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PC R 89-1254445 RFSOLUTIaIV NO. 89- 1254 A RE90LUTIaN OF � PI�iI�IIdING O��iISSION OF TI� CITY OF ARROYO QZANDE APPR(NING OLII�ITIO�L USE PII�IIT CA.SE NO. 89-452, APPLIID FO�R SY TI� CdZAIdDE CIIV'I�AL PAR'PNIIt�SEIIP, 100 BARNEPP SPRF�.T F�t A PARRING SPRUCIURE. W�S, the Planning Corcmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered an application by the Grande Central Partnership, for a parking structure at 100 Barnett Street in the C-3 zone; and WF�tFAS, the Planning Caam�ission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and environmental docwn�lts associated therewith: and Wf�tF�S, the Planning Cocm►ission has reviewed the project in co�rrpliance with the California �hvironmental Quality Act and has determined that a negative declaration can be adopted and instructs the Secretary to file a Notice of Determination; and WI�tII�.S, the Planning Cor�mission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circt.ur�stances exist: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the general plan because the general plan land use designation for this site is highway cam��rcial and the proposed building is consistent with that designation. 2. The site is adequate in size and shape for the proposed use because it can meet al l setback and parking requireqnerits . 3. The site for the proposed use has adeqt.�ate access. 4. The proposed use will not have an adverse effect on the adjacent property because adequate parking, landscaping, lighting, security measures, access and architectural design have been incorporated into the proposed use. 5. The design and layout of the proposed use is suitable because all the requirements of ordinance 416 C.S. have been incorporated into the design of the parking structure. 6. The project will not have an enviroivnental im�act because the project will only utilize 2 acre feet per year more than the existing use. NQd, ��ORE, BE IT RF�OLVID that the Planning Camussian of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Conditional Use Permit, subject to appropriate standa.rd conditions of the City of Arroyo Grande, and the following special conditions: Mitiqatioai M�ea.sures *l. A Negative Declaration with mitigation measures was prepared for this project. All mitigation measures as outlined in the conditions of approval shall be imple�t�ented and monitored by appropriate City departments and other responsible agencies. Verification in writing that the mitigation measures have been implerriented shall be provided by the monitoring department. *2. In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, archaeological resources are uncovered, all work shall i�iately be halted until the City has reviewed the resources for their significants. Additional archaeological studies, which will be paid for by the applicant, may be required. Additionally, any construction plans shall be referenced to the this condition. M,o�itoring Department: Planning Depart�ment Time Frame: Prior to issuance of permits and during construction. 446 *3. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the city, in a form approved by the City Attorney, whereby the developer agrees on behalf of himself and his successors in interest, to pay the City a fee of Fifty One Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Nine dollars ($51,389) traffic mitigation. This fee shall be paid prior to issuance of building pern�its. In the event that the City should adopt a method of funding traffic mitigations which shall include assessment of this development, the fees provided for herein shall be credited against the principal amr�unt of the assessment. Moriitoring Department: Planning Department Time Frame: Prior issuance of building pernu.ts *4. Prior to final occupancy, the developer shall restripe Barnett Street in order to provide a designated lane for left turns onto Grand Avenue A plan for said striping shall be approved by the Director of Public Works prior to striping. Monitorinq Department: Public Works Department Time FYame: Prior to final occupancy. General Co�uiitions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. Develop�nent shall occur in substantial conforn�nce with the plans presented to the Planning Coc�mission at the meeting of Nove�nber 7, 1989 and marked "Exhibit A". P1anrLing DepartmQxit 3. Development of this project shall co�nply with all the provisions of Ordinance 416 C.S. with the exception of the four (4) foot wide landscaped strip along Highway 101 right of way. 4. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from view of adjacent property in accordance with the City's Architectural Review Guidelines. All roof-mounted equipment which generates noise, solid particles, odors, etc., shall cause the objectionable material to be directed away froan residential properties. All screen designs shall be compatible with the building and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Department. 5. All proposed screening/retaining walls shall be constructed of a material cocnpatible with the elevations of the building, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Department. 