Minutes 2001-12-11
Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City Council: Council Members Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara, Mayor Pro Tern Runels,
and Mayor Lady were present.
City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of
Administrative Services Wetmore; Director of Financial Services
Snodgrass; Community Development Director Strong; Associate
Planner Heffernon; Associate Planner McClish; and Director of
Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Hernandez.
Dan Dostal, representing Knights of Columbus, led the Flag Salute.
Pastor Vince Llamas, New Life Community Church, Pismo Beach, delivered the
5.a. Introduction of Miss Teen Arroyo Grande, Dania Bennett.
Mayor Lady introduced Dania Bennett as the new Miss Teen Arroyo Grande and
presented her with a City pin. Miss Bennett informed those present during her tenure
as Miss Teen Arroyo Grande, she would be speaking on the issue of HIV and AIDS
Awareness. .
5.b. Proclamation. Recognizing Eagle Scout William I. Johnson.
Mayor Lady presented a Proclamation to William Johnson congratulating him for
achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and recognizing his commitment, diligence, and
dedication in undertaking and completing his Eagle Scout project.
S.c. Proclamation - Recognizing Eagle Scout Anthony Oldham.
Mayor Lady presented a Proclamation to Anthony Oldham congratulating him for
achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and recognizing his commitment, diligence, and
dedication in undertaking and completing his Eagle Scout project.
DECEMBER 11, 2001
6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only
Council Member Dickens moved, Mayor Pro Tem Runels seconded, and the motion
passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall
be read in title only and all further reading be waived.
Ben Davis, 1238 Paseo Ladera, stated he had addressed the Council at a previous
meeting regarding the billboard located at the Village entrance. He stated that although
the sign was still in place, the message had changed and he thanked those who
brought about the change. He stated that the location of the billboard remained an
issue and the time for affecting change was now. He asked if the issue would still be on
the January Agenda for review.
Council Member Ferrara moved and Council Member Lubin seconded the motion to
approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.h., with the recommended courses of
action. City Attorney Carmel read the title of Ordinance No. 529 C.S. adopting the new
Arroyo Grande Municipal Code.
S.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification.
Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 16,
2001 through November 30, 2001.
S.b. Statement of Investment Deposits.
Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of
November 30, 2001.
S.c. Consideration of Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from
the Water Facility Fund.
Action: Received and filed October 2001 Cash Report and approved the
interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other
funds at 10/31/01.
S.d. Consideration of Annual Financial Report - Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Receipt
and Use of Water and Sewer Development Fees/Charges.
Action: Accepted and filed the annual report of the receipt and use of water and
sewer development fees and charges in compliance with Government Code
Section 66013.
S.e. Consideration of Approval of Minutes.
Action: Approved Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of October 3,
2001; the Special City Council Meeting of November 13, 2001; and the Regular
City Council Meeting of November 13, 2001 as submitted.
S.f. Rejection of Claim Against City.
Action: Rejected claim submitted by Orion Auto.
S.g. Adoption of Ordinance Adopting the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code.
Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 529 C.S. adopting the new Arroyo Grande
Municipal Code.
DECEMBER 11, 2001
S.h. Consideration of New State Minimum Wage.
Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3570 increasing wages for those part-time
positions that fall below the new State Minimum Wage which goes into effect
January 1, 2002.
AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
9.a. Consideration of Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 01-002 and
Architectural Review Case No. 01-011; Five Cites Center, Phase II.
Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report. She explained that the Council
had previously approved amendments to Phase II of the Five Cities Center with a
condition that the Architectural Review Committee, Planning Commission and City
Council review the architectural elevations for Building M. She said because the plans
for Building M included a larger outdoor patio seating area than what was allowed, the
Planning Commission recommended that another amendment to the original
Conditional Use Permit for the Five Cities Center be processed concurrently with the
architectural review of Building M. The Planning Commission recommended that
Council adopt a Resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 01-
002; and approve Architectural Review Case No. 01-011 for Building "M".
Council Member Dickens referred to rooftop appliances and inquired if there were
conditions on the project that required screening of equipment in order to eliminate
visual impacts. Associate Planner Heffernon stated that the requirement for screening
of roof-mounted equipment was part of the original conditions of approval for the entire
Five Cities Center project and would apply to this project.
Council Member Dickens expressed concerns with the flat roof on the bulk of the
building and inquired whether staff had discussions with the applicant on what type of
appliances might be placed on the roof. Associate Planner Heffernon responded there
was discussion about refrigeration and heating elements required for a restaurant use.
