R 0606 . ~, . .. I RESOLUTION NO. ~O~ PERSONNEL SYSTEM RULES AND REGUIATIONS OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GaANDE i WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized and directed under the i provisions of Ordinance No. /J?'fj to adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the personnel system created in said Ordinance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby adopt the following rules: RULE I PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS I I RULE IA PURPOSE The objectives of these rules are to facilitate efficient and economical services to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel management in the municipal government. These rules set forth in detail those procedures which insure similar treatment for those who compete for original employment and promotion, and define the obligations, rights, privileges, benefits and prohibitions which are placed upon all employees in the Compet- itive Service of the city. At the same time, within the limits of administrative feasi- bility, recognition shall be given to the fact that individuals differ, that no two individuals react alike to reward and discipline or to uniform motivation and encouragement. For this reason, con- siderable latitude shall be given to the City Administrator in the execution of his duties and responsibilities rel"t:ing Tn "ml-'~vyce morale and discipline. RULE IB DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms, whenever used in these rules, shall be construed as follows: Section l. "Advancement" : A salary increase of one or more steps w~thin the limits of the pay range established for a class. Section 2. "Allocation": The assignment of a single position to its proper class in accordance with the duties per- formed, and the authority and responsibilities exer- cised. Section 3. "Appointing Power": The officers of the city who, in their individual capacities, or city council, have the final authority to make the appointment to the position I to be filled. Section 4. "Class": All positions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, responsibility, and working conditions to permit grouping under a common title and the applica- tion with equity of common standards of selection, transfer, promotion, and salary. Section 5. "Competitive service": The positions and employments which are included or which may hereafter be included under the personnel system by ordinance. ~ Section 6. "Demotion": The movement of an employee from one class to another class having a lower maximum rate of pay. Section 7. "Eli!l:ible" : A person whose name is on an employment list. -1- , , , Section 8. "Employment list": A list of names of persons who have taken an examination for a class in the compet- itive service and passed, and are ranked on the list in the order of the score received. S""tion 9. ''.E:l'il.rn.~nation'' : (a) Assembled examination: An examination con- ducted at a specified time and place at which applicants are required to appear for compet- itive examination under the supervision of an examiner. (b) Unassembled examination: An examination con- sisting of an appraisal of training, exper- ience, work history, or any other means for evaluating other relative qualifications of applicants without the necessity for their personal appearance at a specified place. Section 10. "Permanent employee": An employee who has success- fully completed his probationary period and has been retained as hereafter provided in these rules. Section 11. "Personnel ordihance": Ordinance No. which creates a personnel system for the City. Section 12. "Probationary periodlr: A workirig test period during wh~ch an employee is required to demonstrate his fitness for the duties to which he is appointed by actual performance of the duties oZ the position. Section 13. "Promotion": The movement of an employee from one position to another which is allocated to a class with a higher maximum rate of pay. Section 14. "Promotional list": An employment list resulting from a promotional examination. Section 15. "Promotional examination": An examination for a par- ticular class, admission to the examination being limited to re~ular employees in the competitive ser- vice. Section 16. "Provisional appointment": An appointment acquired by a person who possesses the minimum qualifications established for a particular class and who has been appointed to a position in that class in the absence of available eligibles. Section 17. "Reduction": A salary decrease within the limits of the pay range established for a class. Section 18. "Reinstatement": The re-employment without examin- at~on of a former permanent employee within two years following his resignation from the City Service, Such action must have the approval of the department head and the City Administrator. Section 19. "Suspension": The temporary separation from the ser- vice of an employee without pay, for disciplinary purposes. Section 20. "Temporary appointment": An appointment of a person to a position of limited duration. Section 21. "Transfer": A change of an employee from one position to another position in the same class or another class having essentially the same maximum salary limits, involving the performance of similar duties and re- quiring substantially the same basic qualifications. -2- j RULE II. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 1. Disclosure of reli ious or olitical affiliations: No question in any test, in any app lcatlon 'orm, or ln any ot er per- sonnel proceedings, or by any appointing authority, shall be so framed as to attempt to elicit information concerning political or religious opinions or affiliations of an applicant or employee. No appointment to or removal from a position in the competitive service shall be affected or influenced in any manner by any political or religious opinion or affiliation. SEC. 2. Violation of rules: Violation of the provisions of these rules shall be grounds for dismissal, rejection or suspension. SEC. 3. Amendment and revis ion of rules: Recommendations for amendment and reV1Sldns of these rules may be made by the City Ad- ministrator prior to consideration, any amendment or revision shall be publicly posted at such places as the City Couhcil shall prescribe, for at least five consecutive days together with notice of the time, place and date of hearings by the City Council. At the time of con- sideration, any interested person may appear and be heard. Amend- ments and revisions shall become effective upon adoption by the City Council following such hearing. RULE III. CIASSIFICr\TION SEC. 1. Preparation of plan: The City Administrator shall ascertain and record the duties and responsibilities of all positions in the competitive service and, after consultation with appointing authorities and heads of departments affected,shall recommend a classification plan for such positions. The classification plan shall consist of classes of positions in the competitive service defined by class specifications, including title, a description of typical duties and responsibilities of positions in each class, a statement of the training, experience and other qualifications to be required of applicants for positions in eech class. The class- ification plan shall be so developed and maintained that all positions sUbstantially similar with respect to duties, responsibilities, authority, and character of work are included within the same class, and that the same schedules of compensation may be made to apply with equity under like working conditions to all positions in the same class. SEC. 2. Adoption of plan: Before the classification plan or any part thereof shall become effective, it shall first be approved in whole or in part by the City Council. Upon adoption by the Council, by resolution, the provisions of the classification plan shall be observed in the handling of all personnel actions and activities. The classification plan shall be amended or revised as occasi(,'n requires in the same manner as originally established. SEC. 3. Allocation of positions: Following the adoption of the classificatlon plan, the City Administrator shall allocate every position in the competitive service to one of the classes established by the plan. SEC. 4. New positions: When a new position is created, before the same may be filled, no person shall be appointed or employed to fill any such position until the classification plan shall have been amended to provide therefor and an appropriate employment list has been established for such position. SZC. 5. Reclassification: Positions, the duties of which have changed materially so as to necessitate reclassification, shall be allocated by the City Administrator to a more appropriate class, whether new or already created, in the same manner as originally classified and allocated. Reclassifications shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding restrictions surrounding demotions and pro- motions. SEC. 6. Amending the Classification Plan: The City Council may create new classes, and revise or abolish existing classes. -3- RULE IV. COHP;::NSATION SEC. 1. Preparation of plan: The City Administrator shall pre- pare a pay plan covering all classes of positions in the competitive service, showing the minimum and maximum rates of pay. In arriving at such salary ranges, consideration shall be given to prevailing rates of pay for comparable work in other public and in private employ- ment,including consideration of conditions of work as well as basic pay; to current costs of living; to suggestions of department heads; and to the city's financial condition and policies. SEC. 2. Adoption of plan: The City Administrator shall submit the proposed pay plan to the City Council. The Council shall adopt or amend and adopt the proposed plan. Thereafter, no position shall be assigned a salary higher than the maJdmu.'1I or lower than the min- imum salary provided for that class of position unless the salary schedule for the class is amended in the same manner as herein pro- vided for its adoption. RULE V. APPLICATIOt.!S AJ.\1D APPLICANTS SEC. 1. Announcement: All examinations for classes in the competitive service shall be published by posting announcements in the City Hall, on official bulletin boards, and in such other places as the City Administrator deems advisable. The announcements shall specify the title and pay range of the class for which the examination is announced; the nature of the work to be performed; preparation desirable. for the performance of the work of the class; the dates, time, place and manner of making applications; and other pertinent information. SEC. 2. Application forms: Such forms shall require information covering training, experience, and other pertinent information, refer- ences and fingerprinting. All applications must be signed by the person applying. SEC. 3. Disqualification: The City Administrator shall reject any application which indicates on its face that the applicant does not possess the minimum qualifications required for the position. Applications also shall be rejected if the applicant is not a citizen of the United States, is physically unfit for the