R 0575
WBEREl\S, on ,March 5 LhJ 1963. petition was presented to
tae City of Arroyo Grande requestlng the Counci.l to give its
consent tu .:,be comm,-:mcement of annexation proceedings in conn-
ection with ti,cC. ceJ:'tai,n ,Lnhabited terrltory therein referred to
and generally' descr ,,-bee], ','h cch ,is conti,:ruous to the City of Arroyo
Grande; and
WHEREAS. "aid peti.t,Lon was refe,r=ed to the Plann:'.ng Comm,cfHnon
of the Ci ty 0':: Ar,coyo Grande for investJga'cion, report and. recom-'
mendat.lon; and
WHEREAS. '<-,he Planning Commission rendered its report and
recommendati en 1:0 Lte Council ont.he 12th day of M.arch. 1':163.
favor lng the commencement of annexation proceed,Lnc;'s; and
WHEREAS. ,Lt :.8 the desire of the City Councll to \:Jive L 1:.8 '...~onsent
to the C01!lluencement of such annexat,i,on proceeding!;' upon cond'I:.1.on
that the elec.::or.s wd::Jun said territory be informed at the t1.me thE:
petition for ~nnexation is circulated that the question to be ~ub-
mitted to said electors shall be whether the territory shall lJe
annexed, iind t.ll'~ property in the terrtto:r:y subjected to taxatLOIl
after annexation equally with the property within the City of Arroyo
NOW, THEREFOaE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Arroyo Grande:
1. That consent be and hereby is granted for the commencement
of annexation proceedings in connection with sa:ui inhabiteu t"'Lutory
In accordance with the Annexation Act of 1913, provided the petltlon
for anneXa1:.iC,l contain:;! a request that the question to be submit-tect
to the electors res...ding in the territory proposed to be annexed
shall be whether the territory shall be annexed, and the property
in the territory subjected to taxat10n after annexation equally
w~th property within the City of Arroyo Grande.
2. That said unincorportated territory be and hereby is de-
signated as "NORTH HIGH..Ai 101" and ,LS describea as follows:
attached Exhibit "A".
3. The Ci~y Clerk w~ll certify to the adoption of this
On motion 0r Councilman McNiel, seconded by Councilman Jacobs,
and on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councl.lmen Lee, Wood, McNiel, Jacolas and, Mayor Bur>:
NOES: None
ABSENt': None
the foregoing desolution was adopted this 12th day of March, 19bJ.
~ t/ /1 -L
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/a. f~
AT'l'ESTt~~,\-.' -1./1,",
I, Polly ~. Ml.ller, City Clerk of the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of california, do hereby certify t:hat t.he
foregoing resolution No. 575 is a true, full and correct copy of Si:1"LQ
Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo
Grande at a re~ular meeting of said Council on the 12th day of l~rch, 1963.
WITNESS my hand andehe seal of the City of Arroyo Grande aLLx€,d t,he
13th day of March, 1963.
~ ~'
'~~~ ~~
Ci ty lerk of the C,i.ty of
Arroyo Grande '
'-":11.>' /~"- .-........,
,;,; ...'-:'"7:- ' EXfIIBIT "A"
",' ~, ..".
I ,All that 1.&n4 contilWMU to the, City of Arroyo Granda, in the County
of SanLui. Obi.pO, state of California, included within the exterior'
bounda1"7 daacrikd a. fol1.~w.: . ' .
Be,inninC ~t t~ 1J1tanect1on of the Southerly line of 101 Fronta,.,
Road and the South.riy line of Brisoo Road pn the Ea.terly Oity L1ait. of
the Oity' of Arroyo Granda, thanee fo~lowinl the pr..ent exiat1.Jll en)' LJaita
I line of, th~ C11~y 'o.i'A;rro"o Grande'the following' courees ,and diat:ange. r
thenc.-, S~~h S6~, 50~',~..t. ,57~. 3Q fut I thence Soutt\. ,33- ~O' Ea.t, 328.73
. -, . - "/ ". '. . . . ~........ t. '. .t. ... ~ I ; '.. . _ ' ,
f,et, the~oe South' 5'-, 50' We.t, 681.95 feet, thence, North 33. 10' West,
" :.. !,'..: '. '. I ...., t .' .... ,(.' . ~ ~ . . . . .
