Minutes 2010-12-02 SP MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2010 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Special City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Council Members Joe Costello, Chuck Fellows, Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Guthrie, and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present. City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information Services /City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraetsch, Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services Doug Perrin, Director of Community Development Teresa McClish, Chief of Police Steve Annibali, and Fire Chief Mike Hubert were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Kristen Barneich recognized and thanked Council Member Fellows for his service on the City Council. Susan Flores thanked staff and all City departments for their service and courtesy, and thanked the city Council for their countless hours of service. 5. PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL MEMBER FELLOWS Mayor Ferrara acknowledged Council Member Fellows and presented him with a Certificate of Recognition from the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors for his service to the community, as well as a plaque from the City in appreciation for his service to the community as Council Member from 2006 to 2010. City Manager Adams then presented outgoing Council Member Fellows with a City jacket in appreciation and recognition of his dedication and service to the community. 6. REMARKS BY DEPARTING COUNCIL MEMBER FELLOWS Council Member Fellows acknowledged staff and expressed appreciation for their work; stated it has been an honor and interesting serving on the Council for the last four years; acknowledged the Council and the dedicated volunteers who serve on the City's Commissions, Boards, and Committees; and stated that this is a wonderful community. He acknowledged his family and stated how fortunate he was that they all live in Arroyo Grande and said he looked forward to spending more time with them. He indicated he would continue to be active with the South County Historical Society, planting trees with the Tree Guild, and serving on the Architectural Review Committee. He commented further on the active volunteerism which makes this a strong community and encouraged community members to get more involved. In closing, he acknowledged incoming Council Member Tim Brown who will do a wonderful job. Minutes of City Council Special Meeting December 2, 2010 Page 2 7. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE CERTIFICATES OF THE COUNTY CLERK CERTIFYING THE RESULTS OF THE CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE NOVEMBER 2, 2010 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION City Clerk Wetmore presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution accepting the Certificates of the County Clerk certifying the results of the canvass of all votes cast November 2, 2010 at the Consolidated General Municipal Election. Action: Council Member Fellows moved to adopt a Resolution (No. 4324) as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING THE CERTIFICATES OF THE COUNTY CLERK CERTIFYING THE RESULTS OF THE CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST NOVEMBER Z 2010 AT THE CONSOLIDATED GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ". Mayor Pro Tem Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Fellows, Guthrie, Costello, Ray, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8. OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED BY CITY CLERK City Clerk Wetmore administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Tony Ferrara, Council Member Joe Costello, and Council Member Tim Brown. 9. REMARKS BY COUNCIL MEMBER BROWN Council Member Brown stated this has been a long road for him, dating back prior to the General Plan Update. He thanked his friend Jim Dickens and acknowledged their shared passion for agricultural land within the City limits; Jane Line, who helped on a lot of campaigns over the years; and Jan Scott, a member of his campaign committee. He noted the group effort on his campaign and election and expressed thanks to his campaign committee. He acknowledged Steve Henry, who has been a big part of his life over the past few years. In closing, he acknowledged Chuck Fellows who has become a good friend, thanked him for running his campaign, and thanked the Fellows family for their support. 10. REMARKS BY COUNCIL MEMBER COSTELLO Council Member Costello thanked his family for their support; thanked the people of Arroyo Grande for re- electing him again; expressed appreciation for the confidence they have shown in him; and for the willingness to have him deal with the issues that come before the Council; and stated he would look forward to working with new Council Member Brown and with the remaining members of the Council. 11. REMARKS BY MAYOR FERRARA Mayor Ferrara echoed several of the comments that have already been made, including what a great City and a great community Arroyo Grande is; that people are committed and dedicated to not only maintaining the City, but looking at the future and making sure that the decisions that are made are the right decisions so that this community is preserved for the future and future generations. He stated this was his fifth term; that this job is not easy; and as we move forward in this economy and in these times, it gets more difficult. He acknowledged the dedication and commitment of the Council and every level of City staff and commented on the pride and closeness that makes this community unique. He stated that as Mayor, it makes him proud, humbled and honored to sit on the Council. He believed the Council is poised to meet the challenges that the City faces. He thanked the community and stated that the Council is here to work and make sure that the values and principles of this community remain intact. Minutes of City Council Special Meeting December 2, 2010 Page 3 12. CONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve the recommendation of Council Member Brown to appoint Lisa Sperow to the Planning Commission. Mayor Ferrara invited those in the audience who wished to comment on the matter, and upon hearing no comments, he closed public comment. Action: Council Member Brown moved to appoint Lisa Sperow to the Planning Commission, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Brown, Costello, Ray, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 12. SELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council appoint Council Member Ray as the Mayor Pro Tem for the next one -year period, pursuant to Council policy. Action: Council Member Costello moved to appoint Council Member Ray as the Mayor Pro Tem for the next one -year period. Council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Costello, Brown, Ray, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 13. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. to the Regular Meeting of December 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street. os Tony Ferra yor ATTEST: "IS a .4 IfL 4,L Kelly W •tmo -, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg it/ill-On )