performance of duties of the position to which he seeks appointment, is addicted to the habitual eJ~cessive use of drugs or intoxicating liquor; has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude; has made any false statement of any material fact, or practiced, or attempted to practice, any deception or fraud in his application. Whenever an application is rejected, notice of such rejection with statement of reason shall be mailed to the applicant by the City Administrator. Defective applications may be returned to the applicant with notice to amend the same, providing the time limit for receiving applications has not expired. RULE VI. ;:;;XAHINATIONS SEC. 1. Nature and t~es of examinations: The selection tech- niques used in the examinat~on process shall be impartial, of a practical nature and shall relate to those subjects which, in the opinion of the City Administrator fairly measure the relative capa- cities of the persons examined to execute. the duties and responsi- bilities of the class to which they seek to be appointed. Examinations shall consist of such recognized personnel selection techniques as achievement tests, aptitude tests, evaluation of person- ality and background through personal interviews, performance tests, evaluation of daily work performance, work samples, or physical agility tests or any combination of them. SDC. 2. Promotional examinations: Promotional examinations may be conducted whenever, in the op~nion of the City Administrator, the needs of the service require. Promotional examinations may include any of the selection techniques mentioned in Saction 1 of this rule, or any combination of them. Only permanent employees who meet the requirements set forth in the promotional examination announcements may compete in promotional examinations. -4- J SEC. 3. Conduct of examinations: The City Council, may contract with any competent agency or individual for the performance by such agency or individual of the responsibility for preparing examinations. In the absence of such a contract, the City Administrator shall perform such duties. The City Administrator shall arrange for the use of public buildings and equip- ment for the conduct of examinations and shall render such assistance as shall be required with respect thereto. SEC. 4. Scoring examinations and qualifying scores: A candidate's score in a given examination shall be the average of his Scores on each com- petitive part of the examination, weighted as sho~~ in the examination announcement. Failure in one part of the examination may be grounds for declaring such applicants as failing in the entire examination or as dis- qualified for subsequent parts of an examination. The City Administrator may, at his discretion, include as a part of the examination tests which are qualifying only. S'o'- 5. Notification of examination results and review of papers: ;:'vo Each candidate in an examination shall be given written notice of the results thereof, and if successful, of his final earned score and rank on the employ- ment list. Any candidate shall have the right to inspect his own examination papers within thirty days after the notices of examination results were mailed. Any error in computation; if called to the attention of the City Administrator within this period, shall be cqrrected. Such corrections shall not, however, invalidate appointments previously made. RULE VII. E!'lPLOY,,;SNT LISTS SEC. 1. Bmployment lists: hs soon as possible after the completion of an examination, the City Administrator shall prepare and keep available an employment list consisting of the names of candidates who qualified in the examination, arranged in order of final scores, from the highest to the low- est qualifying score. SEC. 2. Duration of employment lists: Employment lists shall remain in effect for one year, unless sooner exhausted, and may be extended, prior to their expiration dates for additional six month periods, but in no event shall an employment list remain in effect for more than ~JO years. Slo;C, 3. Re-employment lists: The names of probationary and permanent employees who have been laid off shall be placed on appropriate re-employment lists in the order of their competency, from highest to lowest. Such names shall remain thereon for a period of two years unless such persons are sooner re-employed. RULE VII I. ;;,ETHOD OF FILLING VACANCIES SEC. 1. Type~ of appointment: All vacancies in the competitive service shall be filled by re-employment, reinstatement, transfer, demotion, from an appropriate employment or promotional list, if available. In the absence of persons eligible for appointment in these ways, provisional appointments may be permitted in accordance with the personnel rules. SEC. 2. Notice to City Administrator: l,:henever a vacancy in the com- petitive service is to be filled, the Department Head shall notify the City I\dministrator. The City Administrator shall advise the Department Head as to i the availability of employ~es for re-employment, reinstatement, requests for I transfers, or demotion and of eligibles on employment or promotional lists I for the class. f SEC. 3. Appointment: After interview and investigation, the Department i Head shall make a rec~nmendation from among those certified, and shall irnrned- I iately notify the City Administrator of the person or persons recommended for hiring. The City Admini~trator shall thereupon notify the person appointed, I and if the applicant accepts the appointment and presents himself for duty I within such period of time as the appointing authority shall prescribe, he I shall