R 1130 RESOLUTION NO. 1130 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN AMENDED ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AND CITIES AREA PLANNING COORDINATING COUNCIL. BE IT HEREBY RE~,ql',iED that the City Council of the City of/Arroyo G:t'!!,I!;~. in accI.)rdance with Ch."j''''',' 14.00, Statutes 1971 and applicable r\il~~ and regulations, approve:.::; i::I.II. ;;.mended Annual TTansportation Claim 8lnd u1.Ithorizes its submittal, along ',cit' all other doc\Dnentation required, to the S'~n Luis Obispo Cc"mty and, Cit:L, An,a Planning Coordinating Cout'.cl1. On motion oi C" 'F' . ,1'1':an de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spi",rling ar,4 01'1 the following roll e,dJ ':13, to wit: AYES: Cou::"e:..!',:!,:"" Spier ling, de Leon, Millis and Mayor Talley NOES: Nonl..:~ ABSENT: COUh: ':;:h Schlegel the fon1go1ng R"solHi;'. vi passed and adopted this 29th day of October, 1914.' ~ ~I ATTEST' ~ A::t ...A /i{,f Ga..,.,.,.6€> .~. * . ~ ..~. ~" CITY Co}?,I" I, Ioes A, d"J. (',po, City Clerk of the City of ATroyo, of San Luis Obispo, Stllit> of California, do here!>y certify that RP'oli1 tion No. .ll.3.Q. i,; " true, fu 11 and correct copy of said and adC'pt"d by thp City C",uncil of the City of Arroyo Grande at t~"eting of said Council ';,,1d on the 29th day of October, 1974, WITNESS my hall,1 :).'.I,,j the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixj!!c! this 29th day of Oc!:()b,,:r, 1974, (SEA'.) l . ....._"... ,.....----