R 0686 r "\ .>'.~ RESOLUTION NO. 686 "'SOLUTION OF' THE CITY COUNCOI..F THECITVIFAIUIIYI GIW<<IE PROHI81T1NGfAl\KlNGIN A ,.nIN OF GMNlA.. WHEREAS. the City Council of tha City of Ar~ Ir'" II. Ity .r41..... permitted to establish "No Puking" zones; 0l14li WHEWS, It appears necessary and des'roAtI. to ..t.uIIIh..:..',.....iW' zone on 0 portten of Grand Avenue. NOW THEREFORE, 'E iT RESOlVEO by the City Council of t'" Clt, .f Ar~ I ranll. , that parking lie and the same Is herwJth prohlAtlted Oft the..... .I..f I Gronll Avenue to extenll 50 feet westerly frCll1a ,oint IV'''' 51 feet _t...., ., die I Intersection of the seutherly extension of the _st.rly '.......tyll....f ......tt Street with the southerly line of Gron4 Avon~ I II IT FURTHER ftESOLVEI th.t the Chl.f of Pollee of tho Cltr~f~ GIron. Ate, and he Is herewith ordered to Inst.1I all "Kessary .t........ ,.14 portion of Irand Avenue .Itove lIeslgnetecl to IlIIIlcat. thIII... Pette.......,. ..-.v. set forth. In motion lIy Councilman Levine , .econded Ity Councilwoman Thompson .n. on the following roll c.1I vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor Wood NIlS: None AlSENT: Councilman McNeil the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st lie, .f February . I.. _--6~./~~ I I Mayor I ATTEST: ~~ J 5%//J//J / I City rk I. POLLY S. MIL.LER, City Clerk of the City of Arro~ G...... c...ty .f San Luis IItls,o. State of C.llfornla, do hereby certify that the fof'llliDlftt ....,utl... No. 686 I.. true. full and corract ""y .f selll Resolution ....M .......te4 by t... City Ceunc:1I of the City of Arr. Ironde at a regular ....tI'" .f Mid Council on the 21st d.yof February , ''''. WITNESSrny h.nd .nd the seal of the City of Arroyo Gr.n....ffIKOlltha 21st day of February ,1!6i. ~~~A/ City C I of the I ty 0 Arroyo Gran4e \t'