Council Member Ferrara inquired whether there had been discussion with the
Architectural Review Committee regarding the absence of a fagade on the south portion
of the building. Associate Planner Heffernon replied discussion had taken place about
extending the tower element back further; however, they did not request the project
plans be revised. She stated that the architect adequately addressed the issue by
indicating the equipment would be screened.
Council Member Lubin asked how high the parapet wall would be. Associate Planner
Heffernon referred the question to the applicant's representative.
DECEMBER 11, 2001
Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing and invited comments from those in the
audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Hearing none, Mayor Lady closed the
Public Hearing.
Council Member Dickens restated his concerns regarding the roof and the potential
visual impacts from ineffectively screened equipment. He stated he was in favor of the
project moving forward, supported a restaurant use in this location, and had no
problems with the conditions of approval. He stated there should be a closer look at the
roofline with some form of screening that fits in architecturally, specifically from the
south elevation, and said he was not comfortable with proceeding with the application
as presented until this issue is addressed. He asked if the applicant could address the
City Attorney Ca.rmel referred to Condition #15 in Resolution No. 3157 in the original
Conditions of Approval which requires that a full roof screening treatment plan be
submitted to the Community Development Department for approval. . He suggested that
the Community Development Director bring that plan back to the Council for approval
prior to finalizing it.
Grant Harris, representative for the applicant, stated he did not have as-built level
drawings or mechanical rooftop views with him. He stated that the architect that
designed this building designed the rest of the Center and is sensitive to the issue. He
stated that the restaurant was in full view of everything and everyone and it was not
their intent nor in their best interest to have anything visible from the roof, especially on
the south elevation. He stated they would supply staff with elevations showing the
Council Member Dickens asked if there would be outdoor seating on the north side.
Associate Planner Heffernon replied yes, there would be outdoor seating that wraps
around to the west side.
Council Member Ferrara stated he was comfortable with the condition in the
Development Code and he was also comfortable with the requirement for screening
rooftop appliances on the entire Center. He referred to one small appliance on one of
the roofs near Starbucks that was not screened; however, it was tucked under the
fa<;:ade. He stated his main concern on this particular building is the flat roofline. He
referred to other structures in the Center of this scale that have roof treatments so there
is no appearance of a flat roof. He said he was looking for consistency, as he did not
see this design as compatible with buildings of similar scale in the Center. He stated he
would like to see another drawing that brings it into consistency.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels stated he had no problems with the proposed project; however,
he asked how long it would take to redesign the rooflines. Associate Planner Heffernon
replied it could be brought back to the Council's next regular meeting.
DECEMBER 11, 2001
Council Member Lubin stated that he looked at the project differently. He stated he
liked the image of the building; and he understood and shared the concerns about the
screening of equipment. He said he liked the proposed elevations and had no problems
with the project.
Mayor Lady stated that he understood that the rooftop equipment would be screened
and he felt confident that there would be no visible fixtures on the roof. He stated he
liked the architectural drawings; however, he shared concerns expressed with regard to
exposed rooftop appliances.
There was further discussion with regard to potentially increasing the height of the
buildings and leaving the roof height as is. Director Strong emphasized that a plan for
the treatment of the rooftop has to be submitted to the Community Development
Department for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit and that prior to the
issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all mechanical equipment shall be screened
from public view.
Council Member Ferrara referred to trash enclosures and asked if the standards now
include ample space for recycling. Staff responded yes, the enclosure would have to
provide the space for recycling.
Council Member Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution approving Amended Conditional
Use Permit Case No. 01-002, applied for by AGRA, LLC, Located at Five Cities Center,
Phase /I (Rancho Parkway and West Branch Street). Mayor Pro Tem Runels seconded
the motion.
Council Member Ferrara asked if the motion included the potential for additional height
on the roof.
Council Member Lubin amended the motion to adopt a Resolution approving Amended
Conditional Use Permit Case No. 01-002 subject to an increase in roof height as
necessary to adequately screen equipment which shall be addressed and implemented
through the roof top treatment plan to be submitted to and approved by the Community
Development Director, and further, to approve Architectural Review Case No. 01-011
for Building "M". Mayor Pro Tem Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-
call vote, to wit:
AYES: Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
9.b. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 01-010 to Construct a 60-
Unit Senior Apartment Complex and a 3,000 Square Foot Senior Recreation
DECEMBER 11, 2001
Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report. She said the applicant
proposes to construct 60 one and two bedroom apartment units averaging 900 square
feet in size, and a 3,000 square foot senior recreation center; the apartments would be
restricted to senior citizens, ages 55 and older; and 25% of the units would be reserved
for those having a moderate-income level. She explained that a deed restriction is
required as a condition of approval to ensure that the rent remains at this lower level.
