R 1079 - ,. 1079 -.., RESOLUTION NO, I: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAJ,DE, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, THE 5TH DAY OF MARCH, 1974, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF SAID CITY AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE' OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES, WHEREAS, under the provisions of the laws relating to General Law Cities in the State of California, a regular general municipal election shall be held on the 5th day of March, 1974, for the election of two (2) members of the City Council of said City for the full term of four (4) years; ~, TIlEREFOU, THE CITY COUNCIL or 'IHI! CUY OF AlU\OYO GRANDE, CALI~N1A, DOIS HDEBY RESOL~, D8CLARB, DETDMINI AND ORDBll AS rolJDWs: SECTION 1. 'l11at pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of California relating to General Law Cities within said State, there shall be, and there is hareby called and ordered, held in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obbpo, State of California, on Tuea~, the 5th day of March, 1974, a reaular .ananl _iei~l election of the qualified electors of said City for the purpoae of electin. two (2) memben of the City Council of said City for the full tent of four years, SECTI~ 2. 'l11at tbe ballots to be used at said election shall be, both .. to ton an<l matter contained therein, sucb as may be required by law to) be used thereat. -".~"--~. ! SECTION 3. 'l11at the City Clerk of said City is heNby authorbed, instrueted and directed to procure and furnish any and all official ballots, notices, printed matter and all supplies, equipment and piraPhernalia that may be necessary in order to properly and lawfully conduct sa d election. SECTION 4. That for the purpose of holding said regular general municipal election, there shall be and are hereby established three (3) voting precincts consisting of consolidations of the regular election precincts in the City of Arroyo Grande established for the holding of state and county elections, as said regular election precincts exist on the date of adoption of this resolution, 'l11at the polling places for the respective precincts shall be the places herein- after designated; and that the persons hereinafter named, being competent and qualified electors and residents of said City and of their respective voting precincts, are hereby appointed officers of elect~ for their respective voting precincts and they shall hold said election and IllS return thereof in the manner provided by law. Voting Precinct 1, comprising regular election precincts 1, 2, 3 and 4, Polling Place: City Hall, Council Chambers, 214 E, Branch Street Inspector: Mrs. Mary Jane Montganery, 533 Orchard Avenue Judge: Mrs. Georgie O'Conner, 310 W. Cherry Avenue Judge: Mrs. Shirley Evans, 525 La Point Street Judge: Mr8, Mildred P. Evans, 135\ S, Mason Street Voting Precinct 2, comprising regular election precincts 5, 6 and 8, Polling Place: St. Barnabas Ep1scopal ChurCh, 100 Barnett Street Inspector: Mrs, Jessie D. Nelson, 1533 Hillcrest Drive Judge: Mrs, Lenora Renshaw, 615 Bennett Avenue Judge: Mrs, Myrtle Dunnam, 520 Grand Avenue Clerk: Mr, Thomas F. Nelson, 1533 Hillcrest Drive (12/73) ,~ Voting Precinct ," c07:prising regular election p~ _.:incts 7, 9, 10 and 110 , Polling Place: Mal"garl:~t He..I'l[)(~ Elr;;;me.ntal':'r~ SC!fcoJ.$ 901 F2'..i.t' Oa:!<:.s A\;"2.m.1i2 Inspector: Mrs, Betty Lc.u Cling1oall, 01.163 Mapk Str::",,:: Judge: Mrs, DeMova O. Allen, 169 Ald'",r S'::r::o,ar Judge: Mrs. Dat't.:;.ld L. C:::"ingmxj,t1.:; 180 Se. ElII': Str~:\;;~t C Ie rk : Mr.s. Beau lah 1.. S ch:.;, 1 tz ~ 1091 A8h S trc8t SECTION 5, Tha.t thE; ccr.Jlp(~nsatio:l Df the J:"dt'sons here:Lnbeiol'b m1.~r.l2d .aa election officers fa hereby fixed at thF} sum of Th'~nt:'y~~KirlG D~)l:i..ars t'Dr (eace:. Inspector and Twenty-FlOur Dollars for each Judge and Clerk for said e1.'''::1.on, SECTION 6, That the polls for said oJlect:i.on shall bl~ op1an at s~v';".n o'clock A.M. of th8 day of said t.~h:,ction and shall ra:.'J.ain op'~n c.cn'~itr~!.T~~8J'.y froi.i1 said time until seven 0' clock P. M. of t'", sa""", day "",bon said polls shall b2: closed, except 8S provided in S(:!(~,ti::jn 14ll-36 of tLr;:: Electicns C0d~:!; of 'the, Stat;3 of California, SECTION 7. That in all partic'~lars not r~~cit'9J in th:f.s R(~sc'h~;t:i.:;nj sa.id election shall be held and conducted as prnyided by 18.'" fOl: holding 1llcnid.pal elections in said City, SECTION 8, That notice of th~ time and place of holding said elc,ct:ion is hereby given and dw City Cl,ork is hereby authorized, :i.ns tr~1c. t<'i"~d and diri~c ted to give such further or additional notice of said electioa, l.:\) t1.me~ furm and manner as required by law, SECTION 9, That the City Clerk shall c,,-rtify to the passage and 'ldoption of this Reaolution; shall enter: th~~, sa~e in the book of original RE:soh:ti0TlS ,)f said City; and shall make a minute of the pa8sag'-' and adoption there"f in tte records of the proceedings of the City Conncil of said City, in tn.!,:; min:.1 tes of the meeting at which the sa~e is passed and adopted, SECTION 10, That this Rosoh:tion shall take effect 1:il1!I\'adiat2. ly , On motion of Ccrunci.l:nan Mill'.l.sj St~;cond(:d b:r Councilman d\;.~ It:;on and OP the following roll call vote, to wi t: AYES: C(Y:;1,nc.il:mi';~1 T&i,l:.~/ > MiLd..:>: de. L;:;:on and Ma>()l" Schleg,::;l NOES: Nene ABSENT: Councilman Wocd. the foregoing resolution was passed ce~b'~J? ' <!' ATTEST: ~~. c&.f(j;,~ CITY CLERK I~ Ines A, del Campo, City Clerk of the City cf ArrGY" Grande:, Co:::nty of San L~is Obispo, State of California) de hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No, 1079 is a trc:e, full and cC'rr"'ct copy of said r'i)sJl",tion pass8d and adopted by the City Council of th" City of Arroyo Grande at a rc<g'!llar meeting of said Counci.l held on the 11th day of Dec,emb'c)r, 1973. WITNESS my hand and the sOl'll of the City of Arro:1O Grand,,: ,.ffixed this 12th day of December, 1973, ,_~'t~.:1.. dd e~,t2l> "- CUy Clerk of the; City of Arroyo Grand., (SEAL)