R 0975 --- RESOWTION NO. 975 A RESOLUTION OF 'IRE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RELATING TO THE USE OF THE BEACH AREA ALONG TBE CITIES OF PISMO BEACH, GROVER CITY A.1'/D THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SOUTH TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY LINE. WHEREAS, the residents of the City of Arroyo Grande and the, ath,'t' .,<""tl: county connnunities, including residents of Pismo Beach a.nd Graven: City, and the County of San Luis Obispo, are among the most frequent USers of the San Luis Obispo County Beaches, and WHEREAS, many of the residents of these communities have selected their place of residence because of the fact that they have the use of the, beach area, and WHEREAS, the use of the beach area is a major attraction of the City of Arroyo Grande, and the other communities mentioned herein, and because of this it is an important matter for the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to make know"tl its position on the use of the beach area in thc" Bout!! San Luis Obispo County communities; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Use of the beach area by the residents of the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, Grover City, the Oceano community, and other residents of San Luis Obispo County, has been unlimited to this time and restriction of this ri~ht is generally opposed by the City Council of the City of Arroyc Grande, and any limitation or charge for the day use of the b"ach arna i~ vigorously opposed by the Arroyo Grande City Council, 2, Use of the beach area for vehicle traffic has long been enjoyed by the residents of the above-mentioned communities, and it is the desire of the Arroyo Grande City Council that no action be taken which would provide for the closing of the beach area for vehicle traffic. 3, In the event that sanitary facilities are required for over-night campers, those facilities should be finances by imposing charges for OV>2r- night camping, IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that in connection with imposing charges and regulating over-night camping, that the matter of collection and enforcement of regulations related thereto be administered by the Cities of Grover City, Pismo Beach, the community of Oceano, and the County of San Luis Obispo, on such non-profit basis as is worked out by those communities, IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED ,that copies of this resolution be sent to the Pismo Beach City Council, Grover City City Council, San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, Oceano Improvement Association, the California State Department of Beaches and Parks, State Senator Donald Grunsk~ and Assemblj- men 'lJiUiam"Ketchum .and Don MacGillivray.", On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine, NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of March, 1972" i~L~V;1 ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ' ~ TY CI