She stated that pedestrian access from the street to the apartment units meets all
disabled access requirements, and the project conforms to Development Code
requirements for setbacks, lot coverage, height, and landscaping. She reported the
only standard that was not met was the required parking and the applicant was
requesting an exception to this requirement based on a parking analysis prepared by
his traffic engineer. Further, a traffic analysis was also prepared for the project, which
concluded that the Level of Service on surrounding intersections would remain at an
acceptable level with the addition of traffic from the proposed development, based on
the assumption that the Camino MercadolWest Branch Street intersection would be
signalized. Given that a signal is warranted at this intersection, the project is
conditioned to install the signal subject to reimbursement from the City for costs in
excess of the project's signalization impact fee.
Associate Planner Heffernon stated that after discussing matters of affordable housing
assistance and requested fee reductions with the applicant, staff recommended that the
Council consider these two policy issues before taking formal action on the project, and
continue the public hearing to. the January 22nd Council meeting, or later specific date,
depending on need for Commission or staff research and recommendations regarding
these policy issues.
Council Member Ferrara asked the applicant, Mr. Young, what the range of rents would
be for the units and how the one and two bedroom units would be split and allocated for
moderate-income persons. Mr. Young responded that 25% of the units would be
reserved for moderate-income persons. He stated the maximum rent on a 1-bedroom
unit would be $1,056 and the maximum rent on a 2-bedroom unit would be $1,188. He
indicated that he was projecting the rents would be lower than the maximum. He also
stated he did not want to specify how many one bedroom and two bedroom units would
be allocated at this time. .
Further Council questions and discussion included how the deed restriction requirement
would be administered; clarification that this would not be an assisted living facility;
clarification on who would maintain the proposed senior center facility; clarification that
there would be sufficient room for public transit access into the driveway; and the need
for a bus stop and crosswalk at Camino Mercado.
Steven Puglisi, project architect, stated he had modified the design of the project as
requested and confirmed that buses and emergency vehicles would have on-site
access to the project.
Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing and invited comments from those in the
audience who wished to be heard on the matter.
DECEMBER 11, 2001
Colleen McClain, 1222 Huasna road, spoke in favor of the proposed senior center. She
stated that senior centers were very important in the socialization of seniors.
Earl Paulding, 232 La Cresta Drive, spoke in favor of the proposed project. He stated
there was a shortage of comparable units for residential use. He requested that the
seniors in attendance stand to show their support of the project. He urged approval of
the project.
Ray Abdenur, 955 Via Las Aguilas, stated he had several questions such as how many
seniors could use the project at one time; what the range of rents would be for moderate
income persons; how much would rent be for those not of moderate income; whether
anything was going to be done with the roof as the proposed composite roof was not
compatible with the surrounding residential tile roofs. He stated the City needed a
senior center; however this was a bad location. He suggested the level area near Rite-
Aid was a better location. He expressed concern with regard to traffic impacts and
stated the road between W. Branch Street and Wal-Mart was too narrow for two cars to
pass. He suggested that curbs should be painted on both sides for no parking.
Jason Scott, 515 Dos Cerros, stated he lives within 200 feet of the proposed project.
He opposed the senior center portion of the project and said it was a bad location for
this component of the project. He expressed concerns about traffic generation and
questioned the project being short on the required number of parking spaces. He
expressed concerns with timing of events and how late events at the center would be
held. He further expressed concerns with the architectural design of the buildings with
regard to the roof not being tile.
Ron Livingston, 580 Dos Cerros, representing the Los Robles del Rancho Grande
Homeowners Association, spoke in support of the senior apartments; however, spoke in
opposition to the senior center. He stated the project was not thought out properly and
read portions of a letter submitted for the record citing concerns with traffic, the
proposed senior center and its utilization; access; costs being subsidized by the City;
and architectural features.
Yolando Alarcio, 311 N. Alpine, representing South County Seniors, spoke in favor of
the proposed project. She stated that seniors need space to meet. She gave an
overview of the group's activities. She stated that activities were held during daylight
hours and there were no evening activities.
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing and asked
the applicant if he would like to address some of the concerns expressed.
Gary Young, applicant, addressed the issue of the roof material stating that composite
roofing, which is fire retardant, was chosen due to safety reasons; confirmed that the
project would have fire sprinklers; addressed the traffic issue on Camino Mercado
stating that the road would be widened; and the project would meet all ADA
DECEMBER 11, 2001
Council Member Lubin asked if it was the Rancho Grande II Homeowners Association
that required tile roofs within the development. Associate Planner Heffernon replied
Mayor Pro Tem Runels asked about installing fire sprinklers on the outside of the
building, on the roof. Mr. Young stated it was considered and if asked, would submit to
the condition.
