R 0939 ..L..........V..lJVl.'....\j,,\ ~1\ ~ ~ II RESOLUTlO::, HORIZr::(; ,\i'i'LJlATlO:.. ,,, ,lit l.1 (II' Ahl,U,O GI,i\\OL TU THE SA\ LUIS OBISPO COU~TY LOCAL AGE'" !UI~;'V\nO\ COMMjS)IO~ RELATlVE TO A PIWI'OSAL TO A~!\EX TERHJ pmy TO ,oill (j'I'Y OF ,':mOYO G!1M;rJI': 1;1' T J,I'..,tH,\'L)) f:J,: tlH CJ~'. C;"'j':"\ l: (.t tit( (it '.1 ,\JIj,r:. ';rd!:dp tilol :t dl~tS i'lerth:. iCqll(.~t dr,d P(:ll{l.-';, thl:. :)~1r) 1,1J1~, Ot-i:-;p': ~_;')I.I t:;. LChsl Agt.:r;,.\ F,.r.11dtlo;; C-JITI' un~,si(lrl t,,, appt:\\/( lJit ar:n€':-:[I[l,.';, ..j [:11(: tErrI! ..~'. df.!;,~.rlh(,u I': tlw c1tlc'L'llr:.d I:.x. hit'! t "A" l() 1.1(' kr;c'wn .:35 "Hua~"::rt i{ lCid :<0 3 Ar.l"' .xid i\"")r~", t,_, th( ("1 t)' .01 Arro\'rj Grdl;ut.: . BE IT I;URTHER I:ESOLVED tltat tlus Lou'l1ul de, IdJ,' thdt: 1. Thi& propn~al IS made purSU8rlt Le- thE' D.lstrt, [ Re.orga,nizetli0i!. Ac t (,! 19t/) 2. The territory proposed to be b.unexe'd l~ uninhabited. 3, The rEasons fOT this proposal are that. (a) The Clty will be able to ofler to (he terr ,t'YTY prop"sed to be ar1n~xed all tile services of a ~unl(ipal (~rporation, such as (ire protection, watEr servire, police prote~tiO[l, localized zoning controls, and othErs. It is felt that these services will be more etUciently and eU'nomically operated by one entity. (b) 'n,.. n;,sul t sltould be that service to the t"rri t<>ry proposed to he a;;nexed will b. upgraded that the o)Terall tax burden might be redu~~d, and nttler rates such as fire insurance rates might be redu"ed, Al so, government wi 11 be more loc a I ar.d uni iied, SloeE: jurisdiction would be then io one body, tltc, City Council of the City of Arroy~ Grande. 4, The followiJlg -oountIes, -oities or dlstrir,ts are atf"cted by this proposal: (a) County C11' San Luis Obispo. (b) CIty of Anoyo Grande:. (c.) County of San Luis Obispo Flood Cor,trol and Water LonsHvation District 3, (d) South Sa,,, Luis Obispo ("unty Sanitation District. (e) Lucia Mar Uni Hed School District. ). The rea] properly hereby propos..d to be an,,,.xed to the C1 ty of Arroyo Grande is ",,)t'e parUt..ular-ly des,:rjberJ in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and hereby incorporAted hereir, as (hNlgh fully set for th at this point. BE IT ~'URTHER RESOLVED that the City Council requests that tlte proposed ar.- lI(;xar ion be SUbjf;ct tt' stich terms and condj t iOGS as arE:' contained in Section 56740 of tLEo Government Code of tbe State of California, which may be deemed applIcable b\ thf~ Lo( al Agency FOI1G.ation Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk 01 the City of An :'y" Grande is herth)' directed to Ill" a certihed copy of thi> resolution with the Executive Offu...er ot the SarI Lu'Is Obispo COIJnty Local AgBtlC'{ Ff)r~nation Commi.sedon" Or: ml.tion ot CcunciLlltin Ta:11';-'?J s'.,(.:mdi,d by Co-:.mcilman Wood and on the following tvl1 C:-:Jllvotc, tn wi.t: AYES~ C,:.\:nci'l ~1-'mbfn:, Sc.t:let;..-:l1 Tr:.(.r.npson: ~'h)od, Talley dnd Na.yar L(.vin~. NOES' Non,' ABSEXT: Non" the I\}rt:,.goit~g resoluri.:\':-; w:::~_,pd::~t.d 3nu ad:JpiL-d tLt.'.;., 2JI,h d>3y ,.-;of LltaYt 71" ~"'-~ /' G/ ~ ( ) /, '7 , , /. - ..."7, I _ G ~_<. ~v. " " \..\.__..d--~.z ~~.b5/ ' -7' ~=_"'d,- ~ . ,e'_'Cl.__ "l,L)I,_._",,~f? -~f"./: _-L<<L / Yu\YOR CITY K -.