be deemed to be appointed, o'ther'trli s e I he shall be deemed to have de- clined the appointment. I I -5- ) SEC. 4. Provisional apPoint!'l~: In the absence of approprio1:c employment lists, a provisional appointment may be made by the appointing authority of a person meeting the minimum training and experience qualifi- cations for the position. An employment list shall be established within six months for any permanent position filled by provisonal appointment. The Council may, by a four-fifths vote, extGnd the period for any provisional appointment for not more thdn thirty days by anyone action. ~~en a position is to be filled by provisional appointment, or a provisional appointment is to be extended, the Council shall direct the City Clerk to record such action in the minutes of the meeting of the Council. No special credit shall be allowed in meeting any qualification or in the giving of any test or the establishment of any employment or promotional lists, for service rendered under a temporary appointment. SEC: 5. Emergency appointments: To meet the immediate requirements of an emergency condition, such as extraordinary fire, flood or earthquake, which threatens public life or property, any legally competent officer or employee may employ such persons as may be needed for the duration of the emergency without regard to the personnel ordinance or rules affecting appointments. RULE n. PROBATIONARY PERIOD SEC. l. Regular appointment following probationary period: All original and promotional appointments shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of not less than six months. The City Council may, by resolution, establish a longer probationary period for specified classes. The City Administrator shall notify the appointing authority and the pro- bationer concern~ two weeks prior to the termination of any probationary period. I If the service of the probationary employee has been satisfactory to the appointing authority, then the appointing authority shall file with the \ City Administrator a statement in writing to such effect and stating that the retention of such employee in the service is desired. If such a state- I ment is not filed, the employee will be dee~ed to be unsatisfactory and his I employment terminated at the expiration of the probationary period. , I I SEC. 2. Objective of probationary period: The probationary period ! shall be regarded as a port of the testing process and shall be utilized for i closely observing the employee's work, for securing the most effective I I adjustment of a new employee to his position, and for rejecting any pro- I f bationary employee whose performance does not meet the required standards of I work. i , SEC. 3. Rejection of probationer: During the probationary period I an employee may be rejected at any time by the appointing power without cause and without the right of appeal. Notification of rejection in writ- ing shall be served on the probationer and a copy filed with the City Admin- f I istrator. i I SEC. 4. Rejection following promotion: Any employee rejected during I the probationary period following a promotional appointment, or at the I conclusion of the probationary period by reason of failure of the appoint- ing power to file a statem&~t that his services have been satisfactory, shall be reinstated to the position from which he was promoted unless charges are filed he is discharged in the manner provided in the personnel ordinance and these rules for positions in the competitive service. RULE X. ATTENDl.NCE AND LEAVES SEC. 1. hn~ual va~ation leave:, The ~ur~se ~f an~ual.v6cation leave is to enable eu<.; 01191<>1" ,,'tJluyee annual y 0 ra urn 0 ~s wor C re'd't{IJ 'y refreshed. All employees in he Competitive Service shall e entit ~ annual vacation leave with pay except the following: (a) employees still serving their original probationary period in the service of the city. However, vacation credits for the time may be granted to each such employee who later receives a perma- nent appointment. (b) employees who work on an intermittent or seasonal basis and all employees who work less than half-time. -6- \ All eligible employees shall earn vaca~ion credits at ~he ra~e of 10 working days per year, provided ~hat all eligible employees who work less than full ~ime shall earn vacation credits on a pro-rated basis. Each eligible employee shall be required to have served the equivalent of one year of continuous service in the city in order to be eligible for his full annual vacation leave, provided, however, ~hat after six months of continuous service he may be permitted to take vacation leave not to exceed 5 working days. The times during a calendar year at which an employee may take his vacation shall be determined by the department head with due regard for the wishes of the employee and particular regard for the needs of the service. If the requirements of the service are such that an employee must defer part or all of his annual vacation in a particular calendar year, the appointing authority may permit the employee to take such deferred vacation during the following calendar year. No employee may accumulate more than 15 working days of vacation leave. Any eligible employee, with the consent of the head of his department, may defer one (1) work week of his annual vacation to the succeeding calendar year, subject to the other provisions of this rule. A written report of each deferred vacation, signed by the proper department head, noting the details, shall be kep~ on file with the City Adminis~rator. In the event on.. or more municipal holidays fall wi thin