centerline of Bridge Street and to extend westerly to the curb return onto Bridge Street. (f) a distance of 70 feet westerly of the centerline of Bridge Street and to extend easterly to the curb return onto Bridge Street. 5. That a "30 MINUTE LIMITED PARKIR;" eone be established on the southerly side of Branch Street, as follows: (a) a distance of 60 feet easterly of the centerline of Bridge Street and to extend easterly a distance of 68 feet. (12/74) - ... " - BE IT:FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief of Police of the City of Arroyo Grande,be, and he is herebY"authorized.:to',prbvideaM install: sufficient signs and/or markings to indicate that said areas have restricted parking as specified above. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the forelOinl Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of December, 1974. ~.~ -- (~ ATTBST&~~i ~, rhJ~ MA. YOIl CITY CLERK I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1139 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ata regular meeting of said Council held on the 10th day of December, 1974. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 11th day of December, 1974. ~~.dd~ City Clerk of the City of rroyo Grande (SEAL)