PC R 97-1638ARESOLUTION NO. 97-1638p A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDlNG AN INTERPRETATION THAT A SKATEBOARD RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE PUBLIC FACIUTY ZONE WHEREAS, the General Plan was adopted by the City Council on May 22, 1990 and became effective on June 21, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Development Code was adopted by the City Council on May 14, 1991, and became effective on June 13, 1991; and WHEREAS, Section 9-01.110 (G)(3) of the Development Code provides the Planning Commission with the authority to clarify ambiguities with respect to the Development Code; and WHEREAS, in 1982 Calvary Chapel located at 1133 Maple Street applied for and received Conditional Use Permit Case No. 82-340 permitting a church use on the site; and WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit Case No. 82-340 identified the maximum number of people attending any one service was approximately 150 people; and WHEREAS, a Skateboard Recreational Facility Use was not evaluated as part of the Conditional Use Permit Case No. 82-340; and WHEREAS, hundreds of people use the Skateboard Facility weekly; and WHEREAS, Table 9-09.040-A and C of the Development Code requires a Conditional Use Permit for active recreational facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby makes the interpretation that a Conditional Use Permit is needed to operate a Skateboard Recreationaf Facility in the Public/Quasi Pubtic Zone. On motion by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner 0'Donnell, and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: Commissioners Greene, 0'Donnell, Haney, Rondeau and Lubin NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of October 1997. ATTEST: _Q_G�J�- ` Pearl L. Phinney, Commission CI k S TO ( �� � uoreen ��neRO-�siancK, Aic.r Community Development Director i 1 u �