R 1077 - '~, . , RES01,t'TION ~:,D. ~_,u.:;.~_-, _ A RESOLl:TIOX OF 'rt"U:'~ CIT'{ COtj'~cr!l_, CF L'"E C l;'1' ;~1r';'.RPf:: >'~J GRA.NDE AeTEORIZIJ~G SAID CITY 1(1 CU:,~'LHj...C'~, (I;':'~:f 'r:';" DEPARTMENT 'OF CAl.IFZIR::rtA HIGE::NAS PA:,""i{.r~;~~ [-,XD.E1< 'T":";'.? J......... AB.ANDONED VEI1.ICI,E AB~nTE:~1E;'~T PRf\GRAM. WHEREAS, t:h.f;, .Ar,r,)~,".!. G:f,~;.:.nd,~.~ Ci Cc"'~m(;: i:l L,'\S '::.,,:c ,". ":,.(;'.:'ni.;' h"t" ;" .,. Aband~)n8d Ve:hif~l!:~ A"at8:~:snt f-c:-ice:d~l;',r~;~] f':.;,t ~;i,i.d C.i :J.:~ ::<.~. C", ", :i.i.' ;d. provisions of Sectiun 22660 of the C,::~lif~:t'ni8J. \;; \~) ':,c C.>(':c;; ; ~'inJ WHEREAS, th~,: ,~",rr!):'; '.~ G:nwc!::: C~.ty C(~~nnc,iI. di:;,L~_I" .::; r:.::.~ .;;. ~~':'.t:'t"~;iC t "':1.1:" 1.:.'..'.1 Department of C.al.LL)rni~). RtgI::,;"~:,c:,~T Pat'!':.)} C:H' p.:.-1r '::,i'::: .:.J" ;::1:: :\i';;,n(i.)'~l'-"d Vehic1.8 Abatement Pr:::.gt>8;:~,';e , , NOW, THEREFORE, B" ;:r R'.,WLVED AS rOIJ)~\~'S : The IA..ayor and. Cit:;- C:,':H'k ()f t::l(~ Ci.~-:'Y' ,:'1" "",,- " ';:"',", ": ,,:~~'~ ~'. .'"'",,. a", thcrJ.zed tD snter ~.nt::'") :;1 conl:r;;,~;t r,,;i{:h ,:n,':~ 1):::1"' "J. l' ::''- ',.n!~ f Ca".~~;,~':;"::"~I_J H":'f/~' ,"a~r Patrol for' par::iciliati :'':1 :in r.'i:1';:, Abi.Hla:,med Vu'l;,;_C l;;:~ ,i',.hat:~~'::, :t PI' .:,~;:(';;:::;.. On ~~nti{)n ('f CO'.P."Lc:L:''!.:'i:~,~, d~~ LBt":n, '7'J(>m(r..'~~d~:'::' Cc,-:: .::U:T1,an 'V;'I,'(J. "::i.DC; " . fol1L~"',d,ng roll c..'1:J. vot(;;, t:.,') -,~:.. t: : AYES, C;J'i},~lc1.1m:,;n !~a:L , M:tl..:..lf?, w::~, ',c~_ ~ (,- -~ ,. :':UKL M"r.", :~c ~:, <: NOES: Sont,; ABSE,H: '~;"~':.l,E: the foregoing r'i.:'~~oL~lti,!)n v.',;t, pd~~ ',S eu and ad.;:)F c-:"'.L. t:,hi':.; 2:," i",b, d:i<; ) f \:c";'f~J:I~:"f' r.J L9'J. __u2tZ. _ . _ / ! MA'iOR ATTEST: ~4~..:-dJ:.i2. ~~~ Cln CLERK T" In,~8 Ao del Ca!t~pl' C i.I:y C 1",,']( of t':~I'~~ C 1 n:: Arrc~',~c, G',~:;f~G(L:. C, ":I:'. of San Luis Ohisp~, Sta.t.~ ;:~ f Ca 1.:i f ;.:)n,:d.,~', , dc, :\d r,'~:b~' c,-:::~~r:1.1>' t'~::..'3. ~: r,-l',',; f'~'."r:"~,';..' i~1_g Re:301~,ltl{)n '~~Oo 107:,1 is a r?"-"" ful~~. and c :.-rr~:;c. r ".:-pj ('f. a::t.:..Cl 1";::;,,," '{::::::::l,:-n pH_-'.'_o:':U "-, ,,' ... ~ and adopt2G by tb.r~ Cit:,~ C'f,_1,acf.l uf -rb.8 C:ii::/ tof At:.:'::':."':', Grand,,'; ::il: (:1 me:cting of said Cc<aneil l:,,' 1& ,:)11 (:1;..:,,: 2'/ tf-~ d!i} ,)f ~"I"<-,n,D'::'.t 19TJa WITNESS :m:,~ hanu a~!d. r:h,,;::-, ~:"=al ;)!: t;:.,:; CL,=: (:-[ A,1."(,"..:~ C",:B.[lC.;-"; ;;r"fl-Xi,,:d this 28th da:r of N07m~.',r,'2x, 1973. ~f;~_L..:2/~f..~~)___,_~._._,__, C~...t:i' Cl.~-"~-r'k "t th,:,; CL:':Y ::1 i~,t'r.:'=;"-,' '_,1.',:jI"1~C": (SEAL) ,'~'~'