R 0730 -.. '\ , RESOLUTION NO.~730 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE "CIRCULATION (STREET AND HIGHWAY) ELEMENT OF THEGENERALPJLAN WHER~S, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has prepared a " g,neral plan report together with a general plan map entitled the IIClrcu- lationPlan,1I and did all things legally and techinically required bylaw to develop a report and map adequate in scope and authority to serve the purpose of a general plan; and WHERfiAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65501 et seq. the City Council gave required notice and did hold a pubJic hearing on November 22,nd, 1966, for the purpose of considering the adoption of the Clrcul.tlon (Str~tand Highway) Element of the General Plan report end mill>.. Ind .t whlch'publlc hearing the Circulation (Street and Highway) Element report and m.p were displayed, explained and reported upon: and WHEREAS, slid Circulation (Street and Highway) Element of the Gane-ral plan report and mep thereof an; necessa ry for sound future cOlll1\un I ty dav": elopment, .the pres~rvatlon of cOlllTlunlty values, and the promotion of the ". general heelth, safety, convenience and welfare of the "CItizens of the City of Arroyo Granoe; end WHEREAS, the City Council '0 t" lhe City of Arroyo Grande has a respon- sibility to plan for the desi rable future growth and d.yelopment of the City of Arroyo Grande; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY R~OLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the-. City of Arroyo Grande does hereby find end determine thet th'l'.pubrlc Interast, convenience erid necessity raqulre thet the Clrculetlon (Street end Hlgl'rWay) Elllmentof the General PI.n report and map be adopted. Section 2. The City Coriilcll of the City of Arroyo Grend. doesltereby adopt the Circulation .(Street end Highway) Element of th.General Plan together with the meps end description material. On motion of Councilman Levine" seconlied by CouncllWOllllln Thompson, i and by the following roll cell vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, end Burt. NOES: Meyor Wood. ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution wes adopted this 10th day of J.n~rary, 1967, , ArmT~ ~):&,. ~..,(~- -/~4.L C ty C e . Mayor I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Qrande, County of San Luis Obispo, Stete of Cellfornle, do hereby certify thet the foregoing Resolution No. 730 Is e true, full and correct copy of Slid Re.olutlon pa.s.d end adopted .by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande et " regular m.etlng of seld Council on the ;IOth day of Jenua.ry., 1967.. WITNESS my hand end the suI of the City of Arroyo Grende aff.lxed this n . th of Jinuery., 1967. of the City. of ArTOyo .Grand. . ------ -------- -----