R 0780 .. ,....., ) - . RESOLUTION NO. 780 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE SCALE. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby resolves that the following general prevailing wage scale is hereby adopted as the wage scale for all public works projects during the year of 1968. Basic Rate Employer Payments for er hour Classification Hand W Vacation Pension Skilled Labor $5.31 Asphalt plant engineer 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.12 Asphalt plant fireman 30~Phw/p 30~Phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.12 Boxman or mixer box operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 459Phw/p 5.09 Carpenter 26~phw/p 15~Phw/p 30~Phw/p 4.84 Cement mason 25~Phw/p 25~phw/p 30~Phw/p 5.01 Chainman and rodman 30~Phw/p 30~Phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.31 Concrete or asphalt spreading, tamp- ing or finishing machine operator 30~phw/p 30~Phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.34 Driver of dump truck (25 yds or more water level) (single unit or combi- nation of vehicles) 35~phw/p 25~phw 20~phw/p 5.78 Fence erector 28~phw 23~phw 25~phw 5.31 Gradechecker 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.31 Heavy duty repairman 30~Phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.12 Instrumentman 30~Phw/p 30~phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.41 Motor patrol operator 30~phw/p 30~Phw/p 45~phw/p 5.15 Painter 20~phw none 20~phw 5.41 Party Chief 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.22 Piledriver man, bridge or dock carpenter and cable splicer 26~Phw/p 15~Phw/p 30~Phw/p 5.83 Reinforcing ironworker 28~phw 23 ~phw . 25~phw 5.12 Roller operator 30~Phw/p 30~phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.31 Rubber tired, heavy duty high speed earth moving machine operator 30~Phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.12 Screed operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.31 Skiploader operator, wheel type over 3/4 yd up to & incLUding i~ yds. 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.41 Skiploader operator, wheel type over l~ yds. 30~phw/p 30~Phw/p 45~Phw/p 5.41 Tractor loader operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.41 Tractor operator, drag type shovel, bulldozer, tamper, scraper and push tractor 30~phw/p 30~Phw/p 45~phw/p 5.12 Trenching machine operator (up to 6ft depth capaci ty;manufactureJ:"'s rating) 30~phw/p 3~~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.41 Trenching machine operator (over 6ft depth capacity, manufacturer's rating) 30~phw/p 309phw/p 459Phw/p 5.41 Universal equipment operator ~ovel, backhoe,dragline, derrick barge,clam- shell,crane,Piledriver,derrick and mucking machine) 309phw/p 309phw/p 45~phw/p Intermediate Grade Labor 4.53 Air Compressor, pump or generator operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~Phw/p 4.06 Asphalt ironer and raker 21~~phw/p 20~phw 27~phw/p 3.95 Asphalt shoveler 21~~phw/p 20~phw 27~phwlp 4.00 Chuck tender 21~~phw/p 20~phw 27~phw/p 4.04 Concrete curer,imperviOus membrane and form oiler 21~~phw/p 20~phw 27~phw/p 4.77 Concrete mixer operator (Skip type) 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~Phw/p 4.21 Cribber or shorer 21~~Phw/p 20~phw 27~Phw/p 4.30 Driller, core, diamond or wagon 21~~Phw/p 20~phw 27~phw/p 4.50 Driver of dum truck (less than 4 yds water evel) 35~phw/p 25~phw 20~phw/p 4.53 Driver of d p truck (4 yds but less than 8 ds water level) 35~phw/p 25~phw 20~Phw/p 4.58 Driver of d truck (8 yds but less than 12 y s water level) 35~phw/p 25~phw 20~phw/p -1- ---~ -- ----"-- \ ... ,. '"\ , .", ) . ~ Basic Rate Empleyer Payments fer - r heur Classificatien Hand W . Vacatien Pensien Intermediate Grade Laber-cent:'d. $4.66 Driver ef dump truc~ (12 yds but less than 16 yds water level) 359phw/p 259phw 209phw/p 4.88 Driver ef dump truck (16 yds but less than 25 yds water level) 359;phw/p 259phw 209phw/p 4.50 Driver af truck (legal paylead capacity less than 6 tens) 359phw/p 259phw 209phw/p 4.53 Engineer, eiler, signalman 309phw/p 309ph~/p 459phw/p 3.95 Fine grader 2l~9ph~!p 209phw 279phw/p 4.53 Heavy duty repairman's helper 309phw/p 309phw/p 459phw/p 4.21 Powderman 2l~9phw!~ 209phw 279phw/p 4.04 Riprap stenepaver 2l~91'h~/p 209phw 279phw/p 4.11 Rock slinger 2l~9phwr:p 209phw 279phw/p 4.56 Water truck driver (under 2500 gals~) 359phw/p 259phw 209phw!p 4.68 Water truck driver (2500 te 4000 gals.) 359phwlp 259phw 209phw/p t.80 Water truc~ driver (4000 gals.armGJte) 359~hw/p 259phw 209phw/p .14 Driller (2 ft or longer steel) 2l~ phwlp 209phw 279phw/p 3.85 Flagman Unskilled Labor 2l~9phw:/p 209phw 279phw/p 3.85 Laborer 2l~9ph~/p 209phw 279phw!p NOTE: Any classification not included in this list shall be at the prevailing rate. All the abeve wage rates will be subject te any rece~t neqetia.tiens. On motian af Cauncilweman Thempsan, secanded by Ceuncilman Levine, and en the follawing rell call vete, te wit: AYES: Cauncilwaman Thernpsen, Ceuncilmen Levine, Schleqel, '.. ' . Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: Nene ABSENT: None the fereqoing Resolution was passed and adepted this 9th day ef January, 1968. - ~~-'~~ , A~S~./~~~ ~ayer .. City erk , I, Polly S. Miller, City Clerk of the City"of' Arreyo Grande, Caunty af San Luis Obispo, State af Califernia, de hereby certify that the fereqGing Reselution Ne. 780 is a true, full and correct cepy of said Reselutien passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a reqular meeting of said Cauncil on the 9th day of Januar~, 1968. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City 6fA;rrsyQGrande affixed this 10th day af Jan~ary, 1968. ~~h-d:. . Ci ty Cl . ef the City ef Arreye Grande (Seal)