6. An exterior lighting plan for the parking area and buildings shall be stt�rnitted prior to building permits, and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Department and Police Department and shall include the following: " a. G�t-off lt�mi.naries shall be installed which will provide true 90 degree cut-off and prevent projection of light above the horizontal frorc► the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall use a flat, clear lens, energy-efficient light source. c. All project lighting shall be confined to the project site. 7. A planned sign program shall be required per Section 9-4.2407 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. A final. landscape and full-coverage automatic irrigation systean shall be provided for review and approval and installed prior to building occupancy, subject to the approval of the Planning Department, Police Department and Parks and Recreation Depart►�nt. Tree staking, soil preparation and planting detail shall be shown on final landscape plan. Water conservation design and maintenance and drought tolerant landscape planting shall be incorporated whenever feasible into the final design of the landscape and irrigation plans for the site. �+47 9. All ground-mounted utility and mechanical equipment shall be screened and sound buffered as shown on the final landscape plans, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Department and Parks and Recreation Department. 10. All water fixtures shall be of the most technologically advanced water conserving design. 11. The applicants shall provide trash enclosure details and screening plans to the Planning and Parks and Recreation Departments for approval prior to issuance of building pernni.ts. Public Works Departme�nt � 12. The developer shall provide a plan for frontage repairs and improvements along Grand Avenue and Barnett Street. This plan shall include location of driveways on both sides of the street along with location of adjacent intersections. In addition, Barnett Street shall be provided with a center lane for left turn movements with appropriate transitions which may require street widening. 13. The corner of Barnett Street and Grand Avenue shall have a 30 foot radius. � � 14. The developer shall provide a grading and drainage plan prepared by a civil engineer with no swnp ptunps allowed in garage area. 15. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall request the Parking and Traffic C�cmi.ssion to review the need for a raised median on Grand Avenue to prevent left turns fram the project to Grand Avenue. If deemed necessary by the Parking and Traffic Corrmission and approved by the City Council, the applicants shall install a raised median to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Parks and Recreati� Departlnesit 16. Landscape and irrigation plan shall be designed by a landscape architect and reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Director. 17. Street trees shall be 15 gallon minimtun and placed every 50 feet along both frontages. ' 18. All trees shall be a minim�► of 15 gallon. Fire Departm�nt 19. All angles and slopes of driveways shall acco�nnodate a fire engine per Arroyo Grande Fire Department specifications. 20. The buildings and parking structures shall include an autoanatic fire sprinkler syste�n. Six copies of the plans for the sprinkler syst�n shall be sub�rutted to Fire Chief for approval prior to construction. Plans for underground piping to fire sprinkler system shall be approved by the Fire Chief prior to construction. 21. Fire hydrants shall be installed, per Fire Department specifications. Fire�flows and pressures shall be determined by the Fire Chief prior to any future permit. Police Department 22. The applicant shall have a traffic engineer review the proposed design of Barnett Street and make recam�zdations for red curbing along Barnett Street to assure adequate site distance for those exiting the project driveways. The applicant shall then request the Parking and Traffic Carrnission to approve red curbing in accordance with the traffic engineer's recamtiendations. Red curbing shall be complete prior to building occupancy. �4�8 23. The applicant shall draft an agre�it subject to approval of the City Attorney, whereby the applicant shall be required to provide measures to restrict access to the underground parking area to eqnergency vehicles only, frorn 7 P.M. to 7 A.M. This agreement shall be recorded and referenced in the deed for the property. �zrthern�ore, if the applicant uses timer controlled security gates, then private professional security personnel shall make sure the parking area is clear of people prior to the time of gate closure. On motion by Comrussioner Gallagher, seconded by Corcmissioner Fischer, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: � • : . a�Y Co�mussioners Gallagher, Brandy, Fischer and Chai m�an Carr None Comnissioners Soto, Flores and Moore the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of November, 1989. A'ITE T : \ Pearl L. Phinney Planning Co�mussion Secretary l/� � ��� Robert Carr Chairman