R 0669 .~ Il{)l:; -'._0 !-1 RESOJ.-!JUT:'(;':\J :}r' ~l:I-iE 'CjT~ CU: i5<iC"tLC:,f cl"IiE C ;'L[:'t OT' ARROYO (~Rl..,,:;;D.E; .71.DOYTIN(; 'rUE C',l~NTRf'\J_~ HUS'INI~B3 DIS~'RICT EJ E~I[ENT OF THE G";NERAL PIAN 0 ~';rH~H}_:,!\S ./ t}:..c; Cl_::,~j Cli.:',:.::::'-'.' ~- ,. (:_L ';,iJ f Ax 1"~-"1?(-' 'j- nL~',~' ':1. - ~i:~~ t"/.L:J- ::i ';j :'? r~;J: r a 1. r" -', ...p' a~c~, -2a~~ tJ',1;: Cen,tT:stl ,~::S,.E.~:]t:_J::' ::-::',~", l:; t.::!::-;',E:,~--"L .,.r ~: ":: E:;! '" ; ~ Fl:.j-L. an,~ <1" -'1 _, .~ 11 -.,'-'/ ::1nd tu: ;::':,h::~ 1. ~ ;: aLl DL~' (: ~1 L:l J'~ ,-..,~,.L \7elcp a YE;p!;):r::~ and :~a.p adeql~a t.'B 1-h S C ;c: r>t.: oJ,:<1 ::.:1'~ :~~?_C)r j;":~>/ ":--,:",,, ,',;;:' T\f0- the pUrF'()EeS of a S"Jene~'.al pla::1, :Eu:"C!, WHERE,1\S, pu:c~:;"J,,~Hlt to GOVE:r,c~::rsent C:,.;),de s\~(: tJLC'l', b~:)S{) JL ;;;:--':: >iE;,ci" th:f; C,:.. Co:,;,nc:'.l gave :t'equil'ed nct_,iCA~ a:ld (lid ~',"c<ld a ptiJ.hl,~c hear~ inq on (I(~tobe,r. 26, 1965 for the p'41"pO~3e ~~. f. (:()r:',;::, i,del:' tnq tJL,e adcptio!1 \-.,' ,~- of t;;h,,, Central Busi]:less District El',2T:1-snt (:f: th'2, (1':'cx'""er,al PIa" l>:9= I>crt a:;'i\r:j IT.apu and at whic~ publiC ~21b C\e_:.'1',%I.3tlnd~)=-nl(;;:;5 District Elemen't and report a:cd !:~~ap we:~~> displayed, ex,pla.i.ned. ;and :reported "'.lpon~ and WHEREAS, said C,entra.l Bus:~r;.'e~\s Di.sb::j t-~ .!St:::2me:"tt:. of ':,he," Gen'~ eral Plan repcrt and map ~~erecf are :r.::.eC<E'.s;1dTY fOJ: ~,ound :CJ. ~.:';:,lre corrn.r:J.ni ty developmen::u- the preservat.iCJl of COITIT~~ity values, ar,d the proIT~ot,ion of -4ho general heal~h", safety jI convenience and wel- _u,"'~ fare of the citizens of tha City of Arroyo Grande; and VlEE REAS , the City Cour:cil of the City of Arroyo Grande has a re5ponsibility to plan for the desirable future growth and devel- opment of t:':1e Ci.ty of Arr:oyo Gram'!e:: NOW, THEREFORE , THE CI'fY CO:J.NCIL OF THE CI'J:'Y m' ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS ~'OLL,QWB , Section 1.0 The c~ tj{ Counc,i.l of the City of Arroyo Grande does herehy find and determine t.'ca t the p~blic interest~ conven= ierJ~c::f.~ a:-~d necessity req'~ire that ::11,= Central Bu.siness District Element of the Ger:eral Plan re'r:'02~'t and map be adopted 0 S~ctio~:-~" 'lnf" City Cotmcil. of the City of Arroyo Grande dces he.:teby ?dopt tr:.e Cen-t.ral B~-:2iness District Ele~e~t of t-~l-:,e General PlaY! togs'the:r with the: map,s and descriptt.ve :.TLaterial which co~stitutes the Central Et;iSine';s~i DistrJ.ct o-f .....1,...c. General. ..,,",,1';; PlaJilo - , On motion by Councilwoman Thompsen, seconded by Councilman Levine, and on the following :roll call vote, to~wit, AYES, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilro~n Levine, McNeil, and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT, Councilman Burt the foregoing resolution was adopted this 26th day of October, 1965. ~,~~ ~ MAYOR ATmST~~&MA' CITY LERK I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of tile City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hen,by certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 669 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, on the 26th day of October, 1965. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 27th day of October, 1965. Grande.