dn annual vacation leave, such holidays shall not be charged as vacation leave, and the vacation leave shall be extended accordingly. Employees who terminate employment shall be paid in a lump sum for all accrued vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of termination. No such payment shall be made for vacation accumulated contrary to the provisions of these rules. SEC. 2. Sick Leave: Sick leave with pay shall be granted by the appointing authority at the rate of one work day for each calendar month of service. Sick leave shall not be considered as a privilege which an employee may use at his discretion, but shall be allowed only in case of necessity and actual sickness or disabili~y. Unused sick leave shall be accumulated at the rate of twelve days a year to a total of not more than 60 work days. In order to receive compensation while absent on sick leave, the employee shall notify his immediate superior or the City Administrator prior to, or within four hours after the time set for beginning his daily duties, or as may be specified by the head of his department. When absence is for more than three work days, the employee shall file a physician's certificate or a personal affidavit with the City Administrator, stating the cause of the absence. SEC. 3. IJiil! tary Leave: Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of State law. All employees entitled to military leave shall give the appointing power an opportunity within the limits of military regulations to determine when such leave shall be taken. SEC. 4. Leave of Absence: The City Council may grant a permanent em- ployee leave of absence with or without pay for not to exceed one year. No such leave shall be granted except upon written request of the employee. Approval shall be in writing a copy filed with the City Administrator. Upon expiration of a regularly approved leave, or wi~hin a reasonable period of time after notice to return to duty, the employee shall be reinstated in the position held at the time leave was granted. Failure on the pert of an employee on leave to report promptly at its expiration, or within a reasonable time after notice to return to duty, shall be cause for discharge. SEC. 5. Hours of Work: All offices of the city, except for those for which special regulations are required, shall be kept open for business on all days of the year except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays, continuously from 9:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. Empbyees shall be required to work a minimum of 8 hours on week days. Employees for whom necessity requires a different schedule than that generally applied, shall work according to regulations prepared by the respective supervising officials and approved by ~he City Administrator. -7- . " . \ ) I I SEC. 6. Attendance: EmploYQQQ shall bQ in Q~t:endanco at their work ; in accordance with the rules regarding hours of work, holidays, and leaves. All departments shall keep daily attendance records of employees which shall be reported to the City Administrator in the form and on the dates he shall specify. Failure on the part of an employee, absent without leave, to return to duty within 24 hours after notice to return shall be cause for immediate discharge, and such employee automatically waives all rights under the personnel ordinance and rules. SEC. 7. Holidays: Municipal offices shall be closed on the following legal holidays: New Year's Day; Lincoln's Birthday; Washington's Birthday; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Admission DaYi Labor Day; Columbus Day; Armistice Day; Christmas; Gbod Friday from twelve o'clock noon until the hour of three post meridian; every day on which an election is held through- out the state, and Thanksgiving Day. Hhen a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shelll be observed. RULE XI. PJ\Y, ADJ1jS1'!n::m$ SEC. 1. Applications of rates: Employees occupying a position in the competitive service shall be paid a salary or wage within the range established for that position's class under the pay plan as provided by Rule V. The minimum rate for the class generally shall apply to employees upon original appointment. However, the appainting authority may, when circumstances warrant it, appoint at other than the first step. Officers and employees re-employed after lay-off shelll receive a rate within the range established for the class and agreed upon by the appointing power and the employee concerned. Transfers shall not affect an employee's salary rate. SEC. 2. Advancement: No salary advancement shall be made so as to exceed the maximum rate established in the pay plan for the class to which the advanced employee's position is allocated. Advancements shall not be automatic but shall depend upon increased service value of an employee to the city as exemplified ~I recommendations of his supervising official, length of service, performance record, special training undertaken, or other pertinent evidence. RULE XII. TRANSFER, PROMOTION, DEMOTION, SUSPENSION AND REINSTATID.ffiNT SEC. 1. Transfer: An employee may be transferred by the City Admin- istrator at any time from one position to another position in the same or comparable class. If the transfer involves a change from the jurisdiction of one supervising official to another, both must consent thereto unless The City Council orders The transfer for purposes of economy or efficiency. Transfer shall not be used to effectuate a promotion, demotion, advancement, or reduction, each of which may ba accomplished only as provided in the personnel ordinance and in