O 153 C.S. , 16i~ " " . . ORD I NNlCE NO. 153 C.S. 0 . i AN ORD I NANCE OF THE (! ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMEND I NG A PORT I ON OF THE ZON ING MAP OF THE C ITV OF ARROYO GRANDE REfERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE ,9., CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL COOE SO AS TO REZONE CE'RTAIII PROPERTY .IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES'ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That certain Ordinance known as "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE" is herewith amended as follows: The "ZON I NG MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE", refer red to inSect i on .302 of Title 9, Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code is amended so that the zones and boundaries of certain districts shown therein and thereon are changed so as to be the zones a.nd boundari es as shown and des i gna ted on the Map at tached hereto, and I by this reference incorporated herein, which Map is entitled "A Section of the i Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande, Amended by Ordinance No. 153 C.S. of the City of Arroyo Grande", and said Map and all notations and references shown thereon shall be as much a part of this Ordinance as If the matters shown on said Map were fully described herein, and the Districts.and zones and boundaries of the property shown therein from and after the effective date of the adoption of this Ordinance. The properties intended to be rezoned and the changes in the zon i ng accompli shed hereby are descr i bed on Exh i bit "B" attached, cons i st i ng of two (2) pages and made a part hereof by reference. . Said property is rezoned from "A" Agricultural District, to "A-DOl, Agricultural District wi th the "-D" override to provide a basic five (5) acre minimum parcel size. SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall be in full force and,effect thirty (30) . days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage~ it shall I be published once, together with the names of the Councilmen voting thereon, in the Five Cities Times-Press-Recorder. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the fol1owing roll call vote, to wi t: AYES: Councilman Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adOP~ShiS 9th day of May, 1977. '" L ef L .p cce...- / -C'~/ P' MAYOR ATTEST: ~~Acalp'~ CITY CLERK . I. Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County ~ of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 153 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 9th day of May, 1977. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 10th day of May, 1977. i I , i i ___L 5!,ddC~ I Ci ty Clerk of the ,City of. Arroyo Grande (SEAL) i ~ . ,- ----.---', ,.--,.....' .. .. ..: , I I -"....-...-...-. "..',,-^,- -. .-...... _._._...-_.~.- I --...--..-"- ,-,----.-.- ...-. ---- J 1 ~ ) ; ,I j ! , ! i ! ! , ! J Strother Pork - ! -- --""!![o.:tS? - !C.1Ii"...!' , ! , , ! ; 1"=600' ~ :i 35 ACRES ! ZONE CHANGE "A" to "A-Oil .i .,; r ~ EXHIBIT "A" A Section of the Zoning Map of the City 0 Arroyo Grande, Amended by Ordinance No. 153 C.S. of said City. . J '-"'--'" j ~"'.-."-" . "-~--'-'--'"-- .-.r ~".., ". . .; l"~::d.Rt3 ~,<-.., .,' ".-: 'f ',' . <~.~: ':ti" , -,.'.~~t..';~,. " ;:;'~:;~.:Jc - . ;.,~;";..,,~._ '~.:-~ ..." '"1: ", ,~"~Ji;'. .-~:~;;,:~+~;_'r\>:~<'; "" " . . j':,',;,"~ .-, '-S'. . '-< - tUi9 . . -- . ( EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: p;,:((;EI, 1: - 'l'h;" portIon of Lota 1, A, B, (; and D of II. lIewuum'B La~d3. .In lhe 1(("".:1" ....mt.a }.1anuela, 1n the C1ty of Arroyo Orande, Cuunt.y of ..,un l.uia 0:,1111"" St.at.c uf Ca11forn1a, according to map fl1ed fur rec(>rd June 5, 18Y1 111 Book A of I>\:!.ps at Page 77 In the offlce of the County Hecurder uf 881d County, descrlbed aD follows: Commencing at a point marked "F" aet at the moat Southerly corner of Lot [[ 2 oC .aid _p and 'hon.o Nor'h 24. 58' 44" Ea.' .10ng ,he Southo..'.rl, 11ne of sald Lot 2 660.14 feet (record North 2So East 660.00 feet) to a point "0" and S. E. No.9, said point being the Northeast corner of said Lot 2 and the Southeast oorner of Lot A and the true polnt of beginnIng; thence North 430 40' 28" West along the Southwesterly l1ne of said Lut A, 504.90 feet (reaord North 430 IS' West, 504.90, feet) to a point; thence leavlng sald Southwesterly line of Lot A North 430 4S' 00" East parallel with the Southeasterly llne of sald Lot A, 328.69 feet (record 430 4~' East 330.00 teet) to the Southweaterly line of Lot B; thence South 30 40' 23" East along said Southwesterly llne of Lot B, 26.40 feet (record South 430 IS' Eaat, 26.40 feet) to a polnt; thence leaving the South- westerly Une ot 8ald Lot B North 430 4S' 00" East, parallel wi th the