R 0620
OF RENA. S'l'REft 111 '1'HE 01'" 01' AII.1t.OYO GRANDE.
ioI8E1\F.AS. on the 10th day of Much. lf64. the Oity Couacil
of the Oity of ArI"oyo, OranCl." at a "Flu' meat:t.ag pac.ed.
h.oluHon of Iftt.at1em. to cloa. a ,....1.em. of LePotat Terr... &ad
. portioa of leaa Stl'8d. 1.ocated La ,'the Oity of Arroyo Graad..
which porti... of ..id .tnet. en ..... pArtieu,larly de.cdbed
here:lbaftel'~ aM
WH1IiRIWI. La ~....ity with aaiel .....lut1oa, tM C1ty Cl.rk
of ..id C1.t)" ....4 to be coupieuoual)" ..'t.. alone tbe.. pert10na
of .aid .t....t. at 1.t.....la of ~ to ..... t..... h\mcSl'8d (!GO)
f..t La dtat.... &p<<I't .1Id at tAut t\wee (3) in ~r on ..id
portiolUt of ..id ftl..ta, noti.. of the ,...... of ..:lei Ie..lutioa.
which ..1e1 uti.. ....... M..... "Noti.. of latent ion to Vacate,
Abandon as\d 01.oa. a ,....loa. ~ tePoiat 'I'e.....ee in tM 01ty of A.noyo
G'raud.. Ooaty of Sa t.ut. Ob~, State .f aaUfond.a" a11d "Ii.tice
ot Intent1em. to Vacate, A.......".ad 01.0.. . 'ortion of Reaa ~reet
in the Oity of Arroyo G...... Oouftty of .. luia Obtapo, State of
Catifomia"t .ct
WHEUAS, the Oity Clal'k did" La ",,'ol'llity with add a.a.lution,
ca...e a tru. copy of ..id Ruolut1em. .0 ... ....U.Mct at l...t cmce
in the H.nlA-boord.l'. a "'.1&ly ......,.1' publ1aheel alld circulated
in the Oity of Aft01'O Or_de. a. d.d....te4 by ..i4 OOURoi1.; and
WHERBU. no peraolUt a~". obj",~ to the 1)r01X)-.d vacating,
.bandcmaent ad elodllg of ..id .theta, thia the tllM provided
by law, or at al1.;
NOll, TPIUSJ'OU. BE IT RBSOLVBD that .... hereiMner
d..cribed ,....1oa of 1AP0iat Tenaee ia ,... City of Anoyo GaMe.
CO\ll\t)" of .. lata Old...... 'ute of eaUfon.1.a, bead tM ... 18
hereby vacUed, a"M0na4 and eloHd .. . ,.u.o .t....t alld
one of the atnet. of the AnoJ'O Gr.... Oity Str..t eyn_. Seid
portion of .aid ~oint T.nace ta dUeI'1McI .. fo11.o1N:
That portion of 1AP0b.t Terra.. ...:! .0' ia width and
ccmd.aicnaa to lot. 11. 12. 13. !.It 'th. IIOrt....t8l'1.y
helt of lot 10 (the HUtbeuhl';{ u.. of ..id north-
veatar1t half ...~ ,..1.181 1ft .. aort.._tert, 11M
of 1.ot 0) all ia lock 15 of ....U.. Crown IItll
A.cI41tiGa to the '1_ of Ano". 0..... ia tM 01t, of
~ tlnM., Oouaty of San lau Obi.,.. atate of OaU-
fo ' ....~ oa ..p fUad ia beok A, :tr 57. of Mapa
il'1 the Office of the C....ty aeco...... af..i CGJUBty
aDd thet the her.tufte.. d...i,*, porti_ of 1\eIUI SU'eet. in the
Oity of AnoJ'O GI'..... county of San !.\Ita Obi.po" St... of CaUfo1.'t\ta.
be .n4 tbe .... ia heraby vacatH, a-""ect aU c1.oae4 .. . pablic
atre8t and one or tM at"'"ta Of tbe ........,.. Ck'aft4. Oity 8t...8t
ayet.. Said port1em. of said RaM 8tnat 1.8 de.crt"" .. f'OllOVllI
That portion of Rna It....t, in the ctty' of Arroyo
Grande. OO\lfttt. of San 1Mb Obi..., State of eau'fomia,
.. ahown 01\ t Map of the We.tan AdditiOl\ to the
Town of Al"II'Oyo Orande filed for HOOI'tI April la, 1891+,
iD Book B at ,aJ8 10 of Map. in th. Office of the Cwnty
Recorder of ad OGUDtyr beiDa boun4ed 01\ tM Nortbe..t
by that portiOft of the 8out.at line of Lot 1. in Block 11
of 8aid Western Addition having a bearing of South 23~O3'
East and a length of 115.98 feet; b0.i.ng bounded on the
South by the production of the Northerly line of Walnut
Avenue (now known as Bennett Street) and bounded on the
Weat by the production of Cieneg4 8t;8et (now known as
Halcyon Road).
On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt,
and on the following roll c:all vote, to-wi1::
AYES: COUt\cilW<l\1\an 'l'bompaon, Councilmen Wood. Mc:l~e il, BU:r1':
and Mayor .Jacobs
NOES : None
the foregoing Resolution waB adopted this 28th day of April, 1964
A'rl'EST: vL''1M )1I1.~~~
I. 'l'H<:I>fAS M. nvroH. Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo
Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 620 is a true, full and
correct copy of said Reaolution passtld and adopted by the City
Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said
Counc:Ll on the 28th day of April, 1.964.
WITNESS lilY hand and the lIIeal of the City of Arroyo Grande
affixed this 29th day of April, 1964.
' ,~ 'Wt.-~
Deputy 0ity Clerk of tbe City of
. Arroyo Grande, California