R 0594 .. " ~ j RESOLUTION NV.... RESOLUTION OF THF CITY COUNCIL OF' THE , CITY 0;;' ' Ar;U?TING ANC S~T FUR EX?l'NDITURE OF ,FUNr:SALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUN!: TC CITIES "WHEREAS, a Master Al.lreement for the BudgOilt1ng and Expenditure of'l'unds Allocated fl'om t\1e state Highway Fund to, Citiell hall . been entered into by t~ City of AI,"T ~' , hereinafter referred to 8S the city, an t eate Depar~ent o~ Public Works, Division of H1~hway$. hereinafter referred to as tile department; and, " , " ','" an ....... WHEREAS, the city council has prepared _ project statement IIhowin~ e8timated.exp~pd1turell of such fundll recommended to be made during the 19l~-" fiscal year; and, I -...- WHEREAS, tile city council has heard read said pl'oject stAtement and 1s familiar with tile contents thereof; " , , >J;HEREFOR11:, be 1'1; resolved by the city counclJ. of the " 'CitYO~ " that sa1dproject ste.tement ,dated >. , i-':, be and is hereby adopted as the 'bu lZe ,0 propose expend1 tures of the gas tax allocation 'to, c1 ties, 'said project stetement be and the sal1le is hereby : approved and the D1_~1' .f ~U. _na is directed to sign .' " tTi tle of autllorl,zed oft'ic1 A.l} tile same on behalf of said City, and said project statement to .' be submitted to ,the Department of Public works, State of C811forni8~d"':' ; 1n accordance wit~ the provisions of Section 197 of the Streets : and H1~hw8YS Code. . ' ' APPROVED AND SUPMI'l"l'ED this _ day of I JI -.;rr ,1cfJI . 4~~'o~"I- - A"..t, ~. "~ ~, " .' _'. " y er t e y 0 , ' , d " ,I hereby certify tllat. the fore~olnp; , resolutinn,JJM.i" ilitlrd : reC':ulerly passed by the c1 ty councU..Qf~ttl.e~j:;J.tt",of ~.- , j at 8. regular meeting thereof held ~-" ,~'. ' ~{~'~~:JI J ! (A:'?IX '~lTY SEAL) Form !'.C-q (2-62) : j i'ROPOSED IMPROVEMENT MAJOR CITY STREETS (Use separato she-e. (or each proioct) ~ nQVO &ynde ( 'l DESCRIPTION Name of SIreel H",lcynn Road Beginning and end of proposed work Fair Oaks Ave. to Faeh St. Length In Mlle. 0.65 The prapo.ed work can.,.t. of Grading, placing base, paving and construction (Gradi,." pavin,. canstrueting cur"s IIrIfI ,at,.... a'o.) of 'Drainage. facilities, including curb & gutter and A.C. Dike And 10101 ..tlmaled co,' I. $ 100. 000.00 . Including engineering, TRAFFIC E.II_ed hourly Irafflc volume approaching Inle..ectlan. will not exceed capacity 0' propo.... .treet for current traffic and for tralllc t... yea.. hence, (Ref,: DIYlslon of Highway. Circular ,le"er No. 58.42) (YES) (NO) If NO, a"planall... given on Page 4. RIGHT OF WAY E.,lmoled ca.t $ No cost , To be acqulrod by (City) (SIM), Pre.ent width 50 feel, Praposod width 80 'oot, (Grand Ave. South) T alai width proylded by .el.backs ~ It, (presont). __-=-_ft, (proposed) CONSTRUCTION E.tlmoted ca.t $ 100,000 (Including ongl ncerlng), Supervl.lon of c",slructlan and construction onglne.ring, (City) ~). , Supervl.lon of preliminary anglneerlng, (City) ffit-<m) GEOMETRIC SECTION _.. (R.f.I Topic 4.01 City and CoaperallYo projects Manual 0' In,'ruction.) " POSSIBL!! FUTURE . EXISTING PROPOSED DI!VI!LOPMI!NT Number and width of traffic lanas 2-10' 2-12' 4-12' None Width of curb parking Lt. I RI, Lt, Rt. Lt. Rt. lane. 0 I 0 8' 8' Median Widlh Width of curb all..et. , Width of turning Lt Rt. Lt. I Rt. lan.s I T 0101 width between uterlor curb. 0 40' 64' Reasons for Ie.. than da.irable widlhs oxplainod on page 4, STRUCTURAL SECTION' PROPOSED EXISTING (Tenla.I.,.) Pavement thickness and typo BS 2" AC Native soil 5" AB Bas. Ihlckn.ss and type .Typos~ as - bituminous scol, AI3 - o:;3.rC!)"1te bo'ic, RMAS- rood, mix asphaltic sur'ace AC- .osphaltic ccncrctc, AS - o'J'Jr~';lJtc suL.b'1:'c pce - Portland cement concrefe Oth., CTO - cemeut trQotod bose ---_._-_._-- -~- ----...