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R 0572
I ;.~,,," ..~_. ~,--""w_r "__,,,,_ ,_ ,._..-:"........~--....._y_._ I '. , , ,,,", f', .-.... ~....;; '0.,. ",..~" I."" . ....'.". .. ,.".,....!~ "., 1-) . ,""'~.. ,.', ,', ':',,'" ..:.:"";.".' <:', ,.."':~,"""',,:, f' ;:::'.~,'c:;:~;:...,.<~:.~'..",,':' ". .w . l, , '~NO. 572 . I' . ,".. I . " .\: .~ .~.:,~,~A,','",.,,:.': -,:"",,- " ',' .. _ ... '. _":'" .. ",' , .' ;"'-".. ".' ~ ,(Autb,or1i:lng 1Uld. DireCting the' A1.tthot:1zed. Agent ' to "'", , ,,' , ' ExecuteAm~nt to Old.-Age, Survivor., and. D1sabWty , , ~uranee ~1!I!Ient; with the State ot Cel11'ornia) ,: ".' I ......:.. , '. .;.;....!\ 4 . ,',-. .. .(., ", 1\, '".,' .. I . ,.... .. .. I ,. '. . ',,'~:.., _.. ~ ...... ,...... .. ...' . I~ . .........,1.' '., ,t~;."'\J./';".,\. ..~.. 1"..,,;(,. .,.....,.........I....,..}..,... .. ._.i.p",_.,,) .\:",," ." ';".. ... t." " :. , "',.. .... 'i"',I. ..,.. '\. 'i~" (: -,J ,. J ',' '. ,. . '; ,', , WHBJizAsj,8n e~t was approved' on, beltsif' ot the State 'ot California ^):;'''''~k: .:1J:,:",~L" '". ;". ~.:',,"~; '1"(-";"" _::\~ .'<~: ' ':', '>i. ~ .,' <\'-,:": ;):,.:' -,. ' ,-<;,>,,~,,">,'I ;.< ;,.> ~,>,:;:.,y ',"0" .,', , ,,' "'_', , ,,! r!;oe",l#;{; '" '~~{b)5W~'19"'/'~41fta"fti''''&'_UrlioD:'W.~~;bOi..,,*''' r:" y."i'"", '",',' .,"', i" "';'; ',' , ,',',' ,',,' ',', , ,}erou:PI.ottlt.~".~.;, ~",,;' "1nthe :'~'::":T ::,'.',; " , '\"'::: .,.", _"," ", .<' .,:' ,'" _.,:'.,:'.;' CaiitornisState: Social Security Agtoeement; and. " I",: 'to: ' , ' . 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" ' ~dr~lf a~ed..t, a ~~ltitJl jut~1ftSot tb~ dib"C_U ' ot the ' , Cit, tlfArN,o OUn.s. held on the 28th , day ot 'ebN_ry , 196..!.., by the tOllOW'iJ:lS vote: I , .~ ~ , .' f 4 ~ , , . t , 1 AYEs:' councU_'~.Wood.Hctiei~. 'Jiteobl.clMayor Burt ,',' I . . , .' , . ,-' : ,,'. "'~,. ", < I ~~ . . , I : .' :". . . ,,!R:jp,s:," :U'ctn. ,~..... "'j I~ ,. >1 '1 ...........r\'.~ ,'~,. '.. .r . ;-;"'~ !. :.: ,',' ,~ ':-,:' .,~..",-o:..,'".,.". _ '. ..}~ , Abllel1t;rr..' ';,'),:;,':',:"t'.,.!' ",': "'1" .' ," I ,. ., I f _ .. ., _ ',...,'.;'."'.-,".. " ..' '... ".' ,".... ' ." fO ,.;" 1. 1.'jf""r; "'. .-,"......j.,,',,',I~''',',' ',',.",.,'<.."~' ,,""1 '.....:>' ' , .. " "," ,,' '~"., , ' " ',' . ....., '," ",'", , . ' ' '" -' ......i, -;' ...., .. "','..' ," ',," .', '. ". . '.' . . . ....", ',,' ' ',' " ",U' .' Bi~' '. '. I ,:.;;h........ ~. I _,:':.'...~";/i\.'"..;.,;<,.,.!," ,/,./,::,;,:-:,,:,::),,-j,' -'.."-;:rj'""",,, ,.;,. 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