CC 2023-02-28_12b Supplemental 1
TO: City Council
FROM: Jessica Matson, Legislative & Information Services Director/City Clerk
SUBJECT: Supplemental Information
Agenda Item 12.b. – Discussion of a Draft Safe Parking Ordinance
DATE: February 28, 2023
Attached is correspondence received before 4 p.m. for the above referenced item.
cc: City Manager
Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director
Community Development Director
City Attorney
City Clerk
City Website (or public review binder)
From: Rachel Harris <
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 7:02:51 PM
To: <>
Subject: I SUPPORT the AG Safe Parking Ordinance
I live in Arroyo Grande and I support the Safe Parking Ordinance. Anyone who is having to resort to sleeping in their car
are obviously doing so because they have no other options, and our community members deserve to have safe places to
park and sleep at night.
Thank you,
Rachel Harris
From: Kimmie Nguyen <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 1:29 PM
To: Caren Ray Russom; Kristen Barneich; Lan George; Jim Guthrie; Kate Secrest
Subject: Arroyo Grande Safe Parking Ordinance
I am a community member and I am writing in regard to the Safe Parking Ordinance that the City Council is
I support this Safe Parking Ordinance in Arroyo Grande and wanted to emphasize a few aspects of this
program for the Council to consider.
I support allowing the safe parking permit to be approved ministerially. You have a great staff that
has the ability and capacity to approve this type of process. Requiring Planning Commission or City
Council approval will only deter applicants and delay these safe parking sites from being established.
Please consider removing or reducing the 300‐foot required distance from any surrounding
residences. The inclusion of this 300‐foot distance greatly reduces the potential properties that could
host a Safe Parking Site. Reducing the distance also allows residents at the safe parking site to have
nearby access to all the benefits of living in a residential neighborhood ‐ schools, parks, services,
I view this ordinance as just one baby step that the City should be pursuing in order to address homelessness. I
encourage the City to take other steps such as dedicating meaningful funding for temporary or transitional
shelters, and tackling overall affordability by building more housing. There needs to be greater accountability
and ownership from this Council over this issue, rather than just praying that AG's neighboring cities get
around to fixing it.
Kimmie Nguyen
From: RL Mann <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:10 AM
To: Caren Ray Russom
Subject: Support for item 12b Draft Safe Parking Ordinance
Dear Mayor,
I serve on the Vestry (council) at St Barnabas Episcopal Church in Arroyo Grande, and I am writing to voice
support for item 12b, the Draft Safe Parking Ordinance.
In addition to the Public Facilty zone and Industrial Mixed Use zone, I would ask the council to ensure this also
includes church‐owned parking where the same conditions can be met.
Finally, I believe the proposed distance of 300' from a residential structure condition is too high, and may
result in no Safe Parking sites whatsoever.
How many parking spaces in the city of Arroyo Grande (in the proposed zones) are a football field's distance
from any residential structure?
Please reduce this to a more workable distance, perhaps 100', or 2‐3x the average width of a residential lot.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rachel Mann