R 1076 RESOLUTION:\O. ---i(i::i.c A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE Cl i' OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISH1XG A "THIRTY MDTIE PARKI;:G"Z().~E ON THE EAST SIDE OF NORTH HALCYON ROAD Bbn';EE~: ~;[{~.,,) AVElmE AND COR},'WALL AVEN:E. WHEREAS, the C:Lty C('::nc:f.: of the City ..:i A.t'I"~':;::',(, Granc.--: ~- ':>' . OT'd.iTi.i~r.e~::; permitt,ad t~1 Ir~gta.blish li,r:;il~~d pB,rking en Clt::,' stL"~(,::;td; "inti WHEREAS ~ it a.pp.e:a.rs n~'~:c8ssa.r:?' and di'~si.rab:':( :'..L:l1t purking portion of North Halc:lon R.j;;:~d at tl>e lccatioJ1 d8,::~-"t'1!>:':(~ b(':J:~(s: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the', Cit::' Cc::cdJ }! tb~ C:ix;:'" [ Arroyo Grande, as f0llows: lhat her(:lfJ.ftd:!:' a thirty (30) J.~!:ir:r:r..t:" L,:",,::;,t::.:c. pf;i.rking 1:.;n:~ sr:Jill 1::"2 (;:5tt;jl'blis';hcd on (..it}:.::: parking ::>p,]'f>~ ':'~~ ct.,:., I';:d.,j t s i.d/:: of Halc)'7:.:.'n R~:'a.J. located flft:..-~s~'J::': fc.,,<: . i) nr: '::i:.~'t'h.I'~'C~" 1:< or t'r~e north Pt'L;:f<_::rty li1:e cf Gra,nd A""?::~n~'.' 'Hld e'X~:(:;:naing a distanc,,~ cf t'<;./onty fe;~t (201). BE II FURTHER RE.sOLVEIJ ;:hat tbe Cr:i.'3f of pc] iicee, ",' ;;1,"c) CU::;' f A;;r:,;y Grande be~ and :b:~':: is h8rc:'b=7 f.{:j,tl:',orlzf~d to pr'c\C';Lct~ ,'a'.nd :~::,'-:,!:':r~1:~ 6~:ff;.r',l,,;;a;: <:.l.gns and/or ma.rkings to ind:Lco~a that said ..ar€a has l:i:,'t,i',:>:d, "f":'1.rk,l'n,g f,y[' minutes only. On 1l!:wt:l::)n Gf C~unc:t1:~:'c,LI1 de Lt2on~ Sf:.:':<.:',(J,:-'.dGt..~; 0:;' C :-~;nc,:~,....:';;.an We ..(l::ind ';:'n the follm..:ring rell c.all v,:.~t(~~ t,;) wit: AYES, C(-(;,J.ncilm..~:~!:l 'S',~,11(::y) Mil1is~ Wc.;)a: Ci',c~ l,;;-,~?L ~;lftci MaY"J:t Scr:,.";'!F;f_;~ NOES: Nom.:~ ABSE&l': KG-fiG t-he foregoing res(.\1.nt:Lc>n -;'.j':,;.',;::, passed and adoptre::u this 27'c':h, daY'J,f :KC'V~,;:Dt"~Yr~, 1973. c2L~ ATTEST:~e.<l-- J de.! fJa/Jn;tJil CITY CLERK I~ Ines A. del Ca!::;:p<)~ City Cl(:-:r'k of tJ~l(;: C:Lty,;-f' Arr~':7\,' Gr,::i.n(L,~~ C.:';lnl:y of San wis Obispo~ Stat(~ ".'~,f California 51 d.e- 'hereby certi:f:l that tlw L:"r~~g~,::-ing Resolution Nc, 1076 is 8., t!."':':':,2~ ~ full and corr.;;;ct cop:"" i;;.t -S!iid r'~sol",~,tic;2 pa.8~il~d and adopted. b)' tt:,'2 City Ceul'1.cil of th,.~ City ~Jf A.rro:v~~~. Gr"1nd.~"~ a.t a. r..:g~-:l.rJIx meeting of sai.d. CO'tEncil hE~ld em, the. 27th day ~.i,f N'::Y'P'~l:nl~,':':r", 1973. WITNESS my hand and ~:h;-,~ seal of th...--; Cit:/ of A:t'l~O:;\:~ GT'.::u1.d(~; affi.x,::~d. this 28th day of NL"'\~e!~',1:~r 51 'i.973. ~,,;l,dd~__, Cit)' Cl,,:~T'k (yf tr',~~ Cit.::!;:-r Art-,:',,)\, Grande, (SEAL) ---