O 185 C.S ORDINANCE NO. 185 C.S. All OUIIIAIICI ~ m CIn or ADOrO <11.-. ~IIG CMrIII 4, TITLI 9, BY AllDIIG IICT1C* 9-4.1911 '10 ftOVIIII rea A PaOCI!I)(IlI rea PAaTIAL CCJIVIUIOI or ..Ccacr<maNG USES. TIll CIn C(IDIClL OF TIlE CITY or Aboro GVJmI ORMDfS AS roLLCMI: ~T" 1: Claapter 4, rUle 9 of the Arroyo Or'" ....tA:1pel Code it hereb,. - ad" .,. ...i.. SecUoo 9-4.2912 to provide for. procachan for ....ti.1 c_nioo of noo-cotafoni.. u... to reed .. foll_s: Sect!.. 9-4.2~12 Partial Coover. tOG of IIoB-CoDfor.t_ V.a. V.. ,...ite _,. be i..ued to prcwicle for the parti.1 c........... .1 ...-e_ font.. u... to e O8e ,.naitted uader the Arroyo Or__ CU, I~f.. ~ .. ut lorth hereiD. I (.) 'DIe ..,UcaUoa 'or . 1.1" penait udal' the prov18lou of &tab _U.. shen \ I be ... .. Mt forth in ArUcle 31 of th18 chapter. I I (b) 'DIe "Uc.Uota for. u.. pellllt for the p.rti.l coove"..... of . .........,...... , I UM IIIWIt iDct... . det.Ued .ite plan MIow1.. the specific ana 'n..... for CIOIIftre1.... I Co) 1D .deliti.. to the criteria for detendniDa whether or DOt . ... ..ndt -.14 be i-' .. ..t forth in Artic1. 31 of th18 Chapter the C . .. t.... ....11 .1.. couider the fectora nt forth in Muaic:1p.l Code lactioa 9-4.1404. I (d) AU parti.l c_nioo of non-confonai.. O8e. _at 0-.1, .UII eIIe IIdton IuU'iDa Code then in affect ln the City of Ano,o (k.... I Ca) !be ..._tiDa of . ua. panait for pe..till! _ani.. of ..,. .........[_ -..... ....11 DOt .....,t the appUcaat fr_ ..,. provid... ot tIWI ...u.a. ... .f ., oeller 'l'O'Iidou of the Cit,. %oai.. Or6i_a. ..M"I'" ~: ttab ordi_e sh.ll be ... fun for~ .... .fINt tIt""t, (30) Up .fter it. ........ .... withiD fift.... (15) day. after ita ,M", . it ....11 .. ..... I U..... __, COfIteller with the _. of the Couacu ......n 'fOt_ '11 I'I"NI. 111 ..... .~ n".. Cit.... tt..-Pre..-bcorcler. 0. the _tioG .f C_U .....1' de La.. _GIMIed .,. eo.cu ....... ..11..... .. i .. the loll...... roll call vote, to wit: ! AYUI Couecu .......1'1 Gallaaher, de La.., ...., IId.tIt .. ..,.... .Ult... f JI)IS I ... AlOft: ..... , i , ... - --- - --... -... ~_. "'. i I , L 'UA AftISt:~~~~M- y I, Caellerina L. Jaule... Deputy City Cl.rlt of the CI.t)' of u...,. 'nT~T. ~ of Baa 1.I1i. <lti..., State of CaUfornia, do benll1 ~rti" CUt tile fill . '" ....... 1DCI4I". 115 C.S. ia . true, full .. correct cop, of ..u ~"WH ,...1 .. ....te4 ., the Cit)' CouDcU of the Cit, of Anoyo Or.... .t . .....* ..,... ., ..I.d COUDOU bel. 0t1 the 27th d.,. of September, 1978. WIftUS .., baud _41 the S..l of the Cit, of Arroyo 81'''' .,flaM .. ..... 27th da, .f ,.,......1'. 1978. CSIAL) ~~rh' Deput)' Cit)' C .. " .f Ari.,. Or.... ~, l