R 1074 , ~ B::,'2.:,LUTTON r;o 0 ~--j. 1:',::'..-; __'L~J '__n'.: )}' itlE clt:' Lju2~Li.1 (Jt L j. .. :~.l\j_~,_; 0K4..~\J0t~ AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 106/ RELATING Ie; lIME LIMITS ES.::ABLISHED IN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT BRANCH. STREET NO, 2. WHEREAS, the Arro:ro Grande City Council has h8rc,tofol"" adopt:'cd R,,",.d,cdon No. 1067 amending the time limits established by Arrayo Grande Citj' R,,"soh:tic'n No, 1028 relating to Underground Utility District Bra.nch Street N0. Z; and WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande City Council finds it nece3sary to change the time limits for the removal of street lights on wooden poles g,,,rv,,d with ov,o,dk,ad wiring within said UndergroTInd Utility District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: That Arroyo Grande City Resolution No, 1067 be an,ended to read as fol1~N8: WHEREAS, .the Arroyo Grand", City CC"'tlcil 8$tahli.shed Undc,rg!:xm<'c Utility District Branch Street Nc, 2, by R,esuluticm N", 1028, adopt'ed on th" 27th day of March, 1973; and WHEREAS, th,o resolution sets the date of NovumL',r 30, 1973, as the date when the affected property owners rrrc.st h:2 ready tD rbceiv,e ser'\;'ic{~ and s~t March 31, 1974, as the dat8 on or before which all public utiliti.es' o'v\",rh2ad structures ~rere to bE: rcmo,red and. 'lindv;..;rg:r.Ot~tnd facilities WerB to be. installed; and WHEREAS, it ha" been necessary to change the tim'! schcd;;l<< for Under' ground Utility District Branch Street No, 2; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS FOLLOWS: That certain paragraph immediately foUO'"ing the legal description s"t forth in Resolution No, 1028 is amended to read as follows: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cc>uncil doe" her<!by fix that aftc,r written notice and demand delivered to property owners, said affected property owners must be ready to receive service by April 1, 1974, and the Council does hereby order removal by all public utilities of all poles, overhead wires and associated overhead str<lctures, except for poles with overhead street lighting facilities which remain in place until replaced by new street lighting served by underground facilities, and the Council does hereby order the underground >installation of said wires and facilities for supplying electric communications, sunilar or associated services within Underground Utility District Branch Street No, 2, on or before June 30, 1974, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the street lights on wooden pole" served with overhead wiring shall be removed by December 31, 1974, or ten days following completion of curb, gutter and sidewalks on the northerly side of Branch Street within Underground Utility District Branch Street No, 2, On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Talley, Millis, Wood, de Leon and Mayor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing reso lution was passed and a~ this 13th day of November, 1973, ; d// ~i2 l 6/""-';:1' -- ':____.'^.,','-:r;....:r'_ ' ~ -'\t.."..;r'"_'~"""_.-""',,,:t.--- _ "_~'.__.xMAYOR I' /j . ;:r~"rH_':':'-i '-., .m' k'/i4??L:';;; -~--'''''''''''''-'_::r,,;;; ..~_~..~.___ CI~{ C'LBR'< t ~^ ~ i:.: ;,:" c. ,. , " ~ , ' of San Luis Ob:L::t>c;, :)~,::t_.C:~ :;,f Califct'~i d t,,~:.. -,,,":,::, c. ~ ""'".',.,,,"" '-;"",/ ~ ,,-_...::,.,. L L-,-,~c- .... Res 0 lu tion No. 1074 if> a true. full and correct copy of said r8so1ution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a r?~11ar meeting of said Council held on the 13th day of November" 1973 . WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 14th day of November. 1913 . .dwx1~ ;;r~dPl ~~^ City Clerk of the City of AnTFJCi Grand", (SEAL)