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C1W>IJIIIS 1'0 ADBX CUw. ua.ua.uxTID 'tb1IroRY
1. That the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, for the ra..OI\s herainafter
_....ed, proposes to initiate 011 ip own lI01:iOl1, as seon as it can la,ally do so,
proceedings to annex to the City of Arroyo Grande all of the territory hereinafter
described, as uninhabited territory, under promicl1s of the .....xat.iOll. of Uninhabited
!erritory.kll of 1939 as set forth in sections 35300 to 35325, inclusive, of the
Government Code of theSU1:e of California.
2. That the Council's reaS0l18 for proposing to init1a1:e said aaaaxatiOl\ proceedings
are as follows: The annexation of the hareinafter described territory will contribute
to the orderly growth of the City, provide the proper cont;rol of su_t layout.
drainage, sanitary sewer design, Del insv.re the proper I1se of 1_ in cGGforai1:y with the
over-all zoning plan of the city.
3. That the territory which the council propos.. to annex is uraby U.....t1fied as
"Corbatt Canyon Ho, 1" and "Prinze !toad .0. 1" oU\d consists of all tJI.at real property
situate in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of CalifornJ.a, described .. follows:
" -
I "
4. That the City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande is hare-by directed to file
with the Boundary Commission of the County of SIIJ1 Luis Obispo, Sute of Qalifornia,
these proposals to initiate proceedings to anaax the hereinabove d-.cribed ,~i~h.bited
territory to the City of Arroyo Qrude, and to requeat a report by .. C~1asion all
provided for in Section 35002 of the Gove~1: Code.
On motion of Councibum Jacoba, seconded by CouncillUlJl. -'11 and by
the following roll call vote, to-wit;
Amsl Council_ Wood, Mdleil, Jacoba and Ha;Yor av.rt
NOBS; None
the foregoing :Resolution was adopted this 24th day of septellber, 1963.
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ATrEST~ J~/~
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I, POLLY S. )flU.G, City Cl-erk of the City of Arroyo Gr_de,county
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do ....by certify iAat ... foregoing
Resolution No. 594 is a true, full and correct cOpy of said .e..1_t1on pas.ed and
adopted by the City Council of the C1ty of Arrayo Grude at a re&111ar _ting of said
Council on the 2q.th day of September, 1963.
wr'Il'ESs my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this 25th day of September, 1963.
- -
All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, in the County of San
Luis Obispo, State of California, included within the exterior bolBldary described
as follows:
Beginning at Stake V4 at the 1II08't Westerly comer of Lot 3 of the Vachell Tract
according to the map thereof recorded July 19, 1888 in the office of the County
Recorder; thence South 55. 30' East along the Southerly line of said Vachell Tract
and the Southeasterly prolongation thereof a distance of 630.18 feet more or less
to a point on the Southerly line of the abandoned Pac~ic Coast Rsilroad right
of way: thence Northeasterly along said Southerly right of way line to its inter-
section with the Northerly right of way line of COlBlty Road No. 10; thence North-
easterly along said Northerly right of way line to its intersection with the South-
easterly line of Lot C of the Felts and Roux Tract, according to the map thereof
recorded January 29, 1889 in the Office of the County Recorder; thence South 380
45' West along said Southeasterly line a distence of 30.65 feet to Stake B2 at the
Southwesterly corner of the property conveyed Mrs. A.D. Brooks by deed recorded
April 16, 1891 in Volume 12 of Deeds at page 59, records of said County: thence
North 660 West along the Southerly line of the property so conveyed a d1stance of
400.224 feet to the Northeasterly corner of parcel one of the property conveyed
V. W. Stephens et ux by deed recorded JlBle 6, 1952 ,in Volume 660 at page 402 of
Official Records of said County: thence South 260 13' 30" West along the Easterly
line of the property so conveyed a distence of 293.964 feet to the Southeasterly
