R 1027
RE~ ;-:~_':_;>";-:C'j" :,10. _.J~~;fI._
A Rf:.S('1,:'-l ~:).\ ',r' lFi.E CITY COli:;:i;ClJ., QF THE CITY OF
WHEREAS, the; CI of ',n,,:," Gnwde, a California M>,micipal Corporation, (the
I1Applicantll) has h',~l:e:::rif;:,;'r\"! sul:,~:J1.=(,,::d a.n appl.ic.ation to the United States of America,
Department of H.:n:.l;;;:.:Ln.g and '~.Jr'Di'in D;.::" IIGiy-.rernment") for a grant under
See tion 7'02 of t'hQ Eous l,ng and rrbJ:;,',!}r.~;,i: Ac:, t of 19(5) a.s amended, to aid in
financing a certain p1JbHc \[or;,;.s 'cd"L ; ',,' "ie r",',j2,C.t Ne. WS-Calif-285; and
WHEREAS, tb,,, Gov,""mnenl: Lu:,; " tL,,; Ha.id application and has submitted
to the Applicant a ,~ertai.n GraE't (thi::: "Agreement") for approval and
execution by the Appl.icant!w:nLch baid ; Ct:::~','-:~;";~: Is satisfactory,
~OW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,],. it': C!.'7 Council of the Applicant, that
the said Agree1l1~.::nt, :1 Cup:/, of'k;]lc:-j 1s ,Bf'~::~>:.J~~.:.d ~'':'2r~to, be and the same is hereby
aFprovedG Tne MaYDr i.~: 'i'"j ,:=..uthor:b:ed cr.,:':!. directed to execute the said Agreement
in the name a.nd en behalf of t~),~~Appli('.ar:t,: hi ,:;"8 many counterparts as may be neces'"
sary, and the C:,t:}" Cl~?rk L~~, hersl:-y a'T:.h'J:c1_:;~~d ~;:rld directed to affix or impress the
official seal of th,e Applic.gnttJ]ere()~1 d.~~j t.) e.ttes.t the same. The proper officer
is directed to for.v'ard ths ~;:H~id i::xcce,t~;~l ,jU'~t;;.:!.r.parts of the sai.d Agreement to the
GoverrJ...~H~nt~ toget'th:;T W'i*~b:::l::,C}-I O'C:;'Ler di;(;:r.:r;~;~rt'i~~; evid.encing the approval and authori-
zation to eXAcute t.hE:: Sa.:XI€: a.~-i \':[;.:'1 be j'f;':(1'~I:~'p.d ~~y the Governmento
0::"1 mo-:::ion of CC\lIlCilr.;g,n W<;,)(l~ E-;2corLI~,d by Councilman Millis and on the
following roll call votf~ ~ to wit:
AYES: Cc:rl':,nci\nEIJ M:Uli~ ~ Talley, '~i~'y:'d~ de lreon and Mayor Schlegel
NOES ~ :"~ ;)r1t:;
ABSE!':T ~ l;,)n,~
th€~ -r()regl)i:t~.g n~s(<L~.t:i.on ';;'i-a,8 p!:;:.8,s(~d a.n,d. ad":Jpc<::d this 13th day of March, 19730
/J ~
luV,-, -- ~
ATTEST: , ' ~""4/----
Q.,ERK t:?
I, POLLY S. KINGSIEf, hereby cert.Lfy: (1) that I am the duly appointed,
qualified and acting City Ci..2,rk of the AppUcant designated in the foregoing
Resolution Authorizing Ex"c;;,tJ.on of Gra.r"t Agreement; (2) that I am the custodian
of the records of tics App1i.cant Including th8 records of its Governing Body
designated in the ResoIuUon; (3) that t1,e above copy of the Resolution is a true
and correct copy c'f th" s"id Reoolution as adopted at a duly authorized meeting of
the said Governing Eody he;" on March 1:3th, 1973 a!1d on file and of record; (4) that
the said meet::ng r,.-ias dUlY eOO"i7(;:1eC and ht~ld in accordance with all applicable laws
and regulatio!1s, that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, that a
legally st!fficie!1t nut!:Le'. of mem~ers of the said Governing Body voted in the proper
manner for the adGpti;)~ of the said Resolution, and that all other requirements for
the proper aGoptioc of the said Resolutio!1 were fully observed; and (5) that no
ac.tion has beer.. taker. by the f,aid Governing Body or the Applicant to reconsider,
amend or resc,ind. the ~8~i.d Resohltion.
IN WITNESS "iiEREDF , I ha'"'' hereunto set my hand and the seal of the
App lIea!1 t this l!+ th da.,~' 0 f Harc "', 1973,
City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande