R 0731
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The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby resolves that the fol-
lowing general prevailing wage scale Is hereby adopted as the wage scale for all
public works projects during the year of 1967.
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Basic Rate Employer Payments for
~01.lT ..... .. ClaSsification Hand W Va!:ation Pens ion
klll~ Labor 2lt~phw/p
$5.31'. Asphalt plant engineer za~phw/p 27phw/p
5.12,:. Asphalt plantfi reman Z It~~hw{p ZO~phw/p Z7phw/p
5.12 Boxmanor mixer box operator 30~phw/p 40~phw/p 30~phw/p
4.113 CarpenteT 23~phw/p 15~phw/p 30~phw/p
4./34 cement mason Z5~phw/p 25~phw/p ~phw/p
5.01 C5alnman and rodman 30~phw/p 30~phw/p ~phW/p
5.31 Concrete or 8sp~alt spreading
tamping or finishing machine.
operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.34 Driver of dump truck(Z5 yds or
more water level)(slngle unit or
combination of vehicles) 35~phw/p 25~phw 20~phw/p
5.78 Fence ierector 30~phw Z3~phw 25~phw
5.31 Grad1hecker 30~phw/p 30~phwl P 45~phw/p
5.31 Heav duty repairman 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.12 Instrunentman. 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.41 Motor patrol operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
4.92 pS.1 nter 18~phw ZO~phw ~phw
5~41 -Party chief 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
4.96 piledriver man, bridge or dock
ca rpente r Z3~phwl p 15~phw/p 30~phw/p
5.83 Reinforc(~h9 Ironworker. 28~phw" 23~phw 25~phw
5.12 Roller operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.31 Rubber tired, heavy duty high
speed earth moving machine
operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.12 screed operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.31 S~bploader operator, wheel type
over 3/4 yd up to & Including
Ityds. 3()~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.41 Sklploader operator, wheel type
over It yds. 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.41 Tractor loader operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.~1 Trector operator, drag typa
and push tractor _ 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.12 Trenchlngmechlne operator(up to
6 ft depthcepac i ty, manufecturer's
rating) 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.41 Trenching machine operetor(over
6 ft depth cap.c I ty ,menufecturer I s /
retlng) 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
5.41 Universal equipment operator,
shovel, backhOl,dragline,derrick-
& mucking machIne, derrick 30~phw/p 3D~phw/p 45~phw/p
Intermediate Grede Lebor
4.53 Air compressor, pump or generator
operator 'T....1' 30~phw/p 45~phw/p
4..06 Asphalt Ironer and reker 21 ~phw/p. 2DOphw 2Uphw/p
3.95 Asphal t 'sho.v.el,er 21 ~phw/p 20~phw 27~phw/p
4..00 Chucktende.r 21 ~hw/p 20~phw 2Uphw/p \
4.04i:. ..Cor;tt.r.etecure;r, I.mpervlous:m_
brane and form oiler 2lt~phw/p 20~phw 27~phw/p
4.77 Concrete mixer operetor(skip
type) 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p,
- -,
. \
Bas i cRate Employer Payments for
per Hour Classification Hand W Vacation Pens ion
Intermediate Grade Labor-contd.
$4.21 cribber or shorer 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p
4.30 Oriller,core;diamond or wagon 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p
4.14 Dri lIer(2t ft or longer steel) 21hphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p
4.50 Driver of dump truck(less than 4
yds water level) 35cphw/p 25cphw 20cphw/p
4.53 Driver of dump truck(4 yds but
I ess then 8 yds water I ever) 35cPhw/p 25cphw 20cphw/p
4.58 Driver of dump truck(8 yds but
less than 12 yds water level) 35cphw/p 25cphw 2Ocphw/p
4.66. Driver of dump truck(12 yds but
1 ess than 16 yds water level) 35cphw/p 25cphw 2Ocphw/p
4.88 Driver of dump truck(16 yds put
less than 25 yds water level) 35cphw/p 25cphw 20cphw/p
4.50 Driver of truck(legal payload
capacity less than 6 tons) 35cphw/p 25cphw 20cphw/p
4.53 Engineer, oiler, signalman 30cphw/p 30cphw/p 45cphw/p
3.95 Fine grader 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p
4.53 Heavy duty repairman's helper 30cphw/p 30cphw/p 45cphw/p
4.21 powderman 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p
4.04 Riprap stonepaver 2ltcPhw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p
4.11 Rock sl i nger 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27Cphw/p
4.5r. Water truck driver(under 2500
gals.) 35cphw/p 25Cphw 2Ocphw/p
4.68 Water truck driver(2500 to
4000 gals) 35cphw/p 25Cphw 20cphw/p
4.80 Water truck driver(4000 gals.
or more) 35cphw/p 25Cphw 2Ocphw/p
Unskilled Labor
3.85 Flagman 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p
3.85 Laborer 21kphw/p 20Cphw 27cphw/p
Any classification n6tincluded. in ~hislist shall be at the prevailing rate.
A II the above wage rates wi II . be .subJ ect to any recent negotiations.
On motion of Councilman Burt , seconded by Councilman Schlegel
and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Burt, Levine, Schlegel
and Mayor Wood.
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 24th day of January 1967.
ATTES~~;/~/ _ ~~~/~-'J
City C k
I, POLLY S, MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of
San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Resolution No.731 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resoulution
passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a
regular meeting of said Council on the 2lith,day of January 1967.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this
25th day of Janua ry , 1967.