Council Member Ferrara referred to the Oak Park Acres Planned Development and
stated the Development Code requires compatibility with architecture in surrounding
area. He referred to the tile roofs on the Kolbo project, Mid State Bank office building,
the Five Cities Center buildings, the motel, and Levitz and stated this project would be
inconsistent in comparison. He spoke about the streetscape issue, the turning difficulty
for delivery trucks, and asked if time had been taken to look at this segment of roadway.
City Manager Adams reported on the plans for widening the roadway and stated that
overall general planning has taken place with regard to street improvements.
Council Member Ferrara referred to Council Member Dickens' work on a proposed
South County Community Recreation Center and asked if that were eventually built,
would the proposed senior center use remain in this project. Mr. Young replied that
issue had not been discussed.
Council Member Ferrara asked to what extent bus stop circulation had been discussed
with the Transit Authority. Mr. Puglisi responded that numerous discussions had taken
place with staff about an on-street bus stop and demonstrated on the map the
designated pick-up spot.
Council Member Lubin expressed support for the project as proposed, stating that
concerns brought up in the pre-application presentation had been addressed.
City Manager Adams provided clarification on the recommendations, stating that the
applicant had requested a reduction in Park and Recreation fees and also requested
use of Affordable Housing in-lieu fees that the City has collected. He stated the Cuuncil
was requested to provide direction with regard to providing some of the affordable
housing in-lieu fees to this project. . He spoke of the potential priority and intention of
using these funds on projects within the redevelopment area of the City.
Council Member Ferrara stated he would not mind waiving a small percentage of the
Park and Recreation fees; however, he was not in favor of waiving all the Park and
Recreation fees; concurred that projects within the redevelopment district should have
first priority of affordable housing in-lieu fees; said he had a preference that affordable
housing in-lieu fees be used for low income housing projects; agreed with waiving the
Recreation Center Impact Fee in its entirety; and stated he did not support the
composite roof on the project.
DECEMBER 11, 2001
Council Member Dickens stated that the results of a community survey expressed the
need for a Community Youth Center as number one and a Senior Center as number
two. He stated this was an unmet need and this project was a step in the right direction.
He supported waiving the entire Recreation Center Impact Fee; advocated looking at
waiving a portion of the Park impact fees; stated that this was the first project during his
three years on the Council that offers tangible affordable housing; and favored providing
some portion of financial assistance to the applicant. He stated there were two huge
benefits in this project: affordable housing and a potential senior center. He concluded
by commenting on the issue regarding the roof material stating that he was not a big fan
of red tile and he believed that the composite roof would blend in better with the hillside
and would be compatible with the area.
Council Member Lubin agreed with comments made by Council Member Dickens,
stating he favored a proportional waiver of the Park impact fees and supported a
complete waiver of the Recreation Center Impact Fee.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels credited the developer for the proposed project that would
provide affordable senior housing and a senior center. He also favored a reduction of a
portion of the impact fees.
Mayor Lady shared the philosophy of Council Member Dickens' view of the roof material
and stated he supported the proposed project.
Council Member Lubin moved to conclude the item and continue the Public Hearing to
the January 22, 2002 City Council Meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Runels seconded, and the
motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
10.a. Agreement with AGP Video for Cablecasting Services.
City Manager Adams presented the staff report. Staff recommended the Council
approve the proposed agreement with AGP Video for cablecasting services in order to
televise City Council meetings on the City's government cable channel. .
Council Member Ferrara moved to approve the agreement with AGP Video for
cablecasting services in order to televise City Council meetings on the City's
government cable channel. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the
following roll-call vote, to wit:
AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Dickens, Lady
NOES: Runels
There being 4 AYES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
DECEMBER 11, 2001
11.a. Preliminary Approval of Fiscal Year 2001..Q2 Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG)
Associate Planner McClish presented the staff report. She stated that thirteen
applications had been received and the Council was requested to review the
applications and determine which projects should be recommended to the County for
Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing and invited comments from those in the
audience who wished to be heard on the matter.
Bernadette Bernardi, representing the Literacy Council, explained the role of the
Literacy Council and appealed to the Council to reconsider their application and allocate
some funding to them.
