R 0671 _~,}":50IJ.:;rrION ,1>\(: ~ ';'1 ,",'iI A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Cm'!J:~II, OF 'tHE CI'l", OF ARROYO GR;NDE, AUTHORIZING DESIGNt>.TION OF "NO PARKING'" AREAS ON CHERRY AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ,ARROYO GRANDE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS FOLLOWS, That a '"No par:kin.g" zone be (:'5t:.abl.ish:~d on bo~~_" Nc,rt.h a.~d South s ides of Charx'y Avenue: between Ca!.lfornia .Av',enue an::l t:~;,e we-sterly end of Cherry Avenue.. BE I~,' F'FRTHER RESOLVED Lh:x:.: '.:i;;.:"' ChJ. '}:;: c':::' Fc!' (>} L)'::.''? Ci ty of Arroyo G!a:~d,e is hereby c..Lr.":ecLed ':-0 :::a.'J.G~: ar'PY'()rf:~" )~,rl~':"::;: " t.o be erected de01.'}:1ati:1Lg said ,~I'ead ar:.dt:c h:_':~1},L: ,':',\1::' " l:~ .),~, Li-;?d in appropr ia te colors and letterin.g de '3 :,'JC"'.3,t:.J.T!'C; .',',a.,'.n, ,;:L >~~;1B to be i~No Parking" . On motion by Councilman Burt, seco,ac:L:;::d by COUL.',~~ci]:T,an Icev 1r2E:' I and on the fcllowing roll call vote, ~c.=wj,'::~ AYES, Councilwoman Thompson, Counc:'.i Im~~l B'u.rt:., Lev1.ne and Ma.yor Wood NOES: None ABSENT, Councilman McNeil the foregoing Resolution was adopted ~;;t.i$ 23rd day of November, 1965. ~~~ Mayor ATWST(C/~ '4~ CitY~k I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 670 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular !Tlse\:ing of said Council on the 23rd day of Novewber, 1965. WITNESS my hand and the seal of we City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th day of Noved~er, 196.5. q~ Ci toy Cl ' of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande