O 173 C.S. ORDINANCE NO. 173 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 5 THEREOF RELAT I NG TO MINORS V I S I il'lNG PUBL I C PLACES WITHIN SAID CITY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTI ON 1: thati'.Chapter 5 of Title 5 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Is amended to read as follows: Section 5-5.01. Visiting certain public places. It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years to visit any public place In the City where games are played with cards for gamblIng purposes. Section 5-5.02. Participating in games in certain public places. It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years to play any game In any pub}lc place In the City with cards for gambling purposes. Section 5-5.03. Duty of proprietors of certain public places. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor or any employee of any public place where games are played with cards for purposes of gambling to permit any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years to visit such places where such games are played or to play at any such game. SECTI ON 2: If any section, subsectt~n~ sentence, clause, phrase or portion of th1s Ordinance Is for any reason held to be InvalId or unoonstl- tutlonal by the decIsion of any court of ccmpetent Jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The CIty CouncIl of thIs City hereby declares that It would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, phrase or portion thereof, regardless of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared Invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 3: All ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION It: This Ordinance shall be In full force and effect thirty (30) days after Its passage, and wIthin fifteen (15) days after Its passage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, In the Five Cities Tlmes.Press-Recorder. On motion of Councilman Splerling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wIt: AYES: Councilmen Splerllng, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de leon NOES: None ABSENT: None 'h. ,.....,.. O.dl...oo wo. p.,..d ..d .d.p,.d ~~.~~.'- ""' MAYOR ATTEST:~}A-.:1 dPf ~ CITY CLERK ~lf~ - "..~- ~