PC R 72-256 U300 RESOLUTBON N0 72-�56 U RESOLUT60N OF THE PLANNING COMM9SS60N OF THE CSTY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTS.NG A USE PERM�T, CASE N0, 72 The planning Commession finds that ihe Use Permit applied for by Galif�rnia PropertBes, Inc, on the northeast cprner of Courtland arod Grand Avenue meets the requirements of the Arroyo Grande Municepal Code to construct a Family Genfer, selling groceries, drugs and variety store items operated as one store on the C-N District on the following described property: In the City of Arroyo Gra,nde, County of San Luos Obospo State of California, Parcel A of AG 72-95 and grants said Use Permit subject to the followong condetsons; 1. Full off-site improvements of Grand Avenue and Courtland to Public Works Department requirements. 2. On-site fire protection (hydrants) as required by Fire Department, 3. Architectural approval of structures and landscaping plan prior to issuance of a building permet. For the following reasons; 1. Permissive use within the District subject to Use Permit procedure. 2. Would not adversely affect abutting properties. On motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Porter, and by the following roll call vote, to wit; AYES: Commissioners Berryhill Gullickson, Jones, Pope, Porter and Chairman Nunes NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner St. Denis the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 5th day of July, 1972. ATTEST: � - � �. - Secretary airman