R 1028
---.- ---- -. ..-.------....-- ...... -..---~__ ......_____ ~___~_.____._n__ ____~._.__~__+._.____~_._._ _ _____..__~_._____..._____._.._... _ __ ~_ _ .__...___~_____._..__________._._
306 ~, -L".
WHEREAS, on the 27th day of February, 1973, the City Council of the City of
Arroyo Grande called a public hearing for the 27th day of March, 1973, at the hour
of 8:00 P.M, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 214 East Branch Street,
Arroyo Grande, California, to ascertain whether the public necessity, health,
safety or welfare requires the removal of poles, overhead wires and associated
overhead structures, and the underground installation of wires and facilities for
supplying electric, communication, or similar or associated service, within that
certain area of the City described below; and
WHEREAS, notice of such hearing has been given to all affected property
owners as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and utilities concerned
in the manner and for the time required by law; and
WHEREAS, such hearing has been duly and regularly held, and all persons
interested have been given an opportunity to be heard,
That, pursuant to Ordinance No, 71 C,S. of the City of Arroyo Grande, the
hereinafter described area is hereby declared an Underground Utility District,
and is designated as Underground Utility District Branch Street No, 2 of the City
of Arroyo Grande. The area to be included in the Underground Utility District is
shown upon that certain map entitled "Underground Utility District Branch Street
No, 2", dated March 22, 1973, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk of
the City of Arroyo Grande, California, sai.d area being more particularly described
as follows:
In the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Calif-
ornia: Beginning at a point on the centerline of Nevada Street located 80 feet
northwesterly measured at right angles from the northerly prqperty line of East
Branch Street, sai.d point also being a point on the boundary of the Underground
Utility District Branch Street No. 1 as described in a Resolution adopted by the
City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on November 14th, 1972 by Resolution
No, 1011; thence North 570 45' East to a point on the westerly line of the Hotel
Lot as shown on the map of the Buena Vista Tract according to the map thereof
recorded in Book B of Maps at Page 58, records of said County; thence South
320 45' East along said westerly line of the Hotel Lot to a point which is :
located 75 feet northwesterly from the most southerly corner of said Hotel Lot;
thence North 570 45' East and North 610 East parallel and 75 feet northerly
measured at right angles from the northerly line of East Branch Street to the
easterly line of Mason Street and the westerly line of Lot 9 of the Harden's.
Tract according to the map thereof recorded in Book B at Page 9 records of said
County; thence North 320 02' West to a point which is located 87.5 feet northerly
measured at right angles from the northerly line of East Branch Street; ~hence
North 610 East parallel to and 87.5 feet northerly measured at right angles frmn
the northerly line of East Branch Street to the northwesterly corner of Lot 1 of
Block 36 of Beckett's Crown Hill Addition according to the map thereof recorded
in Book A of Maps at Page 57 records of said County; thence South 290 East 87,5
feet to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 1 and a point on the northerly line
of East Branch Street; thence in a direct line crossing East Branch Street to a l
point on the southerly line of East Branch Street which is located North 840 30'
East a distance of 170.00 feet from Stake S. 299 at the northwe~terly corner of i
Lot 79 of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisal according to
the map thereof recorded in Book A of Maps at Page 65 of records of said County; .
thence South 330 09' East to a point of intersection with the easterly extension
of the southeasterly line of Lot 1 Block 12 of the Short, Mason and Whiteley
Additi~ according to the map thereof recorded in Book A of Maps at P~ge 48
records of said County; thence South 560 50' West along the southeasterly line of
said Lot 1 Block 12 and the easterly and westerly extensions thereof to the
easterly line of Lot 16 Block 6 of the said Short, Mason and Whiteley Addition;
thence along the said westerly l:tne of add Lot 16 South 330 09' 30" East to the
most southerly corner thereof; thence at rightangles across Short Street to a
point on the easterly line of Lot 4 Block 1 of the said Short, Mason and Whiteley
Addition; thence North 330 09' 30" West along the said easterly 1:lne of Block 1
to a point which is located 67 ;00 feet measured at right angles southerly of the
s~th line of East Branch Street; thence South 610 West and South 570 45' West
parallel and 67\00 feet southerly measured at right angles of the south@rly line
---.-- -'-.+---
f _.. _4'''_' _ __.......... '.., - -.--------
,'"' 307 I.
