O 140 C.S.
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SECT! ON I. That certain ordinance known as "Zoning Ordinance of the Ci ty
of Arro\'o Crande" is herewl th amended as follows:
The "Zon i ng Map of the City of Arroyo Grande", referred to inSect I on .302
of Title 9, Chc.pter I, of the Municipal Code is amended so that the zones and
boundaries of certain Districts shown therein and thereon are changed so as to be
the zones and boundaries as shown and designated on the map attached hereto, and
by this reference Incorporated herein, which map is entitled "A Section of the
Zoning Hap of the City of Arroyo Grande, Amended by Ordinance No. IIID C. S. of tile
City of :,rro,/o Grande", and sa i d map.. marked Exh I bit, "A", &lnd a \I notat Ions and
refer~i1::e5 sho~m thereon shalt be as much a part of this ordinance a,; if the matteI'S
shown on said map were at I :fully described herein, and the Districts and zones and
boundaries of the property shown therein from and after the effective date of the
adoption or this ordinance. The properties Intended to be rezoned and the changes
in the zoning accomplished hereby are described as follows:
"All that portion of the following described property' within the City of Arroyo
Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, lying easte:ly of the centerline of that certain
Right of I~ay conveyed to the County of San Luis Obispo as Part 1 in deed recorded
October 25, 1921 in BOOK 148 at Page )44 of Deeds.
Parcel 1
Lot 12 of the Subdivisions of a part of the Ranchos El Pismo and San Niguelito,
par~ly in the City of Pismo Beach, partly in the City of Arroyo Grand~, and partly
in unincorporated territory, all in the County of San ,Luis Obispo, State of
California, according to map recor.ded April 30, 1886 in Bock A, Page 157 of Maps.
EXCEPTIHG therefrom two certain parts thereof in the Southaast corner c:onveyed to
FranciD Mora, Bishop, for a cemetery by deed recorded February 4, 1887 in BOOK I~,
Page 43 of Deeds and by deed recorded October 17, 1987 in Book X, Page 587 of Deeds.
ALSO EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the State of California by deed
recorded October 15, 1954 in Book 776, Page 48 of Official Records.
ALSO EXCEPTING a portion of Lot 12 of the Subdivision of the Ranchos El Pismo and
San Miguelito, made by R. R. Harris, recorded April 20, 1880, in Boo~ A, Page 157 .'
~f Maps, in the County, of San Luis Obispo, State of California, described as follov~,
BEGlh~ING at a monument shown on a California Division of Highways Right-Of-Way
map designated AS OS.SLO-l0l Sheet 3 of 32, filed at the California Division of
Highways Office for District 5 in San Luis Obispo, said momunent b.ing on the
Northerly line of Parcel 3, 315.00 feet right of station 48-20.00 as shown on 5~iQ
Right-of-Way map, tl)ence along said Northerly line South 57. 27' SO" East, 271.'33
feer. to the TRUJ;: POINT OF BEOINNUIO, thence tlorth 32. 32' 10" East ..t right .."91....
50.00 feet, thence South 57. 27' SO" East at right angloas 50.00 feCIt, thence Sout.h
320 32' 10" West at right anglea 50.00 feet to said Northo1lrly line, thence along
daid Northurly line North 57' 27' 50" We..t, 50.00 teet to the TRUE POIN'l' OF 'BEGINNING.
Parcel 2
That po~tion of former County Road No. 6(abandoned) lying adjacent to and Southerly
of Lot 12 of the Subdivision of a part of th~ Ranchos El Pismo and San Miguelico,
in th~ City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California,
according to map recorded April 3D, 1086 in BOOK A, Page 157 of 1.laps described as
COHNENCING at a point on the southerly line of Lot 12 of the Subdivision of Rdncho
El Pi5DO as shown on a map now on file in th~ County Recorder's Offic~. San Luis
ObiIJp<:>, California, and entitled, "Map of the Subdivisions of a part of the R:1nchos
El Pismo and San Miguelito, San Luis Obispo Co., California. Partly surveyed and
map dra',m by R. R. Harris February and March 1886", which POINT OF BEGINNING is
disr.a~t Souch 720 47' East 68.0 feet from stake P95 set on the southerly boundary
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line of said Lot 12, thence runnin<;J from ..aid POlN'r 01' r,J';GWNING North 34" 36' East ,
30.4 feet to a point on t~,,, 'lortherly line of th.. ilvila, Piamo and Arroyo Grande ' .
