R 0697 - ! , , / - / RESOLUTION NO. 697 RESDLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the State of California, through Its Department of Public Works, !Dlvlslon of Highways, has presented an agreement entitled "Freeway Maintenance Agreement" which concerns State Highway Route 101, with In the limits of the City of Arroyo Grande and, I WHEREAS, the City Council has heard read said agreement In full and Is fam- Iller with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be It resolved by the City Council of Arroyo Grande that said maln- tenanceagreement be and the same Is hereby approved a"d the"Hayor and City Clerk ere directed to sign the same on behalf of said City Council. On motion by Counci Iman Sch I ege I, seconded by Councilman Burt and on the fo !Jow- I Ing "'011 call vote, to-wit: r AYES: Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Councilwoman Thompson I the foregoing Resolution was f)assed and adopted this 10th day of Mey, 1966. I ._-~./t h~~~~ I Mayor ., ATTEST: " I ~~.An//LA/ I I City. e...k I I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San LuIs Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the fo...egolng Resolution No. 697 Isa true, cor...ect and full copy of said resolution passed.ndedopted by th....CUy/COuneJ.1. offthe:Clty of Arroyo Grande, CalifornIa, at e regul.... meet- ing of seld Council on the 10th day of May, 1966. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed thIs 11th dey of May, 1966. C~~~~~ City Cle of the City of Arroyo Gr.nde