these rules. No person shall be transferred to a position for which he does not possess the minimum qualificaTions. SEC. 2. Promotion: Insofar as practicable and consistent with the best interests of the service, all vacancies in the competitive service shall be filled by promoTion from within the competitive service, after a promotional examination has been given and a promotional list eSTablished. If in the opinion of the City Administrator, a vacancy in the position could b~ filled better by an open, competitive examinaTion instead of a closed, promotional examination, the City Administrator may call for applications for the vacancy and arrange for an open, competitive examin- ation and for the preparation and certification of an eligible list. SEC. 3. Demotion: The appointing power may demote an employee whose ability TO perform his required duties falls below standard, or for dis- ciplinary purposes. Upon request of the employee, and with consent of the prospective supervising official, demotion may be made to a vacant position as a substitution for lay-off. No employee shall be demoted to a position for which he does not possess the minimum qualifications. ~qritten notice of the demotion shall be given the employee before or within three days after the effective date of the demotion, and a copy filed with the City AdministraTor. -8- , . " . . ' , SEC. 4. Suspension: The appoin~~no power may cuopand 4ft ~_~~uYQe from his position at any time ~or the good of the service, for a disciplinary purpose, or for other just couse. Suspension without pay sholl not exceed thirty days, nor sholl any employee be penalized by suspension for more than thirty days in any fiscal year. Depctrtment heads mcty suspend 0 sub- ordinate employee for not more than three working days at anyone time, and not more frequently than one each suspension in 0 thirty-day period, for disciplinary purposes only. Suspensions shall be reported immediately to the City Administrator by the appointing power or deportment head. SEC. S. Reinstatement: With the approval of the appointing power, an employee who has resigned with a good record may ~e teinstated within two years to his former position, if VC1caht, or to Q vacant position in the same or comparable closs. REULE XII!. SEr~!ATION FROM THE SERVICE: SEC. l. Discharge: An employee in the competitive service may be discharged at any time by the appointing power. Any employee who has bGen discharged shall be entitled to receive a written statement of the reasons for such actions and to 0 hearing if he so requests, os provided in the personnel ordinance and these rules. SEC. 2. Lay-off: The appointing power may layoff on employee in the competitive service because of material change in duties or organization or shortage of work or funds. SEC. 3. Resignation: An employee wishing to leave the competitive service in good standing sholl file with the supervising official at least two weeks before leaving the service, 0 written resignation stating the effective date and reasons for leaving. The resignation shall be forwarded to the City Administrator with a statement by the department head as to the resigned employee's service performance and other pertinent information concerning the cause for resignation. Failure to comply with this rule shall be entered on the service record of the employee and may be couse for denying future employment by the city. The resignation of an employee who fails to give notice shall be reported to the City Administrator by the department head immediately. RULE )(IV. TRAINING OF miPLOYEES SEC. l. Responsibility for training: Responsibility for developing training programs for employees shall be assumed jointly by the City Council the City Administrator and deportment heads. Such training programs may include lecture courses, demonstrations, assignment of reading matter or such other devices as mQY be available for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and broadening the knowledge of municipal officers and employ- ees in the performance of their respective duties. SEC. 2. Credit for trQining: Participation in,and successful com- pletion of special training courses may be considered in making advancements and promotions. Evidence of such Qctivity shall be filed by the employee with the City Administrator. RULE XV. REPORTS AND RECORDS 5'EC. l. Roster cards: The City AdministrQtor shall maintain 0 servicf or roster card for each employee in the service of the city showing the nQm€ title of position held, the depQrtment to which assigned, salary, changes ir employment status, and such other information as may be considered pertinen' SEC. 2. Change-of-status report: Every appointment, transfer, promotion, demotion, chQnge of salary rote, and any other temporary or per- manent change in status of employees sholl be reported to the City Adminis- trator in such manner as may be prescribed by these rules and regulations. ' SEC. 3. Destruction of records: Roster and PQyroll records sholl be kept permanently. All other records relating to personnel, including cor- respondence, applications, examinQtions and reports may be destroyed after one year. Any temporary record may be destroyed at any time by the City Administrator with the consent of the City Council and the City Attorney. RULE XV!. COOPERATION SEC. 1. Cooperation of municipal officers and employees: Every officE and employee of the City of Arroyo Grande shall cooperate with the City Administrator in order completely to fulfill the objectives and purposes of the personnel ordinance and these rules. ----_.~-- - --9._. -