Minutes 2000-05-23 " MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:15 p,m. 2, ROLL CALL City Council: Agency Board: X Mayor Lady X Chair Lady X Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara X Vice-Chair Ferrara X Council Member Runels X Board Member Runels X Council Member Tolley X Board Member Tolley X Council Member Dickens X Board Member Dickens Staff Present: .2LJnterim City Manager/Chief of Police X-City Attorney lL...Pirector of Administrative Services lL...Pirector of Building and Fire _Director of Community Development lL...Pirector of Public Works _Director of Parks and Recreation lL...Pirector of Financial Services 3, FLAG SALUTE Camp Fire Club, Ta-Fra-Ha-Na led the flag salute, 4. INVOCATION Pastor Jared Hoover, First Assembly of God Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation, 5, SPECIAL PRESENT A TIONS 5.a, PROCLAMATION - RECOGNIZING JACK HERLIHY & ASSOCIATES Mayor Lady presented the Proclamation to Jack Herlihy recognizing him for donating his time to facilitate a Strategic Planning Session with the Economic Development Task Force and staff to draft an Economic Development Strategy for the City, CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 23, 2000 S.b, PROCLAMATION - SPECIAL OLYMPICS LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN DAY Mayor Lady presented the Proclamation to Chief TerBorch, Council Member Tolley invited the Council and public to the Annual Tip-A-Cop Dinner to be held on June 5th to benefit the Special Olympics. S.c, PROCLAMATION - NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK Mayor Lady presented the Proclamation to Director of Public Works Dpn Spagnolo, 6, AGENDA REVIEW 6,a. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed. unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7, PUBLIC HEARINGS None, 8, CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS Lillian Judd, Director of Planning and Program Development for the Economic Opportun'ity Commission, spoke about the services provided by the EOCand distributed its Community Action Plan for the years 2000-01, Antonio Stevens, a student from Arroyo Grande High School, stated he was attending the Council meeting to learn more about City government. He requested the Council's support for the school's upcoming "Every 15 Minutes" Program which addresses teen drinking and driving. 9, CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Dickens requested that Item 9.b, be pulled. He referred to page four, 3rd paragraph, and stated that there was more specific dialogue with the consultant regarding Highway 227, He requested going 'back to the tapes and including more detail in the minutes, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to page 4, 1st paragraph, and requested that the word "detailed" be inserted before the words "Circulation Element" in the second line, Council Member Dickens moved and Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9,a. through 9.h., with the recommended courses of action. a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. b. Minutes of Special Joint Meeting of April 6, 2000 and City Council Meeting of May 9, 2000. Approved. 2 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 23, 2000 c, Confirmation of Assessments, Adopted Resolution No, 3446 and 3447. d, Authorization to Solicit Construction Bids - Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road and Tally Ho Road Pavement Overlay Project, Project No. PW-2000-02, Approved, e, Authorization to Solicit Bids - Spring 2000 Pavement Management Project. Approved, f. Approval of Communications Site Lease Agreement - Cellular One of San Luis Obispo, Approved, ~ g, Participation in the California Law Enforcement Technology Equipment (CLETEP) Program. Approved. h. Fiscal Year 2000-01 Budget Sessions, Approved. Voice Vote LRolJ Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Ave Tolley Ave Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10, CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a, AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE THE DRAFT EL CAMPO ROAD/ROUTE 101 PROJECT STUDY REPORT (PSR) Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the staff report, He explained that the draft PSR has been revised based on the comments provided by the Council at the April 11, 2000 meeting, He stated that the draft report identifies the proposed project alternatives, including right-of-way requirements, estimated project costs, roadway geometric configurations, and a preliminary environmental assessment report, Staff recommended the Council authorize the distribution of the draft EI Campo Road/Route 101 Project Study Report for a 45. day public comment period and direct staff to return to the City Council with a summary of .public comments and make any modifications deemed necessary or appropriate. Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comment. Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane, stated he was not opposed to the development of the Arroyo Linda Crossroad project or the annexation of the additional property proposed. He said there are many elements of the Specific Plan he disagreed with which he would provide in writing. He stated that he was confused about the timing, because the EI Campo interchange seems to be connected to the proposed development. He commented that there was no funding mechanism in place, 3 '--'. CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 23, 2000 Otis Page, 606 Myrtle, stated he spoke on this matter at the last Council meeting and that it was his .~nderstanding there would be a funding plan coming forth. He stated that the document has language that would create a funding mechanism; however, that was not a funding plan. He said the Arroyo Linda Plan and the Interchange Plan were running parallel. He asked how a consultant could make a determination of the financial impact of the Arroyo Linda project until they know what the plan is on the interchange, He further stated that the key issue for the community is that the project cannot be done without the interchange, He said he was not opposed to distributing the PSR on the condition that the City discloses the funding mechanism, Hearing no. further comments, Mayor lady brought the discussion back to the Council for consideration, Council Member Tolley stated that the changes requested by the Council were made to the document. He agreed with Mr, Page's comments about the funding mechanism in that the City does not know where the money will come from, He stated he was in favor of distributing the PSR for a 45-day public review and comment period. Council Member Runels stated that this was a part of the process and spoke in favor of moving forward with the public review and comment period. Council Member Dickens commented that funding was a big issue. He stated the report was clear that the primary objective of the EI Campo Road