County ~ad (Ro..d Nrt. 6) th",m:c running along lhe Northerly Line of said C t
r.oad I,;,)~th 1)5" 14' East 622.0 feet to, a point; thence oun y .
South 84" 16' East 117.6 feet to a pOlnt; thence South 690 57' East 388.5 feet to
stake P97;, thence South 610 44' East 508.6 feet to a point; thence South 770 57'
East 270.02 feet to a point; thence leaving the Northerly boundary line of said
County Ro".1 and running South 1 00 12' West 49.5 feet to a point on the Southerly
boundary line of the above mentioned County Road; thence running along the Southerly
bcunddr)' line of said County ~ad North 770 54' West 89.7 feet to a point;1 thance
North 80" 52' .I'/est 116.6 feet to a point; thence North 74021' West 141.9 ieet to a
point; thence North 71" 30' West 64.5 feet to a point; thence North 650 17' West
59.1 feet to a point; thence North 580 20' liest 311.3 feet to a point; thence
North 65" 36' West 84.6 feet to a point; thence N 72" 20' W 74.2 feet to a point;
thence N 670 36' W 164.3 feet to a point; thence N 790 52' II 95.9 feet to .. point;
thence North 850 00' We..t 80.3 feet to a pointl thence South 860 31' West 553.4 feet
to the point of intersection of the Southerly Boundary line of said County ,Road and
the Northerly boundary line of the California State Highway Right-of-Way; thence
along the said Northerly boundary line of the California State Highway Right-af-Way
North 730 39' West 27.0 feet to a point; thence North 720 47' West 54.5 feet to the
EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the State of CaliforniQ by de~d
recorded October 15. 1954 in Book 776, Page 48 of Officla1 Records."
Said property is rezoned from "A", Agriculture District to "P-D", Planned
Development District~
SECTION 2. That certain zoning map of the City of Arroyo Grande referred to
In Section .302 of Title 9, Chapter 4 of the Hunlcipal Code Is amended so that the
zones and boundaries of certain Districts shown therein and thereon shall be the
zones and boundaries as shown and designated on the map attached hereto, marked
Exhibit "A", and by this reference incorporated herein, which map is entitl.sd "A
Section of the Zoning Hap of the City of Arroyo Grande, Amended by Ordinance No.
Ilfo C. s. of the City of Arroyo Grande" and all notat r on~ and references shown thereon
~hall be as much a part of this ordinance as if the matters shown on said map were
all fully described herein, and the Districts and zones and boundaries of the property
shown therein from and after the effective date of the annexation of said p'roperty to
the City of Arroyo Grande. The properties intended to be prazoned and the zoning
accanplished hereby are described as follows:
Parcel 1
"That portion of Lot 12 of the subdivisions of the Rancho!> El Pismo and San
Miguelito according to the map made by R. R. Harris as filed on April 30, 1886 in
Book A Page 157 of Haps in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San
~uis Obispo, State of California, described as follows.