Gail Gresham, representing Big Brothers/Big Sisters, explained who and what they are
doing in the community and asked the Council to consider allocating some funds to their
Mark Schaeffer, representing UCP of SLO County, explained that their organization
assists families with children with disabilities to participate in after-school recreation and
summer camp programs offered in our County. He said scholarships are given for
programs in Arroyo Grande and the City's Parks and Recreation Department is a leader
in implementing this program within the County. He expressed appreciation for the
recommended allocation of funding for UCP.
Rae Fleming, Director of Health Services representing EOC, described the three
programs that are requesting funding: Forty Wonderful, Senior Health Screening, and
Teen Parenting.
Ann Johnson, representing Harvest Bag, explained that Harvest Bag was run entirely by
senior volunteers and explained their request for funds was for the lease/rental of a
warehouse and the purchase of a new freezer to preserve food until distribution.
Roger Castle, representing EOC Home Repair, thanked the Council for its past support
and stated that last year's approval of funding helped four needy families. He
commented that it was interesting to note that the City was proposing to allocate funds
for the Code Enforcement position. He explained that Code Enforcement commonly
cites homes in disrepair. He respectfully requested that the City allocate a portion of
that funding ($25,000) toward the Home Repair program so that homes may be fixed
and therefore not require Code Enforcement activity.
Michael Passarelli, representing the Food Bank, stated that the Food Bank was
reapplying for the balance of funds needed for their warehouse acquisition project. He
gave an overview of Food Bank's distribution to agencies in the South County in 2001.
DECEMBER 11, 2001
Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady brought the item back to Council for
Discussion ensued regarding the allocation of funds for public services. Staff explained
that only 15% of the total allocation of CDBG funds could be awarded for public
Council Member Ferrara suggested taking the maximum allocation for public services
and splitting it evenly across the board among the agencies. Alternatively, he referred
to Alternative #2 and suggested one option would be to leave the recommendations as
is and give the Literacy Council and Big Brothers/Sisters priority next year or another
option would be to reduce a portion of funding from the others to allocate to these two
Council Member Lubin noted an addition error in the Subtotal for Public Services
(should be $21,074 instead of $21,751). He suggested reducing each project by $500
which would result in approximately $2,600 to allocate to the other agencies.
Council Member Ferrara suggested transferring the $5,000 from the Cuesta College
Small Business Development Center project to the EGC Home Repair project.
Discussion was held regarding the proposed City Hall project for the renovation of the
restroom facilities and widening of the corridor to meet ADA accessibility requirements.
Mayor Lady suggested reducing the allocation for the City project by $5,000 and putting
it toward the EGC Home Repair project to total $10,000.
Following discussion, the Council unanimously concurred with the preliminary project
allocations in Alternative #2 as follows:
EGC - Forty Wonderful $1,500
EGC Senior Health Screening $3,500
EGC - Teen Parenting $3,100
Literacy Council $1,575 .
Big Brothers/Sisters $1,575
UCP of SLG Co. $2,500
The Harvest Bag, Inc. $8,000
EGC Home Repair $10,000
Food Bank Coalition $11,000
City of Arroyo Grande - Building & Fire $90,000
Cuesta College Small Business Center $0
City of Arroyo Grande - Economic Development $0
City of Arroyo Grande - Community Development' $10,000
DECEMBER 11, 2001
a) General Plan Update status and request to place related issues on future
City Council agenda. (Ferrara)
Council Member Ferrara stated he had been contacted by the proponents of the
referendum petition and said that despite the fact of the status of the referendum, the
proponents and the issue were not going away. He spoke of staff and attorney time and
costs and indicated that the next step would be a legal challenge. He requested the
Council consider bringing back the issue ona future Agenda for future consideration
and discussion. Mayor Lady, Mayor Pro Tem Runels, and Council Member Lubin each
separately responded that they were comfortable with their decision on the General
Plan and had no interest in further discussing the issue.
Council Member Lubin announced the birth of his grandson.
City Manager Adams reported that the City Engineer had received Final Tract Map 2260
Phase II, owned by Berry Gardens LLC. The subject tract is located between East
Grand Avenue and Ash Street on the east side of the new Courtland Avenue extension.
This is a split of one parcel of 796,408 square feet in size into fifty-six (56) separate lots
ranging from 6,000 to 9,088 square feet in size, and a remainder portion of 318,188
square feet in size. The remainder portion is reserved for the Tract 2260 Phase III map.
Unless appealed, the Final Map will be approved or disapproved by the City Engineer
within ten days following the date of this agenda.
Mayor Lady adjourned the meeting at 10:35 p.m.
Tho as A. Run's, Mayor Pro Tem
J 1 ~11J{)/1_Y.._
re, . irector of Administrative Servicesl
Deputy City Clerk