interchange is to provide access to the Arroyo Linda Crossroads project. He read a portion of the language in the Introduction and Recommendation regarding funding from a regiona'l agency and from the project applicant. He referred to page 5, 2nd paragraph, and requested staff add the word "as proposed" to the following sentence: "The development as proposed is to be constructed in two phases..,", Council Member Dickens asked for clarification on policy making regarding funding and referred to the construction cost differences between roadway segments and structures, Director Spagnolo explained that the structure was the bridge and concrete portions that are structural elements to hold the roadways; and that roadways are the approaches to the structures within the project limits, There' was discussion about the cost difference between Alternative 1 and Alternative 2, Director Spagnolo explained the increased costs for Alternative 2 which relate to the physical location of the proposed interchange which would require more grading than Alternative 1, Council Member Dickens stated that he was satisfied with the changes made to the draft and was in favor of releasing it for public review. 4 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 23, 2000 Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stated for the record that he would like staff to tighten up the figures that Council Member Dickens referred to regarding Alternatives 1 and 2, He spoke about issues involving Alternatives 1 and 2 and stated that a . proposed housing tract in the County would render Alternative 1 improbable, He asked staff to research this. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara referred to page 8, 2nd paragraph under Needs & Purpose, which states that "The project is needed due to continued growth within the City of Arroyo Grande's sphere' of influence,..", He requested that staff ensure that Dokken Engineering isn't drawing this conclusion and suggested it be clarified to say that "The Project Development Team asserts that the project is needed due to continued growth...", Mayor Pro, Tern Ferrara referred to page 14, 2nd paragraph, and stated he didn't recall if .the accident data was collected recently enough to take into consideration the northbound entry lane that's been installed on Highway 101, He requested that the data be updated so that it is current. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to page 19, 3rd paragraph, and asked for clarification on the discussion of a Mitigated, Negative Declaration versus an EIR. Director Spagnolo explained that an initial environmental assessment was conducted and that more formal environmental documents would be prepared at the Project Report stage. Further Council discussion included th~ impact of development activity ~n the Mesa on the project, discussions with County Planning staff regarding the patterns of driving coming down from the Mesa, and the County's focus on fixing Halcyon Road and Highway 1 based on survey results that the patterns of driving will not change, '. Council Member Tolley moved to authorize the distribution of the draft EI Campo Road/Route 101 Project Study Report (PSR), as modified to include comments made by Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara and Council Member Dickens, for a 45-day public comment period; and direct staff to return to the Council with a summary of public comments and make any modifications deemed necessary or appropriate. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion, Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Ave Runels Aye Tolley Ave Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 5 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 23, 2000 11, NEW BUSINESS 11,a. APPROVAL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Econom'ic Development Director Sheeley highlighted the staff report, She recognized those present who served on the Economic Development Task Force, She reviewed the components of the Strategy, which include Community Image Enhancement; Light Manufacturing; Agriculture; Retail/Commercial; Tourism; Housing; and Development Process. Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment, and hearing no comments brought the item back to the Council for consideration, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to page 3 of the document and requested thatthe word "dovetails" be replaced with the phrase "engages and is consistent with", Council Members complimented staff and the Task Force for the efforts in producing the Economic Development Strategy. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved to approve the Economic Development Strategy as modified, Council Member Runels seconded the motion, ~ Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Ave Lady Ave Ferrara Ave Runels Ave Tolley Ave Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 11,b. FISCAL YEAR 1999-00 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT Director of Financial Services highlighted the staff report. Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment. Lillian Judd, Director of Planning and Programming for the Economic Opportunity' Commission (EO C), spoke about the services the EOC provides to the community and requested the Council consideration its request for funding, Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady brought the discussion back to the Council for consideration. Council Member Runels stated he was opposed to approving community requests for funding at this time. 6 ---~._.._._-,.~ CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 23, 2000 Council Member Tolley stated he would be willing to approve the requests from the EOC. Council Member Dickens commented that the City was far short of meeting its goal of a 15% fund balance and he would like to look at how the City could reach this goal. He stated that the requests from the EOC were warranted and supported Council Member Tolley's suggestion to approve the EOC's request. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara spoke about the Economic Development Strategy that was just approved, He asked for clarification that the Council would be considering a Policy Item, which proposes a contribution to SLO County Visitors and Conference Bureau. Interim City Manager TerBorch confirmed that the contribution to the SLO County Visitors and Conference Bureau has been funded' from the Redevelopment Agency fund in the past and it would be a proposed Policy Item for the upcoming fiscal year. Council discussion and comments included creating a policy and setting criteria for contributing to agencies and organizations that serve the citizens of Arroyo Grande. Council Member Tolley suggested rounding off the ~ontributions to $1,000 each for each requesting agency, with the exception of the SLO County Visitors Bureau, and direct staff to research a policy for Council review. Council Member Tolley moved to approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations as shown on Schedule B; Approve funding of Community Requests as follows: Economic Vitality Corporation - $750; Family Service Center - $1,000; EOC Health Services - $1,000; YMCA - $1,000; and Approve Schedules A through F included in the Third Quarter Budget Status Report. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Mayor Lady Aye Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara No Council Member Runels Aye Council Member Tolley Aye Council Member Dickens There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 7 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 23, 2000 Board Member Tolley moved to approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations as shown on Schedule B; Approve funding of Community Requests as follows: Economic Vitality Corporation - $750; Family Service Center - $1,000; EOC Health Services - $1,000; YMCA - $1,000; and Approve Schedules A through F included in the Third Quarter Budget Status Report. Board Member Dickens seconded the motion. _ Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Chair Lady Aye Vice-Chair Ferrara No Board Member Runels Aye Board Member Tolley Aye Board Member Dickens There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: a. MAYOR MICHAEL LADY (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD), Reported on revenue being derived from brine disposal fees; District Budget review; revisions to Policy and Procedures Manual; Approval of fee waiver of $19,000 requested by the Clark Performing Arts Center; and upcoming Special Meeting on March 31st to receive input on Pismo Beach joining the District. (2) Other. Reported on "Coffee with the Mayor". program where visits are conducted with business owners on an informal and occasional basis. b. MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). 1) Reported on recycling statistics - have increased by 35%; expect 50% next quarter; 2) Requested that the Community Development Director follow-up on the commercial recycling ordinance to ensure that South County Sanitary and IWMA will educate the small businesses on recycling procedures and ~ow to do in-store recycling; and 3) Referred to the City of San Luis Obispo's program for the use of refined and recycled oil and asked staff to investigate. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). Reported that the Corporate Strategic Plan draft is finished; next EVC meeting will be May 24, 2000. (3) Air Pollution Control District (APCD), Reported attending the State- wide Air Resources Board Meeting last week; topic discussed was smart growth versus managed growth. 8 ~ CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 23, 2000 (4) Economic Development Task Force, Reported adoption of Economic Development Strategy, (5) Other, None. c, COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS (1 ) Zone 3 Advisory Board. Gave an update on the Lopez Recreation Area activiti?s; new recre~tion reservation phone line installed; first ca~e of Iyme disease reportecl; no effect on the treatment plant resulting from the algae problem; and Village Cen.tre pipeline issue resolved, Lopez Dam Truck Route: Requested input from Council Members regarding alternatives for proposed construction haul routes for hauling 150,000 tons of material to the dam site for the remediation project. Discussion regarding fixing Huasna' Road between the Association Hall and Strother Park prior to the project. There is an ability to condition the transportation issues, Mayor Pr~ Tern Ferrara suggested checking with the APCD to determine the affect on the health and safety of the citizens in the Village due to emissions and' increased traffic, (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC), No report. (3) Other, None, d, COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY (1 ) Long-Range Planning Committee, No report, (2) South County Youth Coalition, Has not been able to attend Thursday meetings due to work schedule, Council Member Dickens reported that he would begin attending the meeting in June as part of his job and offered to be the representative, Council Member Tolley agreed to be the alternate. (3) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A), No report. (4) Other. None, e. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (1 ) South County Area Transit (SCAT), Reported that SCA Tran a full page ad in the newspaper to market the Trolley, (2) Economic Development Committee/Chamber of Commerce, No report, (3) Five Cities Recreational Center Subcommittee, Will meet on May 24th to discuss available land resources and narrow the list from twelve (12) sites to three (3), Meeting with Board Supervisor Katcho Achadjian on June 21st to discuss the County Master Plan for the property adjacent to the South County Regional Center and to look at feasibility of a joint effort, (4) EOC, Negotiating in the City of San Luis Obispo for a permanent location. 9 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES - MAY 23, 2000 (5) Other. Met with the Open Space and Conservation Subcommittee to identify parcels in the City that meet the criteria. Will be bringing formal reports to the Council for consideration, 13, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS . Mayor Lady was asked by Ray Cook to invite the Council and public to the Arroyo Grande Cemetery on Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day.services. . Council Member Runels reported that the Santa Maria Valley litigation case is ongoing, . Council Member Dickens reported the potential relocation of E.C. Loomis and asked staff to assist the lJusiness in its relocation efforts. He stated that the business has significant value to the City. Interim City Manager TerBorch responded he would ~ssign the task to the Economic Development Director. . Council Member Dickens clarified some comments he made at the last General Plan Update workshop, He reported he had taken a tour of Petoseed, gave a brief overview of highlights on the tour, and distributed a handout of information from the website of Seminis. 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS . Interim City Manager TerBorch stated that the City Engineer intends to accept Parcel Map AG 00-0037, owned by Mary A. Adams. The subject parcel is located at 198 South Alpine Street. This is a split of one parcel of 24,279 square feet in size into two separate lots of 13,241 and 11,038 square feet in size. There are existing single family residential units on each of the proposed parcels. Unless appealed, the Final Map will be approved or disapproved by the City Engineer within ten days following the date of this meeting, There was no appeal by the Council. 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Time: 9:25 p.m, ATTEST: ~t~ RE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK 10 .---