Beginning Qt that certain angle point in the northerly boundary of the Frontage Road
on the northerly side of California State Highway, a freeway IV-SLO-Z-EI as described
in Ordinance No. 180, the annexation of Oak Park No. 1 to the City of Arroyo Grande
as adopted Jaly 23, 1963, 5~id angle point being on the northerly prolongation of
the radial line to centerline station 41 + 00 of highway, 135.00 feet from said
centerline, to the True Point of Beginning; thence along said northerly prolongation
Mnd along the city limits of AZ'royo Grande N 21" 52' 33" E 300.00 teet, thence
continuing along said City limits N 670 11' 53" tI 850.00 feet to a point on the
easterly line of the annexation to the City of Pismo Beach'known aa the Oak Park
Heights Annexation, said easterly line being a non tangent curve, concave south-
easterly having a radius of 225 feet, the radial line of said curve thru said point
bears N 480 39' 00" W"; thence southerly 30.80 feet along the arc of said curve thru
" central angle of 70 50' 32" to a point in said northerly boundary of said Frontage
Road; thence easterly along said northerly boundary the following courses. S 700 14'
OS" E 66.72 feetl thence S 110 44' 54" W 183.13 feet; thence S 57" 27' 50" E 338.77
feet; thence S 67" 11' 53" E 161.09 falilt, thence S. 59" 20' 57" E 268.40 feet to the
True Point of Beginning." Containing 4.7 acrea.
Parcel 2
"That portion of Lot 12 of the subdivisions of the subdivisions of the Ranchos Ei
Pismo and San Miguelito according to the map made by R. R. Harris as filed on
April 30, 1886 in Boo~ A Page 157 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of
the County of San Luis Obi~po, State of California, described as follows.
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Beginning a~ the northeast corner of the annexation to the City of Pismo Beach
known as Oak Park Heights Annexation as said annexation is described in Volume 1235
Pages 437 thru 443; Official Records of said County, said corner also being on the
Westerly line of County Road No. 140 (50 feet wide) as described in said volume, said
corner also being a corner in the Westerly City limi~s of the City of Arroyo Grande
as described in Ordinanca No. 1eO, the annexation of "Oak Park No.1" to the City of
Arroyo C~ande as adopted July 23, 1963; thence Sou~1erly and Southwestarly along tha
various courses in said Westerly line of County Road No. 140 and along the common
City limits of the Cities of Pismo Beach and Arroyo Grande to the intersection of said
Westerly line with a point on the northarly boundary of the Frontage Road on the
northerly side of California State Highway, a freeway (V-SLO-Z-E) as described in
Book 776, Pages 48 and 49, Official Records of said county; thence leaving said
comnon City limits line, N 700 14' 05" W 11.30 feet, mora or less, along said
northerly boundary line to the westerly line of that certain Right-of-Way, SO feet
wide, as conveyed to the County of San Luis Obispo in a deed recorded October 25,
1921 in Book 148, Page 344 of Deedll, records of said County; thence N 14" 43' 30" Ii:
1508.95 feet a~ng said westerly line of said certain right of way, SO feet wide;
thence c'ontinuing along said last mentioned westerly line N 1So 49' 00" W 223.23 feet;
thence continuing along said last mentioned westerly line N 230 03' 00" W 60 feet +
to the northerly line of said' Oak Park Heights Annexation; thenoe easterly along said
northerly line and City of Pismo Beach Ci ty Limits to the point of be<;Jinning."
Containing 10.e aCres, more or less.
Said property Is prezoned "P-D", Planned Development, and is hereby zoned
"P-D" to become effective upon ann~xatlon of said property to the City of Arroyo
Grande, pursuant to Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 9-4.3209.
SECTION 3. Purpose.
The purpose of this zoning and approval of the Tentative Subdivision Hap Is
to provide developable parcels of property for sal~. Utilities are uvallable to
all parcels being created at the time of recordation of said tentative map, but are
not necessarily adjacent thereto. A copy of said tentative map is attached hereto,
marked Exhibit "B", and Incorporated herein by reference. Any reference to "areels
referred to In this Section 3 or Section 4 hereof refers to the parcels as designated
on sal d tentat Ive map.. Extension of utilities will be required to any parcel prior
to development.
No parcel Included In Subdivision Map No. 604 (Oak Park Acres) shall be
developed In any way, except for one single-family home on residential parcels,"
until such time as a subdivisIon map and/or a development plan has been reviawed"
and approved by the CIty Flannlng Commission and City Council.
