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R 0578
Ir-~'''''''~- "-''-' 'T~' "...... I r"" .--, ; ". . c.,.., ~' ,$ '1 om 101,' N' 578 " , .~ U IV l ~ o. ...~ '. _', ',_ ,.:.-,:~.."..... . " RESOLU".':lCiN ,iF' '1'1,1:; I;ITY COUNC!TJ,QF ~l'HE ", Cl'~",: OF AMarO ORANrC, '.i,( ".',.'" .. ADOPTING BUOOET FOR EXPENDITURE OF' , FUNDS. ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY 'FtIND TO CITIES , , ~ .I J """, .........,.,.. . .. . . , . '. ."'. ':,' . ~" -'::,':' ;)41-':":':_':" -; /'<:':'::~~~~:::"~'" . ' ; #",Wl!Jl'EASt a ma,ster agreement has beehexccutedbytfle CIty .. of ro O~de,~" . ' , here.1nafterreferred to as . the city, and the '$~ate Department' of PUblic Workst.Dlvision ,ot " H1gt!way,sj hereinafter 1'j!ferred to as the departmentj'i;on ,- , '," PII.112, ' i, 1961, for expend1 ture of state allocated '....-d... '': d 1'-, ~~' s j ,ah. . : '. " .-;"", " , _ .', ." .' .' ,'0 ", .'.' ,;:'" ,,'-:::-, _:....1".'...:.:, _,-':'," , , " , WHE~S" a. pJ:jOJect statement' has been prepa,red,'.atid was It " ,'sublll1tted 'to,. the.~paMment, ,on J..trr II"" ".;;;.f'1963. showing , ::~ ' the' e,st1Jllj~ed, ., '~, ~d,' , ',',., d,l tt.t", rea 'dr, "",UCh tun, '"d8,'':",t'e,'''C".,O"." _"",',',e, 'ridt"",'"",."',',',d""',,,.,,,,',WDe, ',,',", ,'," ,.,..,11e",, ' ,'" ',' during the 196~_~.tisCal ;rear; and" ..,.ii'. .,1'1:./ ' . ";' ''-WEimAi~'.;';;~dt~t::app'X:Ov~d' 'b1'~trie depa~liIeni~~~..~' ~9, . 196, 'has been ,Pl'e'sented .to ,the city council Inaco,or'dancE! with '" , tJ:1e proJ~ct statement s,~~m1tted by the city; 8"d,;, ' , WHEREAS, the cIty councU has, heard read sa1dbudget, as 8,pproved by 1;he. department, and is fam1liar with ,tlTe contents"". thereof;, 'Ai.."",',," I , . - ". .. ,I.. ""0;;;:''', ' ~ Ttm:REFORE,' be it"resolved by the c1ty counou'ot ~he :,CIty of ' Au-OlO' GNftde " that said budget be and is ' hereby lidopted ss the budget of 'exp,pndUuresrecommended to be made from such funds during the 19 b3 - 64!f18cal year.' , . ..' " '" ' , . .' ~ - ,.'!>;+>,i~\~:~~\~,~~1:~',,':"'..:,l";"'\_. ..: :' AOOP;rBD this, 21* day nfllnch ., . ,};il,il?iL6.3_. '.' . " ..' . ' . ',A. . "",.,.., "" ."'..,0'...,',. ;,;",',M4yorof,theCj,tyof.Arrrqo al'Ude -- ; '" ...' " .' " :'~ ,I; :: -/;.}.:; ~"" _'~ ~~ ~'::,,~ r'~' .i. ~,'~. ::'-,:/"' ';:"";.;',}",. ':~. :":~. '~:"',:,:';'.';,:' ";\:,~' ~,~i~',.. . ,', ,'_ _:' . ., . '~'> '., 'Attes~:' ~~, ~ ~bLa"'ft' '," ,....,.:,' ,':', ')\!' ", ,City C e, of e City orA..~o 01'alldt;) ., i'."'/: . . ,," I . ,.... .. '. '~$,' - '.':. ..... . "i . ...."!t,, ;.,:i .' " "',JiII' " . . "'.. ,.'- ..........1... .....'<'.:.-....- .....-..:'-'i(. .,: I hereby certify that the foregoing .reso1ution 'waS",d1.ily, r: '~'i'" and, re~la\'1.Y pasledby.. the oity .c()uno,"1ot" the C1Ji&~'i~111'01.}' , . Grano. ' at 4.regular meeting tnereot he1d )4!"" '0',,1963. . '. ,...... . ....~~~C?l.~~r'.#.Jt. I ' ' 'i': " "",," " c-:;; .~~ J. ' ,~'t:':~-!" , ' , ' , ' , " ?,ii~;1~f:l~;::~)';:\ . ,Cl~r~,.o,/t;e.,,);~~~rro70 ~randilt ~'i':"" ' .~ . . p ;.f /.~'~Pf~'i'.:.t( i; ,', '. ".. '.f '. _ ,?,.,~;\'":->)' .,'. . ." , ,:~',':;; .':: ':)fi,f' :}:; :; 1":,:,;"~: "i;"',tiX')>;, ,.;,1( ,,' : ,. " I ., t>. ", .~ '. '!; ,"', ' , , , , , ,"." '/" ,';:j> 1.,., !!1 .~f'!>',,!'c'( H" ,.. ..! ,\~.',';_-';. >\_~~::t,.:\/.;.:-:5~:::;~~~.,','i":t~,\;,~~.";...' ;"-d,~;' f ,. , ,","'~ 'q; t~',,"J3'1\.');~f!,~'" '".., '..:'~' .,I~i~r....~'~"':'JO'^f,~., ';"'c',"<" :'l!i t,~h 'J,r,"(~".!~f'!'~ ,,,.,' ."., ~,' .;,"".~.;'?'.ft:.\:;'+t~'r"~;.;,1'!\.,'\ ", ::.' ", ,":' ,",:t.,.1'ht:..!-.-:-'.4','.,'-' . ", '~N':'~).~:.,~.f~~""",-;' 'F'o'rm MC~10 (3'..61)' --..-..--..-