of East Branch Street to a l'C)in~ ot! the b'~\lnd"'rj' of th.~ said t:n~"':r.gt'('und Ut-Hit,
District Branch St1'cet No, 1, s,d.J point 1>21'1" the most 03.8I:"rl". corner of that
property described in dcp.d to Marti.. rolb, 1'8COrdf.<l in V,)~umc 1129 :>t Pltge 315
of official records of fJaid Count,,'; thence rl0rth,~~ly ,llong the cRsterl)" bO:'lmdary
of the said Under.ground Utility D$,~t,ict J3r.:mch S!:ra.:ot t:", 1 tlu'oug1,l its V,9.1'10118
courses and dista.ncBs to th,) point oj: bi~ginn:l!!g.
BE IT FUR'mER RESOLVED thillt the. C(,>\1I'-<;1.1 dr",,; h"'l'eby fix, th,,1; after '"ritten
notice and demand deli.versd t() pr"p<:,.\'ty (''Nnr.rs, .,,:J.(1. ~f f<1C t.,d pr"p.,rt:' l..'ner~ !nUS t
be ready to nceive service b)" No.,,,,!:obm: :30, 1~73, \md th" CO'lmcil C1<'''',8 her"b~'
order the removal by 1.\11 public \itHities 01' ,1..11 1'('1,,8, o\',u'h,~ad wires 1I.\~d !1~soci~
ated overhead .truct'JrQS arl'! ths umlargrou:\ll i.~N tnl1a!:ion of said ~Ib:.,,~ IIlld
facilities for !upp1:dng ell'H:tr.ic, cCI!:r.nuniclI, t't,'n "1:' ~:tmUJ!lr. Qr ausocia::f.\d ssrvice
within Under,round Utility District BrAnch StreQt No, 2 on or bp.iore Murch 31, 1974,
r- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thaI: th,~, City Cl/)c1c i. hl\rl.:hy tnstt~lcted t" nt'tUy
all affected uti1:l.tiell IInel a11 penor\!! O1"ulng 1.'8.'11. 1-'1:"l'm:ty \dl:11.:lo lInd-::rground
I Utility Dhtdct 111.'(11\<:\1. &tt'l\et No, 2 of th!\ "<\"\-,1:1(", .~f I:hi.tl t'''~olt..tion within
ten (10) dllYo dtu thCl data of ~ul:h adQPU.,>n. f>a:tci C:I,!:;.r C1er\\ ~h.!\,l1 ,tu\'t:h",l'
notify .aiel. propl!l'ty QWI1""~ of t1,;) nllc"lIuity t!w.\:, 'if tbe~' or Imy l'~r~O!' occupying
luch prop,u~ty d...i\'l\\l:I:' C(mt:lmllil to;> rEl,<,a,iw. .,lfoctric, \)c!'1!l11un,icat:t."'1 <'f "1:11.111'
Iimila1.' or IlIIIoc:l.lIl:\ld urvicf!, tl10y or ~l\,:)h q'.\rul,Il'.tlt 8h1lH, by 1;1110 \I<lta Ux~d, in
tbh l'IIlI olution , pJ.'Qv1dlil 1111 !\\i!ca~~~t~' fl\~n:tt)' ,,1\,,1\1';01\., "I' r,hd:r rp\\n'l~,\" ~Q M~
to ncdvCl s\lch MuVtIJI'> f1:'rJ\~ thE! 1:I.Ma 0:( the ~\lpplyil"l;I IIt;\,Uty tit ~::t1:l.tie~ at
a new loc.UQI\, lI\lbjt!C:t ~o MpPUollbl<l ):'\111-'1', c,~,,'\\llltJ.Q!\~ .';!{\II t!\\"ifh pf tttQ
rllpeotivl1 ul:Uity !JJ.' \lttli1;b~ 01\ t~UI,\ w:!.t;h t~/;i !'u4Hc Ud) ,tth,~ C<1!fi\\lbn:l.on (If
tho St.t. of C.11:(01:'l\tll, $uoh Mt!.f'I.\.IIi::I.'w IIha11 be. !\lalla 11)' mdUi'\g II c"py or
thil nQlllul::l.QI\ I:o!;(,the\' with <I Q\'If'Y fll' pili,.! O~'IHnaot\l!\ Np, 71 C.:>. 1;0 aJ'hcted
property DWI\en IU lIu(\h lira s!JPwn on~h\~ 111~' ~'lIdbe.t I\H'a~~T!1",nt: ,'jU I1nd tQ
tho .ffected ut11:1.tiEle.