Any proposal that will change any portion of the land use as indicated on
the Subdivision Hap No. 604 shall be deemed a change In the zoning. Any proposed
change will require reconsideration of the entire project through the full and
proper zone change procedure with the public retaining all of their rights regarding
zone changes.
The following requirements will provide for all off-site Improvements
required with the development of anyone or all parcels of the proposed project and
Is phased 50 that there will be no question regarding the responsibility for these
Improvements. ,
SECTION 4. Development Requirements. ' .
1. Intersection of the Frontage Road and Oak Park Boulevard.
Redesign and reconstruction of this Intersection shall be the responsibility of the
property owner and shall be bonded for development with recordation of the mapi to
be developed prIor to any of the parcels being sold or developed. The Improvements
shail meet all City standards so far as the Frontaga Road and Intersection with Oak
Park Boulevard, whIch Is a collector street.
2. Fronta~. Road. Frontage Road shall be fully Improved to City frontage
road standards, w th one eight foot (8') parking lane, one twelve foot (12') drIving
lane, one fourteen foot (14') driving lane, curb, gutter, and ten foot (10') sld~walk.
a. Parcel I - The development of Parcel I sha II require full Improvement
of the frontage of this parcel, westerly to meet the reconstructed Intersection
Including the portion of Parcel 14.
b. Parcel 2 - Development of Parcel 2, If It precedes the development
of Pilrcel " shall be responsible for full Improvements from the easterly Ilnl! of
Parcel 2 to the aforementioned Intersection, excepting curb, gutter, and sidewalk
on Parcel 1 frontage.
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c. Parcel 3 - The same as Parcel 2; curb, gutter, and sidewalk would ..
not be required on Parcels I and 2. ..
). Oak Park Boulevard. The ultimate development of Oak Park B~ulevard wi II .
consist of curb, gutter, and sidewalk on that porticn of Parcel 14 abutting Oak Park
Boulevard; Parcel 4, 5; that portion of Parcel 13 between Parcels 5 and 6; Parcels
6 and 7. RI9ht,of way. between Parcel 7 and Parcel 12 to be improved with two (2)
twelve foot (12 ) driving lanes and a ten foot (10') parking lane and control of
drainage to Parcel 13.
. a. Parcel 4 - Will be responsible for the construction of curb, gutter,
and sidewalk, and reconstruction of roadway paving from northerly side of James Way
to the reconstructed intersection, Including that portion of Parcel 14.
. b. Parcel 5 - Development of Parcel 5 shall be responsible for the full
Improvements on Oak Park Boulevard and James Way frontage, including all of item
(a) above, excepting curb, gutter, and sidewalk on P"rcel 4.
c. Parcel 6 - The same requirements on the development of Oak Park
Boulevard as on Parcels 4 and 5, but to Include that small portion of Parcel 13
between 5 and 6. Would not require curb, gutter, and sidewalk on Parcels 4, 5 and 14.
d. Parcel 7 - The development of Parcel 7 will require full Oak Park
Boulevard improvements as set out In (a) above, but would not require curb, gutter,
and sidewalk improvements on Parcels 4, 5, 6, and 14.
e. Parcel 13 - Two (2) driving lanes, twelve feet (12') wide, and one
(I) parking strip of ten feet (10') will be required from northerly line from
Parcel 7 to northerly line of project on Oak Park Boulevard and Noyes Road frontage.
, May be constructed with recordation of Tract Map No. 604 or can be
bonded for construction with the development of Parcel 7 and either ~arcel 5 or 6.
