Minutes 2002-01-08
Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City Council: Council. Members Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara, Mayor Pro Tern
Runels, and Mayor Lady were present.
City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; City Clerk Nancy
Davis; Director of Public Works Spagnola; Director of Parks,
Recreation, and Facilities Hernandez; Director of Community
Development Strong.
Mayor Lady led the Pledge of Allegiance of ou.r Flag.
Pastor George Lepper of Peace Lutheran Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the
6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only
Council Member Ferrara moved, Mayor Pro Tern Runels seconded, and the motion
passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting
shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived.
William McCann, 575 Crown Hill, Chair of the Citizens' Committee for the
Conservation of Local Agriculture; Sharlotte Wilson, Arroyo Grande; Carie Randolph,
1310 Sierra Drive; Nanci Parker, Arroyo Grande; and Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill
Road, all asked the Council to reconsider its actions with regard to rezoning in the
General Plan of a parcel of agricultural land off Branch Mill Road. They asked for a
public discussion of the matter. They said they had circulated Referendum Petitions
against the Council action in good faith and felt the petitions had been wrongly
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- City Council Minutes
January 8, 2002
Page 2
rejected. They referred to a letter from the CCCLA's law firm of Shute, Mihaly &
Weinberger stating, "The City Clerk has a ministerial duty to accept the Referendum
Petition because it complies with all procedural requirements of the Elections Code."
Mr. McCann submitted his statement for the record.
Paul Thorvaldsen, 538 Ide Street, spoke on behalf of the Arroyo Grande Chamber of
Commerce Board of Directors, and said City Manager Steve Adams and Economic
Development Director Diane Sheeley were recipients of the Chamber's Annual
"Directors Award." He said the award showed the Chamber's appreciation to the City
of Arroyo Grande for collaborative efforts in the past year and for being instrumental
in promoting business growth and teamwork between the City and the Chamber.
Colleen Martin, 855 Olive Street, asked Council to revisit three issues that were part
of the General Plan actions. They were rezoning of property in the Lierly Lane/East
Cherry area, rezoning agricultural land off Branch Mill Road, and Tract 1998. She
also asked the Council to listen to the proponents to the Referendum petitions.
Otis Page, 606 Myrtle Street, submitted a statement for the record concerning the
Referendum Petitions. He said the.petitions were misleading tothe signers. He said
he had made a formal complaint to the Secretary of State regarding the Referendum
Petitions. He read the law regarding petitions and said there was complete
obfuscation of facts.
Council Member Lubin moved and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to
approve Consent Agenda Items 8 a.m. through 8.g., with the recommended courses
of action.
8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification.
Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period December
1, 2001 through December 31,2001. .
8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits.
Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of
December 31, 2001.
8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes.
Action: Approved minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
of October 9, 2001, and the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of
November 27, 2001, as submitted.
8.d. Consideration of Adoption of Resolution in Support of Proposition 42.
Action: Adopted a Resolution in Support of Proposition 42, the Transportation
Congestion Improvement Act.
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January 8, 2002
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8.e. Consideration of Award of Contract for the Oak Park Boulevard
Widening Project, Project No. PW-00-01.
Action: (1) Awarded a construction contract to Souza Construction in the
amount of $192,904; (2) Authorized the City Manager to approve change
orders not to exceed the contingency of $23,000 for use only if needed for
unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; and (3)
Directed staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed with other
necessary contract documents.
8.f. Consideration of Award of Contract for the March 2001 Storm
Restoration Project at Rodeo Drive - Project No. PW-01-04.
Action: (1) Awarded. a construction contract to Papich Construction in the
Amount of $60,514.10; (2) Authorized the City Manager to approve change
orders not to exceed 10 per cent of the contract amount ($6,051) for use only
if needed for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project,
and (3) Direct staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed with
other necessary contract documents.
8.g. Authorization to Refund Application Fees for Central Coast Salmon
Enhancement Creek Clean-up and Watershed Education Fair.
Action: Approved the request to waive the fees for Temporary Use Permit 01-
AYES: Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
9.a. Consideration of Resolution Abandoning a 1.40-Acre Portion of Rancho
Grande Park. .
Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing and said it had been duly noticed and all
members of the public were invited to come forward and speak on the matter.
Council Member Lubin said he had a potential conflict of interest on the issue and left
the dais.
Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director Hernandez presented the staff report and
said pursuant to Government Code Section 38501 et. seq., before abandoning a
portion of property originally dedicated for park purposes, the City must adopt a
resolution of intention describing the portion of the park to be abandoned. The City
Council must also fix a time, at least 30 days after adoption of the resolution, when it
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January 8, 2002
Page 4
will meet to take final action. He said the City satisfied this requirement on November
13, 2001. He said construction is anticipated to begin in April 2002.
There was a Council question about what process would be used to sell the property,
and Director Hernandez said the City would handle the sale. Another question
concemed appraisal of the property and if a "first right of refusal" is involved. Director
Hernandez said there would be a new appraisal and that a "first right of refusal"
affects two of the three parcels.
No one from the public came forward to speak. The Mayor closed the Public
Mayor Pro Tem Runels said he could not support the sale of parkland. He said the
sale might jeopardize future City requirements of developers to donate parkland for
money for a park as part of a project.
Council Members Dickens, Ferrara and Mayor Lady said the City would remain with
an 8.6 acre park; with the sale there would be money to build the park; the park
would bE! built sooner; and most citizens want the. entire to be park built as soon as
It was moved by Council Member Ferrara and seconded by Council Member Dickens
to approve a Resolution Abandoning a 1.40-Acre Portion of Land Designated for the
Development of Rancho Grande Park, and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Ferrara, Dickens, Lady
NOES: Runels
There being 3 AYES, 1 NO, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be
passed. .
Council Member Lubin returned to the dais.
11.a. Consideration of Approval of Third Amendment to the Street Sweeping
Service Agreement with Daystar Industries.
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January 8, 2002
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Public Works Director Spagnolo presented the staff report. He discussed funding;
the history of the contract, which was approved November 24, 1998; a reduction of
street sweeping complaints of 23 percent; contract amendments; changes made in
street sweeping days, and an analysis of the costs of in-house street sweeping
seNices. He said the staff report included projected costs for street sweeping broken
down into various categories. He said staff recommended approval of the amended
seNice agreement for one year with the option of one additional one-year extension
(subject to the prior written approval of the parties as to terms and conditions) so that
the City has the ability to review the contractor's performance after each year.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels asked about the dumping area used by the contractor and
City Attorney Carmel s.aid the City is protected in that the contract states the dumping
must be in a licensed facility and in a manner prescribed by law. City Attorney
Carmel also said Section XI B. 1. 2. and 3. should be amended toincrease
Comprehensive General Liability, Automobile Liability, and Workers' Compensation
and Employers' Liability from $1,000,000.00 to $2,000,000.00 each.
Council Members' questions included the contract increase from last year. Public
Work!! Director Spagnolo said it would be approximately $2,200 annually. Mayor Pro
Tem Runels asked about sweeping for newly developed areas of the City and
Director Spagnolo said the potential is there for an increase after the contract is
No one from the public came forward to speak.
Council Members said they would approve the Third Amendment to the Street
Sweeping Contract on the basis of the facts that the number of complaints is down;
complaints are handled satisfactorily; it would be cost-prohibitive to do sweeping in-
house, and the contract can be rebid next year.
It was moved by Council Member Lubin and seconded by Council Member Dickens
to approve the Third Amendment to the Street Sweeping SeNice Agreement with.
Daystar Industries, including the increases in insurance coverage suggested by the
City Attorney; authorizing the Mayor to execute the Agreement, and on the following
roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara, Runels, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
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- January 8, 2002
Page 6
Council Members Dickens said he had attended the League of California Cities
Annual Conference. He distributed literature to the Council from the Friends of
Action for Better Cities. He said he had copies of resolutions approved at the
conference if anyone was interested. He suggested sponsoring a student delegate
from the City next year.
Council Member Ferrara said this was the first year for LOCC grass roots advocates
and suggested inviting the City's advocate to the next joint City/County meeting. He
also said he would be attending the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
meeting on January 9, 2002, and money would be reserved at this time for City
improvements at Brisco Road, Highway 227, and East Grand Avenue.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels and Mayor Lady said they attended. a groundbreaking
ceremony for the new sheriffs' substation in Oceano.
City Manager Adams said the South County Sanitary Service (San Luis Garbage
Company) had been sold recently to Waste Connections. He said San Luis Obispo
County Integrated Waste Management would assist the City with the revision of the
Franchise Agreement.
The City Manager said the joint meeting date with Lucia Mar Unified School District
and the date for a meeting of the joint cities are being worked out.
Mayor Lady adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
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Nancy A. vis, City Clerk
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