-..--- - . I, Polly S. Millet, City Clerk of the Cily co! ArroyC' Grand", C",ualy cf San ~uis Obispo, State of CaUfornia, do hereby certify that thE fcugc!cg Re5clution N'~, 939 Is." true, full ar:d",;'r:ce':t copy of -aid r, ,obtier, pas,ed a;'.,d "drpted ~} th~ C1 t~ Ce';ncil o! th~ Ci.,}' '.)f Arro}"v Grande at " regul.r mHtir:g cf &did COUI1.cil hE .,d Ot; tbe 2:>th day 'J! May, 1971. WITXESS my hn~d and the ."at ~f the City c: Arrcyc) Gr'd~d~ affixed thig 26th day af May, 1971. (SEAL) EXHIBIT "A" All that land contiguous to the City of Arrovo Grande, in thE! County of San Luis Obispo, State of California included within tht' following described ex- ~ terior boundaries: ,~ Commencing at a point marked "F" set at the must southerly corner of Lot 2 of A. Newsom's Lands in the Ranchos Santa Manuela and Bolsa de Chemisal, as " per map thereof recorded June 5, 1891 in Book A Page 77 of Maps in thE! office , of the County Recorder of said County, and also being a point on the City limits of the City of Arroyo Grande as established by the Tabb Ranch Annexation approved by the Secretary of State on the l~th day of April, 196-3 ; running thence along the boundaries of said Tabb ,Ranch Annexation North 250 00' East, 660.00 feet to a point designated "G" and S. E. 9 on said map; thence North 430 15' West along the southwesterly line of Lot A of said Newsom's Land, ~ j 504.90 feet to a point; thence North 430 45' East, 330.00 feet to the south- i,1 westerly line of Lot B of said Newsom's Land; thence along said southwesterly 1 ine of Lot B, South 430 15' East 26,40 feet; thence ;-j"rth 430 45' East, 330,00 feet to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot B; thence leaving the said boundaries of the said Tabb Ranch Annexation North 430 15' West along r,.: r'j the said northeasterly line of said Lot B and the northwesterly cgntinuation }I thereof to a point on the northwesterly line of County Road No. 2019 formerly County Road No. 97, known as Stee Ie Station-Ranchi taRoad and a point- on the city limits line of the City of Arroyo Grande as established by the Upper Arroyo No. 1 Annexstion approved by the Secretary of State on the 1st day of February, 1960; thence Southwesterly and Westerly along the said city limits of the City of Arroyo Grande to a point which lies North 90 West from the most easterly corner of Lot 15 of Steele's resubdivision of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Bolsa de Chemisal according to the map thereof recorded in Book A of Maps at Page 63; thence South 90 East across the said Steele Station-Ranchita Road to said most easterly corner of said Lot 15 being a point on the City Limits of the City of Arroyo Grande as established by incorporation July 10th, 1911 , and being also the most northerly corner of Lot 8 of said A. Newsom IS . Lands; thence continuing along said city limits line sOllth~asterly along the northeas terly lines "I said Lot 8 and Lots 7 and 5 of said A. Newsom IsLands to a point which bears South 250 00' West from aforesaid point "F"; thence North 250 00' East to said point "F" and thE! point of beginning, and includ- . ing all lots and blocks of subdivision 10c.1t,'d therein, together with all public roads, alleys and rights of way of "'cord. . --.- ,-, ~-'---'-^.__.-