4. James Waf' Collector street on a sixty-four foot (64') right of way with
a forty-four foot ( 4') paved, curb to curb width.
a. A minimum of twenty-eight feet (28') of'pavlng on a sixty-four foot
(64' ) rIght of way be developed from Oak Park Boulevard to the easterly corner of
Parcel 5 with recordation of map. Full underground utilities to be placed on James
Way as It develops.
b. Parcel 4 - James Way improvement at the same time as Oak Park
Boulevard improvements to be placed including curb, gutter, and sidewalk, and
completion of paving to new curb.
c. Access to Parcel 4 from James Way limited to one (1) driveway,
location subject to approval of the City.
d. Parcel 5 - Same as Parcel 4. Access to Parcel 5 from James Way
limited to one (1) driveway, location subject to approval of the City.
e. Parcel 8 - Curb, gutter. sidewalk, 'and street pavement from tha
casterly boundary of the parcel to Parcel 4 and to Include completion of street
paving to new curb.
f. Parcel 9 - Curb, gu~~er. sIdewalk, and street pavement from the
easterly boundary of the parcel to Parccl 5 and to Include completion of straet
paving to new curb.
g. Pi! rce I 10 - Ex~~nd twenty-eight feet (28') paving of Ja~s Way to
easterly project property line and Jns~all curb, 9u~ter, and sidewalk and complete
paving to new curb. Development of Parcel 10 would not requIre improvements on
Parcel 5, 9 or 13.
The completion of off-sIte Improvements on Parcel 14, easterly of Parcel 8,
shall be bonded in the same manner as Parcel 13 (see Item 3-e) and shall be
installed by the owner of Parcel 14 In conjunctIon with construction of off-site -
improvements on Parcels 8, 9, or 10.
All other interior streets may be developed to rural street sections upon
approval of subdivision and/or development pian which must be approved by the
Planning Commission. The street section between Parcel II and James Way shall be
a portion of Parcel 11 and subject to subdivision development. Depending upon
development plans, local streets mayor may not be developed to rural street standards.
Parcel 12 access to Noyes R'oad noted in Item )-e as previous Iy noted.
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" Sidewalks may be waived across any residential parcel, provided bike and/or'
bridl-'! ~rai Is~ p~destrian trai Is are approved and provided. Bridle path trai Is may
be provided withIn Parcels 13 and 14 to connect any residential parcel to commercial
parcels. .
WATER - An adequate water distribution system on Frontage Road, James ~ay,
and Oak Park Boulevard shall be engineered to meet domestic and fire flow requirements
provided in conjunction with final map. Water supply of adequate size line and
pressure shall be developed and bonded with recordation of the map for construction
to the intersection of the Frontage Road and Oak Park Boulevard prior to1any lot
being developed or sold.
The development of any parcel shall require the development of a water system
necessary to serve that developm-'!nt and include main sizes and locations as shown
on master water plan, referred to In Water, Paragraph I. Mains shall be carried to
the furthest property line and looped where the City deems necessary,
Water supply of adequate sized line and pressure shall be developed and
constructed to the Intersection of the frontage Road and Oak Park Boulevard in
conjunction with development of the first parcel of this development.
The development of any parcel shall carry the water to the furthest property
line of that parcel to the size as shown on the development plan.
Developers are made aware that present pressures will serve to Elevation
two hundred feet (200') and that pumping and storage will be required for areas
above this elevation.
SIGNS - Developer of each parcel shall be fully responsible for all
identificatiQn and traffic signs.
GRADING - All grading in the development shall be englneered'and approve.
by the Public Works Department and be In conformance with Chapter 70 of the Untf~
Building Code and all cut and fill slopes adequately protected (landscaping,
retaining walls, etc.); and adequate dust protection during gradIng operations.
Extensive grading cannot be accomplished during rainy seasons.
UTILITIES - All utilities shall be undergrounded and a six foot (6')
Public Uti tities Easement provided on both sides of all public and private right
of ways in the entire development.
STREET LIGHTS - On ornamental poles to Pacific Gas & Electric Company's
standards or higher.
FIRE DEPARTMENT - Fire Department requirements indicate a concern on ultimata
"fire flow" and minimum street grades.
Fire hydrant locations will be Indicated upon consideration and approval of
the primary water distribution system and upon the final development plans and/or
subdivisions as they are presented.