328.73 feet, theu~ South 5'.50'We.tr.66.~S feet" thenQe ,)lortf~, 33~ 10'
30" We.t., ,~.OO f.~t, t_~ North 60. ,55' We.t, ,328.73 feat, thence North
, "
5'- 50'" Ea.t, 673.92, feet,. thence North 57. 26' 40" ~eat, UU.57 f.et,
, I'
I thance North .--45' We.t, 100.00 feet,thenca North'3. 25' 30":Ea.t, 200.00 <
i f~et, thanoe North &6- 34'30" W..t, 4oo.QO feet,' th~nce South 3- 25' 30".
W..t,'1l9.~5 feat, theuca,!1orth 57. 48' We.t, 22~.1l feet, thanee S'O\It~
60.' 29' 'w..t a1ei the Southerly lin~ ot Hitlere.t Drive to a point, thenc~
, .
! Nqrth 29- 31' W..t, 50. OOfe,at, thene.. &lon, the Northwa.terly 1.1ne of
, : r " ~ <.. ...' ':. '.,. " , , '. . .
Hillcraat Drift, on - the &1'c of,. curve 1;0 the, taft, with a radiwa of ,,20.00
" , '.' , . ". ' . I. .. . , "
. . - ' ' , I
"~ f..t for,au arc 4t.tanoe .~ 41.30 ~..t to, a pOint on the Sou.tharl;y line of
I " ' ,I '.
; S1.rra"Drh., thq,ee North 51- 48' W..t, 159.34 fe.t, thanee North 32. 12' .
, ,
~' 4 . '" . j , .
, K&.t,398.~7'"fee~, thance North 57- 48' ;W..t, 208.70 f~t, thence South 320
I i2' We.~.. 1,~().S7 ~~.t',tUne. North 57. 4.' W..t~ 440.00, feet, thence North
I 63" 50~49~,,~e.t,'243.10 te.t, thenc..: North 69. 02' 40" We.t, 126.52 feet,
I thence No~h 76- 4" 10" We.t, 105.61 feetl t~ence North '80. 18~' W..t, 85.70
I ' " "
t . feet,theU,~.ort~'."21,Ea.t, 257,'0, feet, thence SOuth. SO' 18' Ea.t,
r ,53.54 feet', tUnce.~rth 9- 42~ ~.t'" 236.9.2 f~e~ to . po~t" 'thanee leaV~ng
r the ..14 QitT U.ita:line of th., Cit)' of Arroyo Grll:uda, eontimd,nc North 9.
142' Eaat, 'to a point on the Souther1y'rilht-of-way line of California U. S.
t " ". .
t Hilhvar101, thanoo _.to\"17 al~ t1\& .aid .outherly r,il\1t-ot'-way line to
[ it. ~ntu:.~ction With' the City Limit ~ine Jf the City of Arro.,. Grander
t, j', '.
I. ,thence 8G11&t~rl)'a1~~id City Liait Lin. to ,the SoUthe~l)' l~. of C.lif-
I .niia' Q'.;,fJ..,H~r._1.01 ~~e ~!1, thep~ We.terly alO1J,1 .aid Southerly .
,."., . ','-, ',' ' , j" I' I
I line ofa.U~ord.t1.-B. Hijbny 101 Frontala Road to it. i.D.~ar..ction with
: I"" ' ' ..
i the S'*t~tar1)' line of 'Bri.co ioad 'and the point of be,1tming, and
I' , , ' ' ' , ,
I, inol".~of~.~ ~k~~~:,I1D.4:'~~of.~u.b4,iv1:.a1on. located thanin, tOlethar with
I , ."'. _ .' .'" ~.". " " '. , ,i' ': .',. ' ; , , .. .
, all p1,JbUCTo&q. '~1t.,..., and. ~t,. of "f of,racor4.' "
, . . '. It'
: . I '
I '
, , I
, ,
~ ,I . . " '.'-
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