Minutes 2000-04-11 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m, 2, ROLL CALL City Council: X Mayor Lady X Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara X Council Member Runels X Council Member Tolley X Council Member Dickens Staff Present: JLjnterim City Manager/Chief of Police X-City Attorney X-Director of Administrative Services _Director of Building and Fire X-Director of Community Development X-Director of Public Works lL....Pirector of Parks and Recreation X-Director of Financial Services . 3, FLAG SALUTE Kay Silva, representing Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary #2829, led the Pledge of Allegiance, 4, INVOCATION Pastor Richard Harrison, TLC Christian Life Center, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS , 5,a, PROCLAMATION - ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH Doug Burgess, representing County of San Luis Obispo Drug and Alcohol Services, accepted the Proclamation recognizing April 2000 as Alcohol Awareness Month, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 5,b, PROCLAMATION - CONGRATULATING DAVID FOSTER AND THE ARROYO GRANDE HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC DECATHLON TEAM Coach Foster and team members Justin Garret, David Gleason, Christopher Hays, Christopher Frederick, Jimmy Graton, and Kenneth McDaniel accepted the Proclamation, Team members not present, Allison Kearney, Nicole Terry, and Sean Schmidt, were recognized, 5.c. PROCLAMATION - ARBOR DAY Director of Parks and Recreation Hernandez accepted the Proclamation declaring April 24, 2000 as Arbor Day in the City of Arroyo Grande and invited the Council and public to a tree planting ceremony at Elm Street Park on April 24, 2000, 6, AGENDA REVIEW Interim City Manager TerBorch stated that there was a memorandum from the City Attorney regarding a Time Extension Request for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2207; a Staff Report dated October 14, 1997 related to Agenda Item 9,d,; and a letter from the City of Port Hueneme regarding support of AB1939, 6,a, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY Council Member Runels moved, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7, PUBLIC HEARING 7,a, OPERATING FEE STUDY AND RESOLUTION Director of Financial Services Snodgrass highlighted the staff report, She explained that the City contracted with DMG-Maximus to conduct an operating fee study to determine the City's cost to provide services specific to individuals or businesses, As a result of the study, Staff recommended that the operating fees in the Fire, Building, Planning, Engineering, and Recreation Departments be adjusted to recover a larger portion of the City's cost to provide services, Council and staff discussion included questions relating to the Fire Department fees for Failed Second Inspection, Burn Permit, Excessive False Alarm, and Fireworks Permit; confirming the ability to review certain fees independently in the future; reviewing the fees annually in-house using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and an established formula; and ensuring that staff provides quality customer service to the consumer, Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing, Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane, expressed concern that the City subsidizes a considerable amount of recreational activities in the Five Cities area as there are limited facilities in surrounding areas, He asked if the City had done an adequate study as to whether participants who live outside of the City are paying their fair share of costs to conduct the City's Parks and Recreation programs, 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Council Member Tolley responded that the Study refers to a non-resident fee on the Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations, .Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing, Council Member Tolley stated that the Council. has approved additional full-time staff for the Fire Department and commented that the Department should be conducting Failed Second Inspections as it is a safety issue, He suggested that the Fire Chief look at how this program could be implemented with the existing staff, Following further discussion regarding the Fireworks Permit fee, there was Council consensus to leave the fee at its current level, Council Member Tolley moved to receive and file the User Fee-Cost Recovery Findings, and adopt a Resolution revising operating fees in the Fire, Building, Planning, Engineering, and Recreation Departments, with the stipulation that the Fireworks Permit fee remain at its current amount. Council Member Runels seconded the motion. _Voice Vote 'LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 8. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS None, 9, CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara requested that Item 9.d. be pulled, Council Member Runels moved and Council Member Tolley seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9,a, through 9.g, with the exception of Item 9,d" with the recommended courses of action. a. Cash Disbursement Ratification, Approved. b, Statement of Investment Deposits, Approved, c. Minutes of City Council Meeting of March 28, 2000. Approved. e, Award of Bid for Uniform Rental and Related Services. Approved, f, Bikeway One, Paulding Middle School Bikelanes, Project No,90-98-1, Progress Payment No, 4. Approved, 3 -~_._----- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 g, Brisco Road/Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange Project Study Report. Approved additional appropriation from the Transportation Fund. _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 9.d. Urban Futures, Inc, Consultant Services Agreement. Council Member Dickens distributed a letter to the Council received from Nick Alter, 354 Corbett Canyon Road, and noted it for the record, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara expressed concern that this item was placed on the Consent Agenda because it involves a large, high profile project. He stated all phases of all projects, including the Arroyo Linda Crossroads project, should be open and public, He asked for clarification on the status of the Specific Plan, commented that the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was in progress and there was a Fiscal Impact Study for the project dated July 28, 1999 prepared by the Natelson Company, Director McCants replied that there was a Vesting Tentative Map that was submitted as well as the Specific Plan. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stated that the City had not yet provided guidelines for approval of the project which would be the General Plan Land Use policies and the appropropriate infrastructure relative to circulation, water, and sewer. He stated the EIR has not yet been certified, He commented that based on projects the City has done in the past, these are fundamental steps in determining whether the Specific Plan is something the City is going to move forward with, He said he had no issue with Urban Futures conducting the study at the appropriate time; however, he stated that it was premature to authorize the study now, He referred to and commented on Tasks 1, 2, and 3 in the current Scope of Work relating to phasing of the project/proposed land uses; and the issue of public financing and support, which is still in question, He spoke of developing an economic analysis which was built on the notion that land use and circulation policies come first, He stated he did not support the timing of this study, the scope of work, and was not ready to approve it. Council Member Dickens stated that he agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara's comments, He requested more information on the timing of this item. 4 -_.._----- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Mayor Lady clarified for the record the Mayor's role and responsibility for placing items on the City Council Agenda, Economic Development Director Sheeley explained she had been assigned this project and had been working closely with the Community Development Department, the Frederick family, Urban Futures, and other staff. She referred to a City Council Agenda item dated October 14, 1997 which addressed the General Plan Update and which projects would be excluded from the Update, She stated that one of the projects specifically exempt from the General Plan Update was the Arroyo Linda Crossroads Specific Plan and General Plan amendment, and staff was moving forward based on that Council decision, Director Sheeley further explained that the applicant was bearing the full cost of the work with the Consultant. There was further discussion regarding the timing of the study, . Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comment. Otis Page, 606 Myrtle, stated that the problem was that there is a fiscal impact analysis that was prepared, He referred to an eight-page report he wrote on the subject last September, He spoke of the assumptions made in the report that have now changed; that he was waiting for a reply from the proponents of the project; the firm that prepared the fiscal analysis is no longer here; issues regarding who would fund the proposed interchange; and that he did not understand why this was not a Public Hearing item, Karen Harmon, 390 Mercedes, agreed with the comments made by Mr, Page; said she had reviewed the draft Environmental Impact Report, and that it should be reviewed and certified before moving forward, Mike Titus, 404 Lierly, shared concerns of the previous speakers, He said the Planning Commission did not finish the review of the Environmental Impact Report; and that until the City defines and agrees to the land use for adjoining property and the impact on circulation, it seems that the proposed Study is premature regardless of who is paying for it. Nanci Parker, 1127 Vard Loomis Lane, referred to Task #5, Financial Impact and Project Revenue Projections, and clarified that the Planning Commission had not addressed the previous financial impact report, C,Z. Brown, 350 Old Ranch Road, stated there was no reference to the Arroyo Linda Crossroads project or the Frederick property on the Agenda, Leslie Kight, 274 N, Elm Street, stated it did not appear wise to make decisions without having financial plans and understanding what economics are being looked at before moving forward on a project, He stated that the number one consideration should be safety of the public as it relates to traffic flow, 5 . ,- ..--------..-.---..- -~...-._._- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Richard DeBlauw, 744 Alta Vista Way, spoke in favor of having an economic impact analysis conducted so the Council can use all the information it can get when considering property in and around the City, Mayor Lady closed the public comments and brought the discussion back to the Council, After considerable discussion between the Consultant and the Council relating to the timing of conducting a Feasibility Study, Council Member Tolley moved to approve a Consultant Services Agreement with Urban Futures, Inc. in regard to the Arroyo Linda Crossroads Project, Council Member Runels seconded the motion, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara requested an amendment to the motion to approve the Consultant Services Agreement with Urban Futures, Inc, with the stipulation that in the analysis of the fiscal viability of the project that the Consultant rely on the existing land use policies and Development Code in formulating fiscal viability and conclusions, Council Member Tolley asked the Consultant for clarification of what information the Consultant would be using for the study, Mr, Harding replied that they would only operate with the City's existing General Plan poli~ies and directions in place, unless the Council directed otherwise, Council Member Tolley said he did not want to amend his motion and restated his motion to approve a Consultant Services Agreement with Urban Futures, Inc, in regard to the Arroyo Linda Crossroads project. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady No Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley No Dickens There being 3 A YES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None, 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. CONSIDERATION OF AN EXCEPTION TO TRAFFIC STUDY REQUIREMENTS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-012 6 .~.~--- -_.~_._-- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Council Member Tolley declared a potential conflict of interest and stepped down from the dais, Director of Community Development McCants highlighted the staff report, He explained that the applicant requested an exception to the requirement for a traffic study related to their proposed project, a 19,910 square foot, two-story office building, located at 1086 Grand Avenue, Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comment. GiI Willows, 1490 Hillcrest, explained that there were two separate parcels, one of which he owned, He explained the ownership history of the two parcels, He explained that one project is being proposed instead of two individual projects, He requested the Council grant an exception to the traffic study requirement. Duane DeBlauw, 411 EI Camino Real, gave an update of the proposed project and stated that the project has been held up by the City. He displayed a rendering of the project and said it would be a benefit to the City, He commented that they could build two separate projects that fall under the traffic requirements resulting in 40 peak hour trips versus one project that results in 46 peak hcSur trips, He requested the Council grant an exception to the traffic study requirement. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady brought the discussion back to the Council, Council Member' Dickens asked how long it would take to complete a traffic study. Director McCants replied that the City would issue a Request For Proposals and the process usually takes about 90 days, Council and staff discussion included establishing mitigation measures such as alternative work schedules/hours to reduce peak hour trips, Mr. DeBlauw stated they would be open to working with staff to identify different uses of transportation to r~duce peak hour trips. Mr, Willows commented that the existing business generates six peak hour trips, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara stated that a Level of Service policy was just put in place and he would rather not make an exception, He encouraged the applicant work at identifying various work programs, such as telecommuting; van pools; and bike racks which would have a cumulative effect in reducing traffic, There was further discussion about the number of proposed tenants for the project and potential lease language, 7 ---,. ----~--,~~ ----~_._----~---~---" CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Mr. DeBlauw replied that they would be willing to work with staff to identify measures to reduce the number of trips. Council Member Dickens moved to direct the applicant to work with the Community Development Department to identify alternatives to reduce the number of peak hour trips from this particular project and bring it back to the Planning Commission for review. There was discussion and clarification regarding the intent of the motion, Council Member Dickens stated that he believed the applicant was close to meeting the standards if they provided methods to encourage alternative modes of transportation, He stated that he was not suggesting an exception to the traffic study requirement. After clarifying that the intent of the motion was to deny the request and to direct the applicant to work with staff to identify measures to bring the peak hour trips down to within the scope' of the Level of Service policy, and return to the Planning Commission, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion, _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Absent Tolley Aye Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, Council Member Tolley returned to the dais. Mayor Lady called a five-minute break at 9:20 p,m. The Council reconvened at 9:25 pm, Mayor Lady requested the Council consider Agenda Item 11,c, before it moved on to Agenda Item 11.b, The Council concurred, 11,c, FAIR OAKS AVENUENALLEY ROAD; REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNALS Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the staff report, He explained that a letter was received from a student at Arroyo' Grande High School requesting that a traffic signal be installed at the intersection of Fair Oaks Avenue and Valley Road. The Traffic Commission considered the request and directed staff to prepare a traffic signal warrant study based on the CalTrans signal criteria, Based on the study, the Traffic Commission determined that a traffic signal was warranted, 8 - _.--"--'-.'_.--~-'--'- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment. Joey Morales, 170 S, 6th Street, Grover Beach, spoke in favor of installing traffic signals at Fair Oaks Avenue and Valley Road and read his letter of support into the record, Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady brought the discussion back to the Council. Council Member Runels commented that when the construction started on the Clark Center for Performing Arts, the High School rerouted its student parking resulting in an increase of traffic in the area, He stated when the Clark Center is finished, there would be even more justification for a signal at this location. He spoke in favor of including the signals in the Capital Improvement Program. Council Member Dickens asked questions relating to traffic and pedestrian counts, and asked for clarification that putting signals in would address safety issues, Director Spagnolo responded that traffic signals provide clearer direction on vehicle and pedestrian right-of-way, Further Council and staff discussion included: 1) that this intersection has been identified for signalization as part of the Traffic Signal Impact Fees and that there were sufficient funds to address other intersections identified for signalization; 2) agreement that there would be increased usage and traffic