SEWERS - The developer of any parcel shall be fu"y responsible for
development of sewers for his and any downstream parcel.
DRAINAGE - Entire parcel to be drained and water to be disposed of to tk:r.
satisfaction of the City Engineer and submitted to the Department of Transport~tion
for review (retardation or retention may be used or required).
Disposal of water into Meadow Creek wi II require California Department of
Fish and Game permit.
PARCELS 13 AND 14 (OPEN SPACE) - The ultimate use of the open space parcels
13 and 14, and any improvements thereon are to be approved by the Planning Commis.
slon of the City of Arroyo Grande, prior to any development. These parcels may be
used for grazing, permanent pasture, recreation, or similar uses. They may be used
as easements for any public utilitIes, subject to City approwal.
PARK LAND - The open space will not be credited for park land or park fees.
Dedication or fees will be considered In connection with each development plan or
STREET TREES - Will be required on all streets on a fifty foot (50')
interval on public right of way frontage. Fees to be paid to the City, trees
to be purchased and maintained by the City.
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CEMETERY - The small private cemetery located in the southerly corner of (,
" .
the de~elopment, although not a pa'rt of the subject property, must be protected ",
by an Improved buffer a~ound t~e perimeter and stated buffer to be approved by -
the Parks Department prior to Installation (wall and/or landscaping). To be done
In connection with the development of Parcel 3. .
ORDINANCE CONTROLS - The development of all parcels shall comply with all
ordinances of the City of Arroyo Grande.
The development of each parcel shall be In keeping with the applic~ble
zoning as set out in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande.
Mitigation measures beginning on Page 48 of the Oak Park Acres EIR have
been, or shall be, resolved as follows:
Items a, c, e, f, g, h, k, m, o. and p will be resolved in the approval of
subdivision or development plan on each individual parcel.
Item b phasing will be required as follows:
Commercial Parcel 5 and either Parcel I or 2 shall be developed in
connection with the first two residential parcels. The third 'commercial property
may then be developed with the third residential unit.
Parcel 6, "C-N" zoning, may not be developed until a minimum of forty .-
percent (40%) of potential residential dwelling unit building permits have been
Item d. - Sewer connections wi II be required In connection with the,
development of Parcels 1-10. See Paragraph I under "General Remarks" with
reference to Parcels II and 12; and It is assumed that the Greenbelr Parcels,
Numbers 13 and 14, would not be sewered.
Item 0 - Will have additional consideration with development plans or
The following controls are imposed to establish goals and maximum land
use of each individual parcel of Subdivision Tract Map #604, Oak Park Acres.
1. Assure retention of Its natural beauty.
2. Provide affordable residences for senior citizens In pleasant and
quiet surroundings with on-site facilities to meet most of their physical. social,
and health needs.
3. Provide rental units for middle Income people, keeping adult and
femi Iy units In separated areas.
4. Provide single-family residences with larger than average lots with
a rural atmosphere oriented to equestrian and ranchette type activities.
5. Provide shopping and service facilities to support the ~jorlty of
the needs of the community.
6. Control buIlding design, landscaping, and site layout to Insure
preservation and Improvement of the envrronme~t of the community.
The portlcular uses permitted for the vDrlo~. parcel, shall be limited
and controlled as follows: .
Parcels III and #2 (Zoned "H-S") . If taken by the County of San Luis
Obispo, the design and uses will be under their control.
If not taken by the County, the uses permitted shall be limited to
businesses caterIng to highway trafFic, such as motels, service stations, and
res taurants, and normal sate 1\ i te accessory USeS.
Parcel #3 (Zoned "P-C") - For conmerclal-resldential uses only such as
convalescent hospital, rest home, hospital, private club and similar uses. No
density is prescrIbed, but coverage of the area shall not exceed the amounts
authorized by City Zoning Codes.
Parcel #4 (Zoned "H-S") - Same uses as Parcels 1/1 and 1/2.
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. Par:el #5 (Zoned "H-S") - A business and office development permitting
professional otf,ces, bank, savings and loan, doctor and dental offices and stores
catering ~o business and professional people such as a stationary store: drug store
dry cleaning and laundry, etc. '
. Parcel #6 (Zoned "C-N") - A neighborhood shopping center that could
Include a food market, drug store, barber and beauty shops, dry cleaning and laundry,
landsca~e nursery, bakery, shoe store, clothing stores, restaurant and/orjcafe, soda
shop, lIquor store, specialty store and the general type stores conducive to
providing good neighborhood shopping.
Parcel H7 (18.2 Acres Zoned "R-G") - Uses permi tted shall be medium
density residences of not more than eighty-five (BS) total units (4.7 per acre)
by construction of either cluster housing, townhouses, condaninlums, and/or
apartments. Subdivision plans must use cluster or grouping suitable for recreational
purposes within the parcel.
_ Parcel HB (B.6 Acres Zoned "R-G") - Uses permitted shall be multiple
unit residences such as apartments, townhouses, condominiums with a total of not
more than one hundred ten (110) units (12.B units per acre). Site planning will
be oriented to take advantage of greenbelt abutting the parcel.
Parcel 119 (12.7 Acres Zoned "R-A") - To be developed into sing/e-fami Iy ,-
residences with a total of not more than thirty (30) units (2.4 units per acre).
Site planning may be either cluster type housing or lots with minimum size of
10,000 square feet. If clustering is used, a portion of the parcel must be set
aside for greenbelt or common area available to all residents within that parcel.
Homes to be developed on these lots must have a minimum square footage of not less
than 1500 square feet.
Parcel #10 (16.5 Acres Zoned "R-A" - 40,000) - To be developed into
single-fami Iy residences with a minimum lots size of not less than 40,000 square
feet with dimension requirements as set forth in the City Zoning Code. Total lots
to be not more than fifteen (15) units.
Parcel #11 (69.1 Acres Zoned "R-A" - 40,000) - To be developed into
single-fami Iy residences with a minimum lot size of not less than 40,000 sq~re
feet with dimension requirements as set forth in the City Zoning Code. Total lot
to be no more than fifty (50) units.
Parcel 1112 (21.8 Acres Zones "R-A" - 40,000) - No more than fourteen
(14) lots (1.5 to an acre).
Parcel #13 (Greenbelt - Open Space) - To be developed for permanent
pasture with only such Improvements that are necessary and compatible for that
use (fences, corrals, tack barn{s), equestrian trails}, and proper stream control
to Include retarding basin If Indicated as required or desirable. Improvetlents
and maintenance of the pasture wi II adhere to sound management and cultural practices.
Ownership will be retalned.by developer. Use of the area for grazing, riding, etc.,
will be offered first to owners of lots adjacent to the greenbelt, then to other
residents of "Oak Park Acres", and, lastly, to others outside this community.
Parcel #14' (Greenbelt - 0 en S ace) - The developmet1t and uSIUt described
for Parcel 13 will prevail. In addition, the developmenr of a holding basin (lake)
for water will be developed as accordrng to specifications of a qualified engineer.
Appropriate landscaping wi I I be placed around the pond (lake) and at1 effort made to
establish a waterfowl habitat. Should the County obtain this parcel, It 15
anticipated they will develop this Into a passive type park. Concerted effort'will
be made to maintain a serene atmosphere around Parcel HB.
I. Use of septic tanks on Parcels 1111 or #12 mayor may not be permitted,
dependent upon development plan/or Tentative Subdivision Map and percolation tests.
If sewers are required, then density of Parcels #11 and #12 may be
increased to the maximum of the "RA - 40,000 sq. ft." control, rather than the
density indicated on the development chart attached hereto as Exhibit "C".
2. Portions of Parcels H7, #9, HIO, #11, and/or #12 may be used for church
site(s} with approval of the City without loss of density providing the lot sizes
are at least minimum size specified for the zoning.