BE IT J.l'URTI-IID\ RI!:SOJNeD thtll; thf1 Qv1df\f1<.'o ~lhtlW'll :\nd tho CQtmcU h~~reby finds
that the ru.on. lor t\l'CllCion Qf such Ul1del'lkN1lT\d VtUity I)htd~\: iH';) /.19 !"lhW-I:
1, Tho underKro\ll,d:tng tt) b'a IIccompU.'h"d ,"'ill lI\I'oill ':'1.' O'\Hm!.Qllttl atl
unusually he'avy concentrlltJ.on of oV<1t'he4d d1./ltrUmtton r4cnit:l.l\~,
2, The .trlllet',roa<1., or l'i!!ht~ of: w..y inth" D:lRtriot are eX1:"nsivn1y
ueed by th., general pubHc IInd 1:1I1'1:Y II hMV:; volumu (If peder!tri'\l1 ",nd v~h:l.culor
traffic and uid undergrool\ding w11l prO\-n()t.'~ the "rd6r1y cu,~!:rol (,'f $uch t:rafHc,
3, '1'1\111 11111111 s tre.ota, roads Q~ r:J.\,!ht,.' (I,r\~'Y ...djoJ.n or l,Ia~' through a
civic area, conuquent1y, I\w;h undargr,('l!.r\dtng 1.;1 mOL'O efficiont than /lny other
method and addN to the Cll1:lIthetic "Pl'fH1l'1l1"'"'' ".r tho lu'e/\ $0 ulldllrgt'(1\u,dad, i
On motion of COUnCU1\11I.11 dc X,'wn. ~i!co,,\I.~d by Cmu')cUme,n .MUU.. 11,\')11 (,'Ir,
'the following roll call '''_t\!, t.o wit::
AYES: Counci1mnll MU1:I.11, '1'allI!1Y. W(.'od. de 1eotl and Milyo:t: Schl19gel
NOES: None
... ,,".,.,. "."..." ... p...., ." ~ "..
I /c:
I --.. .~
'iY C JoE
I. POLLY S, KINGSLI::Y, CHy Cl"rk I)ft1'", Gi::y 'Of An:oyo Gr'mdo. COllnl:)'
of San Lu:l.s Obispo, State of Cl1.l1f.(lt't:\!r". d.;. h'Heb:r cm..~:lf:' r.h.jl: th'l :Eorlilgoing
Resolution No, 1028 18 ill true, fun and (,"on"!;\: I;"p:r of M.J.d 1',,~,,~v.l:ion paosed
and adopted by th'l' City COUl'CU 01' ~:b<:o C~.t.y ;)f: Arr.:J;w C;"o.od') lit (t Nl\ulu
meeting of .aid Council b",ld "11 tbl! 271:h dny oJ: M,r,rch, )'.173,
WITNESS my hllnd and th... ""'11.1 of tbe C.tf:y of Ar:rt'y" c,rll.1.'Idc /\t:f.had tl11a
28th day of Mart\h, 1973, Q
City C