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R 0573
.' :. r--.. . => . ~ '. ',: 'JU!:SOwTIoN 110. ", " . ~ -~ ", '- - .' , \' '", ..' . . WHEJ!l!'.AS, fOr the purPoses of' the Aereement tor' coverage, und~r'tbe Old-Age i ' . ., . Suntwrs "ai:d Diseb1J,ity InsU::8.tlce program establ1shed. in Title II 'of the Social .: _" _ ~ . _' " I ' I \t Be~1t7 Act entered .1t:t<? on ~ J . ~' 19-1t, by'" t~e St~te and, ~be , . ~here1na:!'ter designated ~ the' Publ1c ~ ~. -~ Agency, and pursuan,t' ,to ~esolutioT\. No'. ....."ft 'adopted by' the ,i~ ,,' . ..'.,',. '(~) .. -., -l" -'" . .'"" ,";"1) " ottbe said Public Agency 6n . - 1d' , 19_, .. , , ~ J_ '. ' ,. · 1 /.1-..' '. . ".: . .'1 ., . . . 1:>;.::,_ : _,' _ _ _ '''' '_> " _,' _ _ _ ..-.,. _ " , . ,: ,''of said Public AgetlC)" waf! d.esignated as Authorized Agent 'for ,0 ,. I . . . ,'-~~ :;:: _" _, \ _ ',' ,', l"': ;',':' ":i . _ _ '. ' ,', i "" ' the aa1d.,1'ubl1c ~~; and ... ,.., "..';. ' ' "Xi '.,'," " ' ,~;\!\'~~ll~~n~~ desh-ei to, \'est ,the ~~ritY'an4'4~:~ act ail Autho~fzed Agent tor the purposes of said Agree11lCnt in a position of the Pur 10 . ' . . ,', "AgezieYJ ,- , . .' ',-~"r _ -".-~" ; . I I' t . ! 'I < -;--. -, ' \"', -,.'~ . . .. ,', ." ',i . { , lfOW, :i:~!tE' ~,!T~OLVED, That etf~t1Ve rt\>t.>iah~"2Hh' ; 1\...1 the '~ut.hori~ and duty ~~c:~ '~~' Autho~1zed Ag~~~o1': the pUbi~'c~;;''c; ;~ci.~; s.1d ~\~- , , ',,' , ' .,', . , ' ' \\ ',' . . ," .' .....< . . '. .' '. - \ !!lent andl1'll 't..men&nents ther'~to is hcreDyVltsted in ,the positiOn, of ~' '. ... " " ' , ' T' of. ., . . '" ' . \ \ , ' ' Clerk ,01' th4' '. ... ...., ~" .\ \ ~Posltion) , . ,( ~f' c I\genc;y)' : ; " . ,\ t : BE IT ri.mTImR RE30~vED, That the powers ,and 'duties or I!~id Author1zedAgent, , " , ' , ' ; " \ shall be those conten'e4 b:Y 1!esolution No: M"" of " , , 19. r>l!~1' 16 ~ , ..,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ .' - _ - - ," , , , IT IS HEREBY CERTIF:ED That the foregoing Resolution was duJy introduced. and . . ,,\ ,,', " ""-" . ..' .... " re~ly, adOpted ate meetinG O!tbe rlt,' r...."'(O II' of the'. ',' ". . " fo'--',' . . \ C1~ tJl1rQ;~' oi'~d';" , ',' I' 'hel':ian ;thf! . 'At"':" ~!)t'~.\I".!.y' , , , ' '. ~. " I~ , .; ,'. . , . ; ,,-t.. . "1--' " , ,\ ," , ." ! . ~ ;w.-....,.... . .~ ,. " :' "., ~ t.o /'" (, . , " (j;;)f ,," ?:?z. .. ( By . ~~~~ .c:<~--(' J :.../~bL/ (, ":O:",t'", /.' :." '_, " CltyC,.,,,1. " '" 'j' I. , I . ,',;(Ti:\:-le ' ,:;,;<,/,,".;I~~ '.:, .;,.~'._,.. !;'" . ... . '" ',. ,"r'f:~~:'::'",,~"\"d<^">',...:'."~'-,":::,;: ,..:;:.." '. Ret.' OASDIt)2, 'Rev.1 (4-62) ATJm~^GEN'1;D~IGNII.TJ:Otf 100 I ,.'. j'