R 3441 RESOLUTION NO. 3441 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING AND AMENDING OPERATING FEES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION, PLANNING, ENGINEERING, BUILDING, AND FIRE SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council performs certain services and issues permits and licenses, which benefit specific individuals and businesses; and WHEREAS, the cost of performing such services and issuing such permits, and licenses are to be paid by those individuals and businesses that receive such services, permits, and licenses; and WHEREAS, those fees charged for such services, permits, and licenses provided by and/or through the Parks and Recreation, Community Development, Engineering, Building, and Fire Departments, no longer reflect the true costs of providing such services, permits, and licenses; and WHEREAS, costs for services, permits, and licenses provided by and/or through the Parks and Recreation, Community Development, Engineering, Building, and Fire Departments that benefit specific individuals and businesses have been clearly 'identified; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Ordinance No. 408 C.S. that authorizes amending fees for Planning and Engineering processing and permitting be established by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has adopted Resolution 3203 that established specific fees for Parks and Recreation Services; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has proposed and made available to the public, data indicating the estimated cost of providing Fire services and the current and proposed fees for such services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting the question of whether or not to adjust or establish operating fees for City services to reflect the estimated amount that is required to sufficiently compensate the City for providing such services; and WHEREAS, at said public meeting, the City Council considered all oral and written presentations that were made regarding operating fees. RESOLUTION NO. 3441 PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The schedule of fees attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, entitled "Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations, Fiscal Year 1999-2000" is hereby adopted. 2. This Resolution shall be effective the latter of sixty (60) days after adoption or' July 1,2000. On motion by Council Member Tolley, seconded by Council Member Runels , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Tolley, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara, and Mayor Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11th day of April, 2000. to .----- .__.- -- RESOLUTION NO. 3441 PAGE 3 ATTEST: tttt?/~ E, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: :: ~V2z . CK Ter R , INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: \ EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended Current City Current Rate of Recommended Increased Service Fee Costs Subsidy Recovery Fee Revenue BUILDING: Repeat Unit Plan Check 90 68 (22) 100% 68 $ (1,554) INCREASED BUILDING REVENUE $ (1,554) All current building activity fees are set by the 1997 uae rate tables. \ -~_._-- ----- -'----- EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended Current City Current Recovery Recommended Increased Service Fee Costs Subsidy Rate Fee Revenue ENGINEERING: Annexation 250 2,977 2,727 80% 2,382 $ 4,264 Conditional Use Permit 430 1,071 641 80% 857 5,124 Grading Permit 198 2,288 2,090 80% 1,830 3,264 Lot Line Adjustment 369 2,757 2,388 80% 2,206 11,022 Parcel Map 1,310 980 (330) 100% 980 (660) Pre-Application 640 170 (470) 100% 170 (940) Tract Map 1,810 3,590 1,780 100% 3,590 21,360 Inspection Services 55,166 58,062 2,896 100% 58,062 2,896 Encroachment Permit-Residential 14 116 102 50% 58 484 Encroachment Permit-Commercial 14 116 102 100% 116 3,366 INCREASED ENGINEERING REVENUE $ 50,180 . - , .--.- EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended Current City Current Recovery Recommended Increased Service Fee Costs Subsidy Rate Fee Revenue FIRE DEPARTMENT: Permit Inspection 110 355 245 80% 284 $ 4,350 Hydrant Flow Calculation 110 133 23 100% 130 240 Fireworks Permit 110 355 245 80% 110 - F ailed 2nd Inspection - 89 89 100% 85 29,750 Burn Permit - 27 27 100% 25 1,250 Excessive False Alarm - 51 51 100% 50 1,000 INCREASED FIRE REVENUE $ 36,590 , . -----"-----~- EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended Current City Current Recovery Recommended Increased Service Fee Costs Subsidy Rate Fee Revenue PLANNING: Appeals 95 739 644 25% 184 $ 89 ARC Review 113 420 307 50% 210 2,716 . ARC Review Amendment 141 420 279 50% 210 138 Cert. Of Compliance 317 530 213 80% 424 - CUP 491 947 456 100% 947 4,095 CUP Amendment 491 787 296 80% 630 139 Design Reviews 437 420 (17) 100% 420 (340) Development Agreement 656 1,907 1,251 100% 1,907 - Dev. Code Amendment 624 1,175 551 100% 1,175 - GPA 712 1,288 576 100% 1,288 - Home Occupation Permit 20 95 75 50% 47 1,843 Large Family Daycare 26 501 475 50% 250 - LLA 597 570 (27) 100% 570 (108) Lot Merger 436 570 134 100% 570 268 Meeting continuance 91 154 63 80% 123 - Minor Exception 30 311 281 80% 248 1,526 Planned Development/Rezoning 624 1,086 462 100% 1,086 - Planned Dev. SPFC/GDPA 762 1,086 324 100% 1,086 - PUD 575 1,086 511 100% 1,086 - PC InterplWaive/Reference 37 771 734 50% 385 - Plot Plan Review 29 271 242 80% 216 561 Pre-Application 160 600 440 50% 300 1,820 Research 41 136 95 50% 68 - Reversion to Acreage 634 412 (222) 50% 206 - Rezoning 624 1,086 462 100% 1,086 - Sign/Admin Sign 53 136 83 50% 68 - Sign/Planned Sign Program 339 788 449 50% 394 330 Sign/Admin Sign Program 120 311 191 50% 155 735 Specific Plan 1,230 3,337 2,107 100% 3,336 4,212 Specific Plan Amendment 410 1,086 676 100% 1,086 - TUP 20 203 183 50% 101 82 TPMfTTM 678 946 268 80% 756 78 TPMfTTM Amendment 574 946 372 80% 756 182 Time Extension 168 370 202 80% 296 128 Variance 485 946 461 80% 756 271 Vesting TPMfTTM 911 946 35 80% 756 (465) Viewshed Review 86 417 331 80% 334 248 INCREASED PLANNING REVENUE $ 18,548 -' EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended Current City Current Recovery Recommended Increased Service Fee Costs Subsidy Rate Fee Revenue RECREATION: Park Facility Use Fees Strother Park-Large Barbecue 50 77 27 72% 55 $ 940 Strother Park-Security Deposit 25 25 - 100% 25 - Strother Park-Small Barbecue 25 51 26 54% 28 3 Strother Park-Wedding Reception 100 130 30 85% 110 10 Strother ~rk-Security 1,2,3 50 54 4 100% 55 5 Elm Street Park-Barbecue 50 73 23 76% 55 240 Elm Street Park-Security Deposit 25 27 2 100% 25 - Soto Sports Complex Use Fees Campbell Field Rental Fee 10 27 17 41% 11 203 Pilg Field Rental Fee 10 27 17 41% 11' 203 Santos Field Rental Fee 10 27 17 41% 11 1 Volunteer Field Rental Fee 10 27 17 41% 11 61 Volunteer Field with Lights Rental 25 52 27 53% 28 390 Ikeda Field Rental 10 27 17 42% 11 77 Ikeda Field with Lights Rental 25 52 27 53% 28 295 Porter Field Rental Fee 15 31 16 53% 17 753 Porter Field with Lights Rental 30 58 28 57% 33 36 Tennis Court Rental-1 Hour 5 10 5 58% 6 4 Tennis Courts - 4 Rental 75 89 14 92% 83 8 Food Booth Rental Fee (Soto) 25 44 19 62% 28 3 Meeting Room Rental Fee 15 24 9 70% 17 12 Field Prep Fees (except Porter) 15 25 10 67% 17 695 Field Prep Fees - Porter 25 37 12 75% 28 153 Toumam Sch. & Coordin Fee 50 75 25 74% 55 2,960 Tournament Deposit Fee 200 217 17 100% 217 - Adult Sport Leaaue Fees Adult Softball-Spring 425 527 102 85% 445 760 Adult Softball-Summer 425 534 109 83% 445 920 Adult Basketball 450 719 269 67% 485 1,050 Non-Resident Fee - n/a n/a n/a 8 2,950 EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended Current City Current Recovery Recommended Increased Service Fee Costs Subsidy Rate Fee Revenue . RECREATION (continued): Child Care ProQram Fees Play & Learn-Tues & Thur. 2.50 2.65 0.15 93% 2.50 - Play & Learn-Mon, Wed & Fri. 2,25 2.65 0.40 94% 2.50 1,631 Kindergartens in Training 2,25 2,65 0.40 94% 2.50 1 ,436 Summer Play & Learn 2.25 2,65 0.40 94% 2,50 1,631 Pre-Sch 1-Time Registration Fee 5.00 6.78 1.78 81% 5,50 1 AM/PM CIM-Elm Street 2.50 3.40 0.90 74% 2.50 - AM/PM CIM.-Branch Sch. 2.25 3,50 1.25 64% 2.25 - AM/PM CIM-Ocean 2.25 2.24 (0.01 ) 100% 2,25 - AM/PM CIM-Harloe 2.25 2.24 (0.01 ) 100% 2.25 - CIM -One Time Reg. Fee 10.00 15.01 5.01 73% 11.00 2,610 Summer Playground-Strother Pk 1.65 2.29 0.64 76% 1.75 783 Summer Playground-Elm Street 1.65 1.75 0.10 100% 1,75 - Holiday Playground Programs 1,75 1.85 0.10 95% 1,75 - Woman's Club Use Fees Rental Fee 32 48 16.00 72% 35,00 2,685 Elm Street Comm. Ctr Use Fees Rental Fee 20 48 28.00 45% 22.00 1 ,482 INCREASED PARKS & RECREA TlON REVENUE $ ~4,991 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE INCREASE $ 128,755 RESOLUTION NO. 3441 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under pern1lty of perjury, that Resolution No. 3441 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the C1W of Arroyo Grande on the 11 th day of April, 2000. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13th day of April, 2000. - - - - 1 . I I . ,I Lt~ 'I; .11 C. v ~~UrJ/?fl--- W ,MORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE .SERVICESI v DEPUTY CITY CLERK