Southeasterly line of sald Lot B, 328.69 feet (record 430 4S' East, 330.00 feet) to the Southwesterly line of LotC; thence along said Southwesterly line ot Lot C North _430 40' 18" \-Iest 13.84 feet (record North 430 15' West 18.48 feetf to a po1nt; thence leavlng sald Southwesterly 11ne of said Lot C the ollow!ng couraes and distances; North 80 39' 49" Eaat 74.91 feet (record North 80 40' 30" Eaat, 66.95 feet); North lSo'15' 41" West 143.22 teet; North 240 44' 19" East, 250.80 feet (record North 240 45' East, 250.80 teet); North 580 59' 19" East 78.54 feet (record North 590 East, 78.54 feet) to S.E. 15 set In the Northwesterly line of the property conveyed to S. Eldri~e by deed recorded In Book Q, Page 84 of Deeds; thence South 460 45' 1" East 1179.92 feet (record South 460 45' East, 1179.70 feet) to the Northwesterly corner of the land conveyed to Paul J. Hernandez and Laverne G. Hernandez, by deed recorded In Book 1178, at page 203 , Of!"1alal Reoords of said County; thence South 390 39' 00" "Iest along the Northwesterly line of said Land, 337.56 feet (record South 390 40' West, 337.42 feet) to the Southwesterly corner thereof; thence South 430 4S' 00" East along the Southwesterly line of said Land359.67 feet (record South 430 44' 30" East, 359.69 feet) to the Southeasterly corner thereof and the Southeasterly lIne of said Lot 1, bei~ alao the North- westerly line of the 40 foot wlde County Road No. 2404 ; thence along the tJorthweaterly Une of said County Road South 370 57' 18" ~:est (reoord 370 58' west) 846.85 feet to the most Easterly corner of Tract No. 256 as shown on map recorded in Book 7 at page 9 of Maps, records of said County thence along the Northeasterly 11ne of said Tract No. 256 North 430 IS' 00" I_est 20.14 feet (record North 430 IS' '''est, 20.24 feet) to the most Easterly corner of Lot 11 of saId Tract; thence along the Northeasterly ["ne of .aid Lo' 11, Hor'h 52. 03' 00" Wea' 110.00 Co., '0 the moat 'ortherly corner of saId Lot 11; thence along the Southeasterly 11ne of .reenwood Drive as shown on said Tract No. 256 map, North 370 57' 00" East, . 7.03 feet to the Northeasterly line of sald Traot No. 256; thence along .. aid Northeal:lterly Une of said Tract No. 256 and the North\~esterly ex- rondon thereot, North 43015' 00" "Iest, 797.09 feet (record 797.11 feet) to the Southeasterly line of saId Lot 2; thence along said Southeasterly line of Lot 2, North 240 58' 44" East, 8.80 feet (record lIorth 250 East 8.76 feet) to the true point of beglnning. PAHCEL 2: An ea3enent for the purpose of operating, maintaining and replaclng the Page. 1 ~ _..~---~_. ~----=- 1~:". .~ "'--. IJl"O:!cnt 6" oonorete irrigating pIpe and valves wi thln::the portion of I,()t 1 uf A. :Iowsom' B Lands in the Rancho Santa \'o1anue la, In the County of San Luis Obispo, Stat& of California, as per map thereof recorded JUlie 5. 1891 1n Book A, at page 77 of Maps, in the o1'1'lce of the County Hecc.'l'der of said County, descr1bed as follows: A strip of land, 4 feet w1de, lying 2 feet on either aide of the fol10w- Ing described oenter lIne: I COflunenclng at said stake S.E. 2 and running thence South 3"(0 58', West a- long the Westerly line of said County Road, 191.52 feet to a point; thence North 430 44' 30" West, 13 feet to the true ~lnt of beMnnlng; thence from saId true point of beginning t~Ol'th 390 'East 1; 52 reet to an exIsting gate valve; thence North 450 03' East, 69.24 feet to an existing gate valve; thence North 46- East, 111.91 feet, more or lea., to a point 9 feet more or less, South of the Easterly 11ne of the Tabb property lIne; thence North 466 45' West parallel and 9 feet South of sald Easterly lIne, 375 feet, more or less, to a point. PARCEL 3: That portion of Lot 1 of A. Newscrn's Lands, in the Rancho Santa Manuela, 1n the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Lu1a Obispo, state of Call- fornia, acoording to map flIed for record June 5, 1891 In Book A at page 77 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Lot 4 in Tract No. 256, aooord- i~ to map recorded May 22, 1964 In Book 7 at page 9 of Ma~S; thence South 24 59' 00" liest along the North\~ester1y line of sald Lot . 24.21 feet to the most Eaaterly corner of Lot 3 In sald Tract No. 256; thence North 650 01' 00" Weat along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 3 and the North- ~rosterly extension thereof, 157.00 feet to the most Northerly corner of Flora f\oi:ld 3S shown on sald map of Tract No. 256; thence North 246 59' 00" East dlong the Northeasterly extension of the Northtlesterly l1.ne ot sdid PIL>L"'d i1oad, 86.90 feet to a point on the Northl>/esterly extension of the IJOI'tho<.>starly line of said Tract No. 256; thence South 430 IS' OO"East !lollg 3tlld extension, 169.05 feet to the pOint of beginning. f