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PC R 67-64 U93 �� RESOLU°TION NO, 6�-64 l7' RESOLU°TION OF" THE PL,ANNING CONINIISSION OF. 'd'HE CITY 0�' ARROYO GRANDE GRAI�[TING A USE PERMI'T CASE N0.67-108 ,-The Planning Commission finds thc�t� the Use Permit applied for by. the,Peace Lutheran Church at 244 No. �8th Street meets the requirements of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to allow for the const'ruction of one story Sunday Sck�ool six class r�om b�u,ilding in a C-1 Zone "on "the following descr�.bed propertyo In the City of Arroyo Grande, Coun�y of San Luis Obispo, State of California - A portion of Block 53 of the Town of Grover. and grants said Use Perm.�°� subject to the .foll.owing conditions: l. Surface drainage to �he satisfaction of the Public Works Department, mus� be carried �to 18�h S�ree�, 2. Meet requ�rements of-�he F°ire and Bvailding Departments. 3, Archztec�ural Approval be granted prior °to issuance of build- ing permit. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Necessary to the petitioner foz the �+�ae of the pxoperty. 2. Will no� advexsely effect abu�t�ng proper�ties. On motion of Commissioner McMillen, secornded by Commissioner Porter, and by the following roTl call vote, to �n►it: AYES: Commissioners Duvall, McMillen, Moss, Porter, Schultz, Smith nnd Chairman Strother. NOES: None ABSENTe None the foregoing Resolu�tion was adopted this 16th day of May, 1967. ATTEST : � ,���.�C� �/ '. � Se.,cretary Chairman . . ` �. •• ; ` , , , . . ' __.