R 0672
HES CLL; 7"1 (.:\ :~i::'" t l
RESOLUJT '.',;, OF rHE C [ i ., C~~': _~ L (.F THE C,CIY
AND RESOLUj'lCN N,) 0 240.
WHEREAS, the Cl.t'v of Arr(,'v'~" C:':'Cii de: has had VarL(Jl1S Hesolutions
setting sewer hook-up charges and tne Lity of ATTUYC Grande 1,::; [lOW
included in the South San Luis (Ibis-po (:'nH(~ty SanItation DistY'i,c;t,
which has, or will establish a SEW"T' he,ok-up chajge and the 01 ty of
Arroyo Grande sewer hook~up ch,arg,' Ls to be e 1 im; t1til l",d <0
NOW THEREFORE, BE II' HFSUL.\'ED ;.: '\ ' '~X '; ( ,,1 t \ il ("t !h,- City
of AT't'(;yC: Grande. that Reso lu'L il)H No '" tHB ;j:'[\d Hes('lti'1 t\~, '~_" '" 21jO be
repe8 led,
BE IT FURTHER RES OLVED lhai ,H, serl,/1.ce. ,cIla:(gt: of $1050 per
month be made for all persons uSing Cit,y $l:vJEL' Jac:ilftl{;s who lIve
outside the City Limits_
On motion by Councilman BurL, s'2<onoed by COllr<cilman JV!cNeil,
and on the following roll call vote, t~\'c.,wL~
AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, \>:!utlcitmen Levin€-_ McNeil, Burt
and Mayor Wood
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 14th day December, 1965_
....^.....::"_.~_."._-- --~.- --,-~~
I, POLLY S, MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify
that the foregoing Resolution No, 672 is a true, full and correct
copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of
the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council on
the l4th day of December, 1965.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of ehe City of Arroyo Grande
affixed this L5th day of December, 1965,
/...._~ /? ( ,
Crty ~ erk of the/Jity of Arroyo Grande