comer thereof: thence North 660 We.t along the Southerly line of the property so
conveyed a d1stance of 99.99 feet to the Southwesterly corner thereof and a point
on the Easterly line of the property conveyed R.W. Hooper at ux by deed recorded
July 19, 1962 in \folume 1192 at page 582 of Official Records of said County; thence
South 260 13' 30" West along the Easterly line of the property so conveyed a
distance of 103.488 feet to stake G3; thence South 370 15' West along the Easterly
line of the property so conveyed a distance of 244.86 feet to the Southeasterly
corner thereof: thence North 600 30' West along the Southerly line of the property
so conveyed II distance of 363 feet"t.o the Southwesterly corner thereof at a point
on the Southeasterly right of way line of County Road No.4; thence Southwesterly
and Southeasterly along said right of wffy line to its intersection with the South-
easterly line of Lot 23 of said vachell Tract; thence South 280 West along the
Southerly line of said Lot 23 and its Southwesterly prolongation II distance of
118.56 feet moQl or less to Stake V5 at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 1 of said
Vachell Tract; thence North 550 30' West along the Northerly line of aaid Vache11
Tuct a distance of 483.78 feet to Stake V8 at the most Northerly corner of Lot 3
of said Vachell Tract; thence South 330 30' West along the Northwesterly line of
said Lot 3 a distance of 238.92 feet to Stake V4 at the most Westerly oorner there-
of and the point of beginning, and including all Lots and Blocks of Subdivisions
located therein, together with all public roads, alleys and rights of way of record.
('-. )
All that land cCllltiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande. in the County of San
Luia Obiapo. State of Califomia, included within the exterior boundary descdbed
as follows:
Bcg1nhing 'ot Stoke &.73 ot the Northwesterly coneS,: of Lot 35 of the Hilliker
and Woodbury Tract, according to the map thereof recorded Pebruary 4, 1889 in the
office of the County Recorder. SlId a point on the Southerly line of Lot 12 of the
Vachell Tract. according to the map thereof recorded .:July I?, 1888 in the offlee of
the COlD1ty Recorder; thence South 550 30' Bast alODl; the Southerly liDe of said
Lot 12 a distance of 473.22 feet to the Southwesterly comer of Lot 11 of said
Vachell Tract; thence North 34. 30' Bast alODl; the Wetterly line of said Lot 11 a
distance of 1302.84 feet to the Northwesterly comer thereof; tbeDce South 55. 30'
East along the Northerly 11na of said Lot 11 a distance of 528.00 feet to the
Northeasterly comer thereof; thence South 52. 45' last alODl; the N~ly line of
Lot 10 of said Vachell Tract a distance of 501.66 feet to the most Northerly comer
of parcel one of the property conveyed H.H. Grant et ux by deed recorded .:June 7.
1957 in volllE 894 at page 451. Offleial Records of said County; thence South 340
30' West alODl; the Welterly line of said parcel one a diatence of 275.00 feet to
a point; thence North 55. 30' West along the Northwesterly line of said parcel one
a distance of 135.00 feet to the moat Welterly comer thereof; thence South 340 30'
West along the Westerly line of said parcel one and the Westerly liDe of parcel two
of the property so conveyed to the Southwelurly corner thereof at II point on the
Southerly line of said Lot 10 and on the Rortherly line of Lot 33 of said Billiker
and Woodbury Tract; thence North 55. 30' West alODl; the Northerly line of said Lot
33 a distance of 20.82 feet t.o the Northeasterly comer of Lot 35 of said Hil11j(er
and Woodbury Tract:; thence South 340 30' West along the Basterly line of said Lot
35 a distance of 595.32 feet to the Southeasterly comer thereof; thence North 550
30' West along the Southerly line of said Lot. 35 a distance of 1246.74 feet to the
Southwesterly corner thereof; thence North 25. IS' last alODl; the Westerly line of
said Lot 35 a distance of 623.70 feet to Stake 1'10.73 at the Northwesterly comer
thereof and the point of beg1nhiDg, and including all Lota and Blocks of Subdivioo
sions locat.ed therein, together with all pub11c roads, alleys and rilbts of way of