- 7 - -
-~---_.-._. -------
... '~'~ .:>," ..
.. ,- ..
3. Portions of Parcel #10, #11, and/or #12 may be used for school site{s)
with approval of the City without loss of density providing the lot sizes are at ..
least minimum size specified for the zoning. ,
4. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions will require that the precise
development plan of each parcel shall be controlled by further approvals of City
staff, City Council, and Architectural Control Committee of "Oak Park Acres".
5. All trees will be protected to maximum extent possible consistent with
requi rements for roads and street deve lopment, requi red grading and proper tree
6. Grading of lots of single-fami Iy homes wi I I be minimum necessary to
prepare site for home and accessory buildings. Garden i ng plot s may be p repa red
if designed to prevent erosion of soil.
7. The general theme of the development shall be western, ranch, and/or
Spanish with emphasis on low roof lines, good overhangs, abundant use of slump
stone, heavy wood, stucco and brick. No rock roofs or composition shingle shall
be permitted. All plans for grading, walls, fences, landscaping, and building
must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee.
8. In the event all or parts of Parcels #7, #8, and/or #9 should be
designated as "adult only" type developments, the density of the parts so
desIgnated may be increased by a ratio computed as follows:
Multiply the number of permitted units by 2.79 (average
size family unit In Arroyo Grande). Divide that figure
by 1.7 (average size adult unit in Arroyo Grande). The
result Is the total number of units permitted for adults
SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30)
days after Its passage, and within fifteen (IS) days after its passage, it shall
be published once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon,
in the Five CitIes Times-Press.Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Splerling and
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Splerllng, Gallagher, Schlegel, Hillis and Mayor de Leon
NOES: None
the foregoing ,Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14th day of September, 1976.
i? ~ -" ~ g______
ATTEST:..-d~'lc' ~e~ / MAYOR
I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the CIty of Arroyo Grande, County of
San Luis Obispo State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 140 c.s. Is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance pass7d
and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meetIng
of said Council held on the 14th day of September, 1976.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this 15th day of September, 1976.
~v;v A'.~~.&o
City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande
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cS ",
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-R.G - - 18.2 Ac
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t;; (1) 0
H.g 6.9Ac
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, , 1 6.5 I i
2 6.9 . I
"H-S" ; 4 1.5 I
i 5 5.5 I i !
20.4 I
"C-N" i 6 5.7 5.7 ,
"P"'C" I 3 . 12.4 12.4 .
, ,
7 , 18.2 85 i 4.7 I
"R-G" I 8 8.6 no ' I 12.8
I I 26.8 I I '-195
. I I
"R-A" I 9 i 12.7 12.7 30 30 .2.4
I j'o':ooo I! I I
, I .0 I ... " I ." I n tt
"R-A" , n ! 69.1 ! 50 I 0.7
(40,000) 12 ~ 21.8 1 14 i I '0.7
. ~ I 107.4 79 I
13 57 .
BELT 14 34
91.0 I
(collector) , 4.4 i 4.4
TOTAL I ! 280.8 304 1.08
TOTAL (excludes I I I .
304 I 1.20
commercial) i I 254.1 i ..
, . I
(2.79 X 304 = 8481
Typical Family = 2.79 persons per dwelling unlt(o.u.)
Adult Typical Family ~ 1.70 persons per dwelling unlt(o.U.)
If Parcels #7, #B, and #9 are restricted to adults only, the
number of dwelling units may be Increased provided total population
does not Increase. .
Permlssable number of dwelling units If adult community for
Parcels 67, #B, and #9 would be as follows:
Parc;:e I 1/7: L!2,' .
1.70 X 85 = 139 D.U.
Parcel 18 t* X 110 = 180 O.U.
Parcel 1/9 z..:!2.
1.70 X 30 = 49 o.u.
. ... . ' .. -~'";..'.:'''';" .
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