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R 0569
RESOLU'rION NO. 569 RESOLU'rION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 'CITY OF .ARROYO GRANDE ENGAGING THE FIRM OF JENKS AND ADAMSON TO RENDER ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED SEWER BOND ISSUE. BE I'r RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Gltmlde as follows: That the firm of Jenks and Adamson, Consulting Sanitary and civil Engineers, of Palo Alto, California, hereby are employed to render engineering services for the City of Arroyo Grande in ~onnection with and in accordance with the application for Federal Advance For Public Works Planning submitted to the Housing and Rome Finance Agency, pursuant to the terms, conditions and provisions of the letter of said engineering firm dated November 28, 1962, addressed to the mayors and city councils of the cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover City, a copy of which letter is att~ched hereto and by reference made a part hereof. '!'he cOIll~nsation for said services shall be as therein set forth. On motion of Councilman JaCobs, .seconded by Council\l1SIl Lee and ~ the following roll call vote. t~it: AYES: Councillllen Lee, Wood, McNe:!.l, Jacobs and Mayor Burt NOM: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolu~on was adopted tbia 26th day of February, 1963. .x1~ tZ IJ~ MAYO ATTEST: ~~J ~/~A/ CITY C I hereby certify the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 569 , adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande st a regular lIleeting therof held on the 26th day of February, 1963. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed the 28th day of February, 1963. (Seal) I~~-' , <-'."-""... '~".'" , ~. . .--- """" ,:;,..-.,~ , ~ . ~JENI<S & ADAMSON CONSU'LTINO SANITARY AND CIVIL I!NGINI!.!IU MA"'" N. JINMI II..'....!!! .VIIO'" ."UIT JOHN M. J tN_. .....LO ALTO CALI'OllPNIA .au\,. L. ADAMIION T.l...."'''..' '''',,07'7, 1I11,"t!70 ~b~__I~rlt. 1962 to n. HO'lIlIriJlh . U4~... ... ettr c..cU. CW.... M'If#(o Or.... *""" C.h~~.1 City . sa lAb OW....C. 111,. C~.fot1l&& , Oad__, , , , . <- .. ...... ',- ..,' .. ,,- ,. ,-'! , A. __rt.Md .,..,.. ~ 'l'eoriou ,,'u\W "'1'0Ml\4. t~ M6 City, c::..eu.. ... .... .... pnMI...a1...wUJ.a 4Ma1', m-IJu mil p1'eU."""" ""pel a 1'..,s...a kwap h.,..1II "".Mm..nina htt"- Cft\o. aftIt,c'" II.... c:. 1,..... 1M............. eMljlrJ.u.,Ote.-. Duituy a."riet. TId. _I'k i. ..... .... ia ......... witt. tb ...,.uud... _ F.....t .un.. ...... ~. WO. JII.aIW... ,",,--,tttMt .. tM Heufq .1WJ J-f~. rs.u.c. At..,. I "'1' ~~rlty.f PllWl.c tAIlor 561). .~,M May:n~ ('61, tIW 'obit r.-."-".,,..- tn.m dat.. ~~I' 17.' It'll aM .IU!.....~it cl tlu, :,nl.1t' c{fn t\oy CowacQ 11.Il101-* No. 16 ".1' tM.... elf JGI~ U. 1'6~. i I ~ a p,.........&tAt ., aut ..,."nwal p4 ....ul...1t\~ 01 tMMtbor&Md 1".1'&1 :~. PI......I"IIr.,b. 1t 1. ..envy "" }:<1\.,fI a inroe.1. ~Htft;l\ acJttNM.nt tn -.lftMriq ..rmu. 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