at this intersection; 3) coordinating this project with the Fair OaksNalley Road improvement project; and 4) applauding Joey Morales for his efforts, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved to 1) accept the Traffic Commission's recommendation that a 3-way traffic signal at the intersection of Fair Oaks Avenue and Valley Road is warranted; and 2) directed staff to include the installation of a 3-way traffic signal for the above intersection in the FY 2000-01 Capital Improvement Program, Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, _Voice Vote lLRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES, and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 11,b, AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE THE DRAFT EL CAMPO ROAD/ROUTE 101 INTERCHANGE PROJECT STUDY REPORT Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the staff report. He stated that staff recommended the Council 1 ) authorize the distribution of the draft EI Campo Road/Route 101 Project Study Report (PSR) for a 45-day public comment period; and 2) direct staff to return to the Council with a summary of public comments, and make any modifications deemed necessary or appropriate, Council Member Dickens made the following comments: 1) asked for clarification on the existing level of service at the "at-grade" intersection; 2) the fact that the draft report appears to recommend Alternative 1 on page 4; 3) a misleading statement in the report that the new interchange will be located atEI Campo Road/Route 101 needs to be clarified; 4) referring to Funding and Scheduling on page 19, the statement "the project is currently proposed for local funding" needs to be clarified; 5) referring to page 5, last paragraph, which discusses the existing utilities within the project area and are referred to on an attachment; however, the utilities are not identified on the attached exhibits; 6) referring to page 7, first paragraph, concerning access to local business; needs clarification on whether it refers to existing or proposed businesses; 7) referring to page 8, second paragraph, Need and Purpose, does not follow logic that suggests an EI Campo interchange is necessary due to the growth within the City; 8) referring to page 9, regarding the closure of the southbound on-ramp from Traffic Way, he asked what effect Alternative 1 has on the necessity of closing the ramp; and 9) commented on the cost difference of approximately $8 million between Alternatives 1 and 3, Director Spagnolo explained that it was not the intent of the document to recommend any particular project alternative; he stated there were three project alternatives and a no-build alternative. He explained that local funding meant the' funds would be from the local transportation agency, which is SLOCOG, In response to the proposal to close the southbound on-ramp from Traffic Way, Director Spagnolo said this was in an effort to provide the spacing necessary between intersections, which is required by CalTrans, CalTrans also wants to get away from having on-ramps that enter. the number one lane onto the freeway, Director Spagnolo also addressed the cost differences of the projects, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara agreed that it would be much more clear if the recommendation statement on page 4 was restated that the report was not making any recommendation; the report states that there are three alternatives that would cause the intersection to be built in some configuration in the "vicinity of' or "in the area of' EI Campo/Route 101, and there is a no-build alternative, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara asked for clarification that Alternative 2 would be the best environmental alternative; whether Alternative 2 would require the closing of the southbound Traffic Way on-ramp; and what if the City did not want to close the ramp. 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Director Spagnolo responded Alternative 2 was the best environmental alternative; the report did not address closing the ramp in Alternative 2; however, a recommendation could be made to CalTrans for a optional design exception if the City wanted to keep the southbound Traffic Way on-ramp open, The following members of the public spoke on the matter expressing concerns that the interchange was directly related to the Arroyo Linda project which was not yet approved, and how the interchange was going to be funded: Otis Page, 606 Myrtle; Karen Harmon, 390 Mercedes Lane; Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane; Leslie Kight, 274 N. Elm Street; and C.Z, Brown, 350 Old Ranch Road, Council discussion included requesting clarification in the report about the funding mechanisms, Council Member Dickens referred to a letter dated December 21, 1999 from the , planning team of the Arroyo Linda Crossroads project and read an excerpt that stated the Arroyo Linda Planning Team anticipates finalizing the financial plan early next year to fund the interchange improvements; and a statement that indicates the two primary purposes of locating the interchange at EI Campo Road is to directly serve the Arroyo Linda project and to provide better access from the northwest Nipomo area to Highway 101 and the City of Arroyo Grande. He stated that the report needs to clarify the recommendation language, and clarify the funding issue before the report goes out for public review, He suggested bringing a revised draft report back in 30 days for Council review, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara restated he would like to see the language in the introductory recommendation, and the funding issue clarified in the report before distributing it for public review. Mayor Lady suggested that staff contact representatives of Arroyo Linda to receive clarification on where they stand on providing funding for a proposed interchange. He stated that the information could then be reflected in the PSR, There was Council consensus to direct staff to make the appropriate revisions to the draft PSR based on the comments received and bring it back in 30 days for Council review before approving it for public circulation, 11.d. RECOMMENDATION REGARDING NELSON GREEN SPACE Director of Parks and Recreation Hernandez highlighted the staff report, He explained that the property was accepted by the City in 1985 to be the future site of a Civic Center. Since that time, a number of the parcels have been leased to the South County Historical Society and is no longer feasible for a Civic Center Site, The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended that as part of the General Plan Update, the site be rezoned from "Public Facilities - Civic Center" to "Neighborhood Park", Council Member Dickens asked if there were any preconceived ideas for park amenities if it was redesignated to Neighborhood Park, 11 ---_......