-- - SOURCE OF FUNDS I , , , , I RIGHT Of W",V COHSTRUCTIOH" TOTAL I Stete Allocated , (518#) 'Funds 21,898.12- 21,898.12 CIf, Fund. , 78,101.88 78, 101. 88 Count}' Fund. Stat. Hlghw.., s..i/g.t Fvncls " , ,Ot~o,Fund. " " , " , ' , , PNvlo...l, Budgeted " , Additional Funds te .. Bu.ted , . .~.- ' , TOTAL 100,000 100,000 , - .,ncludes....".I..., ..... cOll,tractlon angl"oo,lng, -c- IVw . <k ~ rS'+12' ~~'121 t- 12'~t 8" Std. City Curb 2" Ac I. I 5"AB 20' + 32'~ I 30' .I~ 40' Faeh to Grand . Grand to Fair Oaks Ave. PROPOSED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION (For u.e where applicable) (Show .tnIclurcil .ectio" and geamatri,': detail s) Additl_I Remar/cs: (exploln speclol financing. bo.ls 01 funcl pfopo.tioning. reasons for In. than de."...... width. and thiel(n.s..., special cons'ruc'io~' features, etc.) -4_ -.....--- ,_. MAiN,lENA'iCE . (Permlssl..e maintenance defined in Secllon 27 (a), (b) and (c) of Stre.ts and Highways Code, os amended 19S9) By City A_. , $ 7,540.00 General maintenance By Stat. (per tIIOllltenance tIII_t) AMount (Slgnols) (lIvbtlng) (51..-> (Strlp)ng) (Other) (Slrlke out IM"",prlo" I.....) 'Total MoIntenonce DescrlpHon of _k and locotlons: OTHER Atno.nt Anendonce at I. T. T. E. (t:'erobl~ budgo..d with tlon 2 07,5 funds) REMARKS CaAcel project 35. Valley Road to prov1~e funds tor project .. . . . - . on HAlc:ycl'l Road , - - ' .2. PJQjt'Ct Statement Pfo. .fnr the,ll$cal tear ending , 4 Jllllr )(1, 19 _, . . ~ Dale .19 !IT;' TE "IGliVlA Y ENGINEER S.cr.mrnlo, California (TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH DISTRtCT ENGINEER) E.R. Foley District ~",;IH!t.'r AIIdress 50 Higue,:a St., S;;>n Luis Obispo, Ca li f- The City of Arroyo Grande hereby Slllg'~' , I~~ budget ",oposal for expenditure of funds allocated from ,the Stat!!, "Igbway.,.... ~ cl~es....t!'l' the I 19 _, - _ fiscal year. All work accomplished by this budget shall be ~ under the tenns of the.1ISter agree- , .....,nt covering the budgeting and expenditure of these IuniI$ ase..ecutedon ,~ay12. 1961 ,," . I ' , " (~) I , , SUMMARY OF FUNDS BUDGETED FOR ,EXP-Et!DITUR,E . I --..-... --~. I So...c. of Fund. Moint!'nano:lt O.lw Rig!., of Way Con.tructlon . I Stat. ..lIocot.d (5/Of) funds, 7,540.00 21 Eo S 12 " ,-, ---- Stat. H;g"_y Budget Fund. Clt)' Fu..d. 78,101, '..:'; r---'--- Other Fund. ~ --,.._------~,j- - ------.-. - .-- Totol 7,540.00 100 con 00 (See following pages for detallsl . Includes preliminary and construction engineering. SUMMARY OF STATE ALLOCATED (518~) FUNDS AVAILABLE.. Accrued to June 30, 1)63 S i! . 12 Estimated to accrue to ,Tune 30, 1964 20 520 00 APPROVAL REC~NENDED Total funds available 29 L1.3" 12 DISTRltr ENGR. DISTRICT V S /' .-. --.---------..-----------..--.------ f'1..n.. .r~r";..ntionw dnd ...'imatn. 0' C:O!l.t for .oc:t-. c:on- ':....Iin.. N ,;",p,o""lI'M"n' p,oie-c. will I-".':,ubrnilled in: ,>,ch..I,.".... _i.11 S,.c'ien 1990' ,),.. SI'O~'5 nnd Highwo)'" (' .,,'.- r" i", tn, ~.f,,;e_,.i~"?~~'~~~~..~r ;n.~n:~.~ .~.~ ~~y "I~~_~r: _I . . /. "...1, .,.r.,.,.,;;u,' Pll?~ il -- ,""... ..,.."..,.....,.c/..., (I)'