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PC R 86-1097��Q'. . .
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b'�I�3�'i���S, t�;e Plannino Corr�sion of the C�ty oi Ar�oyo Grarde has corwidered --
Tent�tiv� r�aet i�1��� r7o. l�l�, fiiAci by �ohn S�eneec• ari AVPI`y ..�...''tZ2I' I[1 c`�CCQtC�c`lI1C� T��IiL�I t}ie F•
City code; ancl . :
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V���A�, st�id tent�tive m�p was z�°far�� to variets guplic uiility cemi ��ues, C��r �
depa, tr�nts, and t�e Staff Advisoz COiri1T71tt�C IOI ��ecri;n:endatiens; a,zd
t�1l�i��,S, the C�orr�ion iinds, after due study, delit;eration arid ��iblic h��ring, the
fQllowing circurrstanc�s e.�t:
1. Inconsistencies exist �etween the m.�t�rials sucn;itted for the
Tentative 'I]ract P;1ap ar,d Architectural RE�riew.
iVO�Y, ���'ORE, BE IT ����VE� �hat the P lanning Ce►�rission of the �fi,� of
�rroyo hereby denies, wnthout prejudice, said tentatiye rr:�p t,vith tl;e follo��vir� f'ir,din�:
1. T�ntative 'iract NTap and Architechmal �esign r.raterials �vere fcund
to �e inconsistent with each ather.
On motion by Corr�ni�ioner �errish, s�onded b;� Comrr�issioner Flor�,, and by the
follo�rring roll call vote, to �vit:
A�: C'.orrxrassioners Moare, Olsen, Soto, G-�errish, Begg�ss, Flcres and
C��irr�n Carr
NtD�,S: Ncne
���� : None
the for�going_.Resolution was adopted this 16th day o.f Septzmcer 1986.
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