__._~_.~----- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Director Hernandez responded the intention was to leave the area as open as possible with only green space. He stated there is an existing picnic table and barbeque, and another picnic table has been ordered; however, there are no plans to add any other amenities. Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comments, John Keen, 298 N, Elm, spoke in opposition to changing the land use designation to Neighborhood Park, He stated this was the second piece of land that was acquired by the City for a future City Hall. He said he did not object to using the area as a park; however, he said the City should retain the designation of Public Facilities. He also addressed the issue of the existing leases of some of the parcels, Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady brought the discussion back to the Council, Council comments and discussion included: 1) retaining the current land use designation and continuing use of the property as a park; 2) a suggestion to convert the area to a community garden; 3) and a suggestion to officially designate a name for the open space. Council Member Tolley moved to deny the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation and leave the Nelson Green Space as a Public Facility-Civic Center site and to designate the open space as "Village Park", Mayor Lady seconded the motion. Council Member Dickens suggested that the issue of renaming the open space should receive public input. Council Member Tolley amended his motion to deny the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation and leave the Nelson Green Space as a Public Facility-Civic Center site and direct staff to agendize the issue of giving the park a name on a future agenda, Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, _Voice Vote ]LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES, and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12 ~- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 11.e. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE WORKSHOPS Staff recommended: 1) Council select April 17, or April 19, 2000 as the date for a workshop to discuss the General Plan Amendment requests which are annexations or conversions from agriculture and which are not currently reflected in the Draft General Plan Land Use Element; and 2) direct the Planning Commission to hold a workshop to discuss the scope of the issues to be included in the Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Update, Council discussed whether or not the Planning Commission should be the forum for considering the disposition of the General Plan Amendments first so that it could make recommendations to the Council; whether to split the list of requests into smaller groups for consideration over more than one meeting; and whether to set a workshop to discuss setting policy guidelines, Interim City Manager TerBorch suggested that staff put together .a plan to split the list of General Plan Amendment requests for Council's review over more than one meeting, After discussion on how to proceed, there was Council consensus to not meet on April 17th or April 19th in order to provide more adequate notification to the public; to set a City Council workshop date of May 15, 2000 at 6:00 p,m,; and to direct the Planning Commission to hold a workshop to discuss the scope of the issues to be included in the Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Update. 12, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS . Council Member Tolley reported that the Director of CalTrans would be in San Luis Obispo for a reception on Thursday, April 13th and he would try to attend to represent the City. . Council Member Dickens reported that he attended the SCAT meeting where the Council's recommendations regarding marketing strategies for the trolley was discussed, He distributed to Council the staff report with the Coastal Cruiser Marketing Plan, . Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara requested a Closed Session be scheduled to discuss personnel issues, . Council Member Runels gave an update on the Santa Maria groundwater litigation case, 13, STAFF COMMUNICATIONS . Interim City Manager TerBorch reported that there were at least two members who would not be available for the next regular Council meeting, 13 --'--"-'-~"'-'-- ____n__.._.,._____....____. ---~------~-------_._. ~ . . ---._._.~-------- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 Following discussion, Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Tolley seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to cancel the City Council meeting of April 25, 2000, . Interim City Manager TerBorch reported he met with Consultant Steve Harding to set the Agenda for the May 4, 2000 Redevelopment Agency meeting. . Interim City Manager requested direction on the request from the City of Port . Hueneme regarding AB1939, There was Council consensus to send a letter of support for AB1939, . Interim City Manager TerBorch gave an update of 58402, 14, ADJOURNMENT Council Member Tolley moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Time: 11 :21 p.m. MICHA: A. LA1i4 ATTEST: I ( cJtttl)/U-- . RE, ADMINISTRA riVE SERVICES DIRECTORI DEPUTY CITY CLERK ; . 14 .._--------~ - _..~-_._- ~-_....