PC R 75-403 Z�. � � ,,,.. RESOLUTION N0. 75°403 Z RESOLUTION OF THE Pl:,_AI��N�NG CdMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING, ARTICLE 32, OF SAID CODE, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Ar�oyo Grande, California, has held a p�blic hearing to amend the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande as provided by Chapter 4, Article 32; of said code, to rezone all that property described as follows from "R-A-B-1" Residential Agricultural District to "R-1" Single Family Residential District: "That portion of Lot 13 of the Resubdivisions of a part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisal, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as shown on a map filed in Book A, page 63 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said county described as follows: Beginning at the South.e.ssterly corner of Lot 13 which is designated on s�id map as 5.32; thence along the southerly line of said lot, South 81° West 532.32 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 9° West a distance of 189.39 feet; thence So�u�Ya 81° West to the westerly line of said Lot 13; thence South 15° 30' West along the said westerly line of Lot 13 to the said southe�iy line of said Lot which is designated on said map as 5,42; thence North 81° East along the said southerly line of said Lot to the true point of beginning>" WHEREAS, the Planning Commission feels that the public interest and general wel.fare does require such an amendment; and is in keeping with the Land Use Plan; and WHEREAS, the Commission minutes including a list of persons who testi- fied at the public hearing, summary of fact and findings and copies of any maps pertinent to the proposal are on file and hereby declared to be part of said Resolution, NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Planning Commission hereby recommends approval of the amendment as applied for for the following reasons: 1,. .Zone change from "R-A-B-1" District to ''R-1" District would be in keeping with the Land Use Plan. 2, Change would be compatible to and in keeping with the surrounding developments and zoning, On motion by Commissioner Ries, seconded by Commissioner Sandoval, and by the following roll call votz, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Mathews, Moots, Ries, Sandoval, and Ch�irman Calhoon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cole and Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was adopted t�his 16th da� of September 1975. ATTEST: . � k%�'� ,�� r°.--�� � Secretary Chairma.n REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL � Subject; P�tition to rezone all. that propertiy as noted in.Paragraph 1 from "R-A-��1" Dietrict to ''RW1" Diatrict. Name of Pe'CiCioners: Arroyo Grande Planning Co�nission Number of Persons�Appearing For: _ 0_ Against: 0 Planning Commission Recoanmendation: Planni�ng Commission recornmends approval of th�z zane change bq � rxnanimous vote.